BUENOS AIRES 1858 issue, forgeries part 1

Buenos Ayres

Return To Catalogue - Buenos Aires 1858 issue - Argentine

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1858-1859 Steamship on the Plata river (so-called "Barquitos" or 'Little Ship'), imperforate

Genuine Genuine
(Probably genuine stamps)



In 'Le Timbre Poste' by Moens of 1883 No. 247, page 55, a certain L.D. says that he received deceptive forged stamps 2 years earlier from the persons H.A, P.G, F.S, and R.H. de S. I do not know what the initials stand for.


The above forgeries are very common ones and are virtually worthless. Note the position of the white dots in the corners and how they are sometimes connected to the outer frames. This appears to be identical for each forgery (of the same value). The borders are way too wide (genuine stamps are printed very closely together). I've seen these forgeries with forged cancels (although most of them are uncancelled).


Another forgery with 'CORREOS' very large and 'BUENOS AYRES' instead of 'BUENOS-AIRES' (no '-' and 'Y' instead of 'I'). The forgery next to it also has a 'Y' instead of 'I', but appears to be a different type (the cancel is 1892?).

The next forgeries have been made by the forger Fournier:

Image taken from a Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries Image taken from a Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries Image taken from a Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries
(Fournier forgeries)

In my opinion, there is almost always a thicker distortion of the wavy outer frame line just above the 'S' of 'CORREOS' in the above Fournier forgeries. The 'FRAN' cancel of the blue stamps can be found in 'The Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries' (see image below). The cancel on the brown stamp can be found under Argentine in this album 'CORREO NACIONAL DEL ROSARIO FRANCA' in an ellipse. The 4 rs stamp ('CUATO rs') has 'Ps' instead of 'rs' (actually the 'T' should be a 'r' in the genuine stamps, but it resembles more a 'T' with a broken upper left end). Ken Pugh told me that there is also a large dot on the sun's right ray in these Fournier forgeries.

Forged cancels of Argentine of the "Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries".

(Forged cancels of Argentine of the Fournier album, reduced size)

The 'FRANCA' cancel in an ellipse can be found under Ecuador in the Fournier Album, I think it has been misplaced and should be under Buenos Aires (the green Buenos Aires Fournier forgery above bears this cancel).

(The second 'FRANCA' cancel listed as a forged cancel of Ecuador in the Fournier Album)

It should be noted that Fournier offered two kinds of forgeries in his 1914 pricelist, first choice and second choice forgeries.

Taken from a Fournier album, inscription 'FAC-SIMILE' on the back
Other type Fournier forgery (poor printing). It always appears rather blotchy.


Other forgeries:

Note the '-' behind 'UN' and 'DOS'.

With part of a 'CORREOS' cancel
Note the flag at the backside of the ship, the inscription 'FOUR PS' instead of 'CUATO PS' and the inverted 'N' in 'BUENOS'. I've seen the 4 p red and 4 p brown with a 'CORREOS 1.7.60. II-III' cancel. The forged cancel 'CORREOS 7.1.60 II-III' also appears on other forgeries of Uruguay, Honduras, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil etc.

Forgeries with 'BUENOS AIRES' too large:

The ship is different in the above three forgeries, also note the wrong value inscription or the strange 'S' of 'AIRES'. It looks like some of them have an 'ARREGONDO' cancel which also exists on forgeries of Uruguay and the 1868 issue of Mexico. Click here for more information about this cancel.

I have seen the brown forgery with a cancel consisting of four concentric rings, it was offered as being genuine on a prestigious web auction recently. Other forgeries from the same maker:

There are more rays in the sun than on the genuine stamps in this forgery

Forgery with '5 PS' inscription instead of 'CINCO PS'. This is the first forgery of the Cinco Ps type described in the book Album Weeds. Also a '4 Ps' blue forgery made by the same forger. A similar forgery with inscription '2 Ps' is also mentioned in Album Weeds.

Left; forgery with the sea too high, the ship different etc. Right: a forgery with the word 'CORREOS' very large. Similar images can be found in the book Paul Ohrt, Handbuch aller bekannten Neudrucke (in German).

Weird item, no sun, 'DOS P' written upside down etc. '. This forgery even exists with perforation.

Forgery with bad lettering, no outer frameline and cancel 'COLUMBO'?

Another forgery 'CINCO PS' blue

Other dubious 'reprints'; Note that the same scratches and defects appear in all values.

Highly dubious stamp, nevertheless sold for 360 US$ on Ebay. The stamp next to it with cancel is a forgery and likely made by the same forger(?). Both stamps appear to be engraved.

I've been told that this is a reprint, but it looks more like a forgery to me (note for example the rays on the sun).

Probably reprints?

Forgery on forged letter.

The forger Oswald Schroeder made forgeries of at least the values 3 p green, 4 p red and 5 p yellow (orange), according to the Peplow book.

For Buenos Aires Sperati forgeries, click here


Click here for stamps of Buenos Aires issued in 1860 and miscellaneous.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer