BUENOS AIRES 1858 issue, Sperati forgeries

Buenos Ayres

Return To Catalogue - Buenos Aires 1858 issue - Buenos Aires 1858 forgeries part 1 - Buenos Aires 1860 issue and miscellaneous - Argentine

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For forgeries made by other forgers than Sperati, see: Buenos Aires 1858 forgeries part 1.

Sperati forgeries

I know that Sperati also made forgeries of these stamps, unused and used. He made one forgery of the 2 p, three varieties of the 3 p (reproduction 'A', 'B' and 'C'), one of the 4 p, 5 p, and 4 r and two varieties of the 1 p stamp (reproduction 'A' and 'B'). I've also seen a 'IN p' blue tete-beche Sperati forgery. Sperati also made blackprints and 'proofs' on minisheets.

Examples of a 2 p blue, a 3 p green and a 4 p red Sperati forgery:

Sperati forgery
Sperati forgery of the 2 r blue value. The second 'R' of 'CORREOS' has a curl, the 'S' of this word is broken. The word 'DOS' shows defects: broken top of 'D', break at bottom of 'O' and lower part of 'S' broken. Note the dots in front and behind the 'F' of 'FRANCO'. The central oval is broken below the left part of the first 'R' of 'CORREOS'. A coloured dot appears in the white line above the 'E' of 'AIRES'

The cancel 'CORREOS DE BUENOS AIRES 21 OCT 5M' was often used by Sperati (see last image above for an example).

Sperati forgery
Reproductions 'A' and 'B' of the 3 p stamp. Both have a 'constant cancel' that always appears in the same spot. Another Reproduction 'C' exists.

There is a red dot in the upper left white circle of these Sperati forgeries of the 4 p values.

There are two dots of color in the white space below the letters 'UEN' of 'BUENOS' in these forgeries of the 4 p values. The first 'R' of 'CORREOS' also has a color dot in it.

'Proof' Sperati forgery

This 4 r Sperati forgery has a brown dot in the upper left white circle (as in the 4 p Sperati forgery)

Proof of the 4 r Sperati forgery

'Reproduction A'
1 P Sperati forgery, Reproduction 'A'. There are dots in the upper left white corner circle.

Reproduction 'B'
1 P Sperati forgery, Reproduction 'B'. THere is a very large blue spot in the white space below 'S A' of 'BUENOS AIRES'. A similar spot can be found just above the front mast of the ship.

Tete-Beche forgery of the 1 P value with 'Reproduction A' on one side and 'Reproduction B' on the other.

The 1 P Sperati forgery also exist printed on both sides, with 'Reproduction A' on one side and 'Reproduction B' on the other.

I've been told that these are Sperati forgeries as well. I have no further information.

Sperati forged cancels.

And forged mute cancels from Sperati.

Click here for stamps of Buenos Aires issued in 1860 and miscellaneous.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer