BARBADOS 1912 onwards and miscellaneous

Return To Catalogue - Barbados 1852-1891 - Barbados 1892-1911

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

For issues of Barbados before 1912 click here.


1912 King George and seal

  1/4 p brown
  1/2 p green
  1 p red
  2 p grey
  2 1/2 p blue

Slightly different design

  3 p lilac on yellow
  4 p black and red on yellow
  6 p lilac and violet

Larger size

  1 Sh black on green
  2 Sh lilac and blue on blue
  3 Sh green and lilac

Surcharged 'WAR TAX'
  1 p red

For the specialist: These stamps have watermark 'Multiple CA crown' and are perforated 14.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1/4 p * *  
1/2 p * c  
1 p ** c  
2 p *** ***  
2 1/2 p *** **  
3 p *** ***  
4 p *** ***  
6 p *** ***  
1 Sh R R  
2 Sh RR RR  
3 Sh RR RR  

War Tax overprint

1 p c c  

Fiscal stamps, postage stamps overprinted 'REVENUE', 'Revenue' (apparently with and without '.' behind the word 'Revenue'), 'REVENUE ONLY' or 'Revenue Only', example:

'REVENUE' overprint

'Revenue One Penny' normal stamp (left) and two errors 'On e' and 'Penvy', (second 'n' in 'Penny' inverted variety)

1 p with blue 'Revenue' overprint

Without stop behind 'Revenue'

'Revenue only' and 'REVENUE ONLY' overprints


The overprint 'Revenue' (small characters) exists on the values 1 p red (overprint black or blue), 2 p grey (overprint red), 3 p lilac on yellow, 4 d black and red on yellow (overprint gold or brown), 6 p lilac and violet, 1 Sh black on green (overprint red), 2 Sh lilac and blue on blue (overprint red) and 3 Sh green and violet (overprint red). Several surcharges exist. Another overprint 'REVENUE' (large characters) exists on the values 1 p violet, 2 p grey, 3 p lilac on yellow and 4 p black and red on yellow (overprint gold). The 'REVENUE ONLY' overprint only exists on a stamps 2 Sh on 3 Sh green and violet. The overprint 'Revenue Only' exist on the 2 p grey.


1916 Arms of the colony in a circle, so-called 'large chariot issue'

2 Sh violet on blue

  1/4 p brown 
  1/2 p green 
  1 p red
  2 1/2 p blue
  3 p violet on yellow
  4 p red on yellow
  4 p red and black (1917)
  6 p lilac
  1 Sh black on green
  2 Sh violet on blue
  3 Sh violet
  3 Sh violet and green (1917)

For the specialist: These stamps have watermark 'Multiple CA crown' and are perforated 14.

These stamps have been re-issued in smaller sizes in 1921:

Smaller sizes (1921)

  1/4 p brown
  1/2 p green
  1 p red
  2 p grey 
  2 1/2 p blue
  3 p violet on yellow
  4 p red on yellow
  6 p lilac
  1 Sh black on green
  2 Sh violet on blue
  3 Sh violet

Again a similar type, but now with inscription 'POSTAGE AND REVENUE' on top was issued in 1925 (intermediate size):

  1/4 p brown
  1/2 p green
  1 p red
  1 1/2 p orange
  2 p grey
  2 1/2 p blue
  3 p lilac on yellow
  4 p red on yellow
  6 p lilac
  1 Sh black on green
  2 Sh violet on blue
  2 Sh 6 p red on blue
  3 Sh violet

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
Large sizes, watermark 'Multiple CA crown' (1916 onwards)
1/4 p c vc  
1/2 p c vc  
1 p c vc  
2 p * *  
2 1/2 p * *  
3 p * *  
4 p red on yellow * *  
4 p red and black * *  
6 p * *  
1 Sh ** **  
2 Sh *** ***  
3 Sh violet R R  
3 Sh violet and green *** ***  
Small sizes, watermark 'Multiple CA crown' (1921)
3 p * *  
4 p red on yellow * *  
1 Sh * *  
Small sizes, watermark 'Multiple Script CA crown' (1921)
1/4 p vc vc  
1/2 p vc vc  
1 p c vc  
2 p * c  
2 1/2 p * *  
6 p * *  
1 Sh *** ***  
2 Sh ** **  
3 Sh violet *** ***  
With 'POSTAGE & REVENUE', watermark 'Multiple Script CA crown' (1925)
1/4 p vc vc  
1/2 p c vc  
1 p c vc  
1 1/2 p c c  
2 p c c  
2 1/2 p c c  
3 p c c  
4 p c c  
6 p * *  
1 Sh * *  
2 Sh ** **  
2 Sh 6 p ** **  
6 Sh ** **  

1947 3 p blue

Even later (1938 onwards), a similar design was issued again, 
but with 'POSTAGE & REVENUE' removed in the values: 
  1/2 p green (1938)
  1/2 p brown (1942)
  1 p red (1938)
  1 p green (1942)
  1 1/2 p orange (1938)
  2 p red (1941)
  2 1/2 p blue (1938)
  3 p brown (1938)
  3 p blue (1947)
  4 p black (1938)
  6 p violet (1938)
  8 p lilac (1946)
  1 Sh olive
  2 Sh 6 p brown (1938)
  5 Sh blue (1941)

  'ONE PENNY' in two lines on 2 p red (1947) 


1920 Commemoration of the Victory

  1/4 p brown and black
  1/2 p green and black
  1 p red and black
  2 p grey and black
  2 1/2 p blue (2 shades)
  3 p lilac and black
  4 p green and black
  6 p yellow and black

Different design
  1 Sh green and black
  2 Sh brown and black
  3 Sh orange and black

For the specialist: These stamps have watermark 'Multiple CA crown' and are perforated 14. The 1 p was also issued with watermark 'Multiple Script CA crown' in 1921.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1/4 p c c  
1/2 p * *  
1 p * c  
2 p ** **  
2 1/2 p *** ***  
3 p *** ***  
4 p *** ***  
6 p *** ***  
1 Sh *** ***  
2 Sh R R  
3 Sh R R  


1927 A commemorative stamp was issued with the images of Kings Charles I and George V

1 p red


1935 25th reign of King George V, view of Windsor Castle

For stamps in the same design, but for another British colony, click here

The values 1 p red and blue, 1 1/2 p olive and blue, 2 1/2 p blue and brown and 1 Sh lilac and black were issued.

1937 Coronation issue King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, inscription '12. May 1937'

For stamps in the same design, but for another British colony, click here

The values 1 p red, 1 1/2 p brown and 2 1/2 p blue were issued.


1939 Tercentenary of General Assembly '1639 1939'

  1/2 p green
  1 p red
  1 1/2 p orange
  2 1/2 p blue
  3 p brown


1946 Victory issue, identical to sets issued in many other British colonies, inscription '8th JUNE 1946'

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  1 1/2 p orange
  3 p brown 


1949 Royal Silver wedding, identical to sets issued in many other British colonies, inscription '1923-1948', image of King and Queen

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  1 1/2 p orange (smaller size)
  5 Sh grey 


1949 UPU issue

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  1 1/2 p orange
  3 p blue
  4 p grey
  1 Sh olive


1950 Various designs with King George VI (except 2$40)

1 c grey, 2 c green, 4 c red, 3 c grey and brown, 6 c blue, 8 c brown and blue, 12 c olive and blue, 24 c grey and red, 48 c violet, 60 c red and green, 1$20 green and red, 2$40 grey (coin in center with arms of King George VI in the upper corners).


1951 University College of the West Indies

Two different designs: 3 c blue and brown and 12 c brown and blue.

For stamps in the same design, but issued for other British colonies, click here.


1952 Commemoration of first stamp issue, picture of first stamp with image of King George VI

3 c grey and green, 4 c red and blue, 12 c green and blue, 24 c black and brown.


1953 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth, inscription 'CORONATION JUNE 1953'

For stamps in a similar design, but for other British colonies, click here

  4 c orange and black 


1953 Queen Elizabeth (similar to 1950 issue)

  1 c grey (Dover Fort)
  2 c grey and orange (sugar cane breeding)
  3 c green and black (public buildings)
  4 c orange and grey (Nelson statue)
  5 c red and blue (harbour police)
  6 c brown (casting net)
  8 c blue and grey (inter colonial schooner)
  12 c olive and blue (flying fish)
  24 c black and red (old main guard garrison)
  48 c violet (the cathedral)
  60 c red and green (careenage)
  1$20 olive and red (Bridgetown)
  2$40 grey (coin in center with arms of Elizabeth II in the upper corners) 


1958 The West Indies Federation

3 c green, 6 c blue and 12 c red.


1961 New harbour(?)

4 c orange and black, 8 c blue and black, 24 c black and red.


1962 Jamboree

4 c orange and black, 12 c grey and blue, 1$20 grey and red.




1965 ITU issue

For stamps in the same design, but for another British colony, click here

  2 c red and violet
  48 c grey and orange


1966 Churchill issue

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  1 c blue, black, gold and red
  4 c green, black, gold and red
  25 c brown, black, gold and red 
  35 c violet, black, gold and red


1966 Royal visit to the Caribbean

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  3 c blue and black
  35 c red and black


1966 20th anniversary of Unesco

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  4 c grey, orange and red
  12 c olive, orange and blue
  25 c lilac, black and orange

Postage Due stamps

The first postage due stamps were issued in 1934: 1/2 p green, 1 p, 3 p red.

In 1950 a new set was issued in 'cents': 1 c green, 2 c black and 6 c red.

Postal stationery


1881 Queen Victoria

  1/2 p brown

1882 Queen Victoria in circle

  1/2 p brown
  1 p red
  1/2 d. (violet) on 1 p red

The inscription on the 1 p wrapper reads: 'This Wrapper may only be used for Newspapers, or for such documents as are allowed to be send at the Book-rate of postage, and must not enclose any letter or communication of the nature of a letter (whether separate or otherwise). If this rule be infringed, the packet will be charged as a letter'.

I have also seen a rectangular design of a postcard with Queen Victoria in an octagonal (I have only seen the values 1 1/2 p brown and 1 1/2 p lilac).



1882 Envelope with Queen Victoria in an ellipse

(With typical duplex-cancel of Barbados)

1 p red

  1 p red red

Surcharged in violet or black '1/2 d.' (1893)
  1/2 d. on 1 red


Registration Fee

(Reduced size)

  1 p red (Queen Victoria)
  2 p blue (Queen Victoria, borders different)
  4 p grey

Fiscal stamps

Except from the postage stamps with overprint 'REVENUE' or 'Revenue' (as in the picture above, issued in 1916, for a description: see under the postage stamps), Barbados also used some of the embossed fiscal stamps of Great Britain with overprint 'BARBADOS' (1916 onwards, sorry no picture available yet).


'Barbados Post Office Markings to 1981' by G.L.W.Clarke, R.Radford and S.Cave (1982), the British West Indies Study Circle, 71 pages.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer