Return To Catalogue - Eritrea, miscellaneous - Italy

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1893 Stamps of Italy overprinted 'Colonia Eritrea'

Value with ornaments

  1 c olive
  2 c brown

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c * *  
2 c * *  
Arms (cross)

  1 c brown
  2 c brown
  5 c green
  5 c green (other type)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c * *  
2 c * *  
5 c *** *** 'POSTE ITALIANE' written in ellipse
5 c * * 'POSTE ITALIANE' written in banner on top of stamp

The forger Fournier made forged 'Colonia Etritrea' overprints on at least the 1 c olive stamp and 2 c brown (arms) stamp.


1893 Stamps of Italy (king Humbert) overprinted 'COLONIA ERITREA', in a half-circle

(Reduced size)

20 c orange 25 c blue

  10 c red
  10 c red (other type)
  20 c orange
  20 c orange (other type)
  25 c blue
  25 c blue (other type)
  40 c brown
  45 c olive
  45 c green
  60 c lilac
  1 L brown and yellow
  5 L red and blue

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
10 c *** *** On 1879 stamp
10 c * * On 1893 stamp
20 c *** *** On 1879 stamp
20 c * * On 1893 stamp
25 c R R On 1879 stamp
25 c ** ** On 1893 stamp
40 c ** **  
45 c ** ** On 1889 stamp
45 c ** ** On 1893 stamp
60 c ** **  
1 L *** ***  
5 L RR RR  

The forger Fournier made forged 'Colonia Etritrea' overprints on at least the 20 c stamp.

Fournier forgeries as they can be found in the Fournier Album.


1903 Stamps of Italy of 1901 overprinted 'Colonia Eritrea'


With inverted overprint

  1 c brown
  2 c brown
  5 c green

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c c c With inverted overprint: ***
2 c c c  
5 c *** *  
King Emanuel III

  10 c red
  20 c orange
  25 c blue
  40 c brown
  45 c green
  50 c lilac
  75 c red (1928)
  1 L brown and green
  1 L 25 blue (1928)
  2 L grey and orange (1925)
  2 L 50 blue and red (1928)
  5 L blue and red
  10 L black and red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
10 c ** *  
20 c c c  
25 c R ***  
40 c R **  
45 c * *  
50 c R **  
75 c * *  
1 L * *  
1.25 L * *  
2 L ** **  
2.5 L ** **  
5 L *** ***  
10 L R R  

  'C 15' on 20 c orange

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
15 c on 20 c ** *  
Express stamp

Reduced size

  25 c red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
25 c * *  

The forger Fournier made forged 'Colonia Etritrea' overprints on at least the 5 c, 10 c, 40 c and 1 L stamps.


1909 Stamps of Italy overprinted 'Colonia Eritrea'

King Emanuel III

(Reduced size)

  5 c green
  7 1/2 c brown (1928)
  10 c red
  15 c grey
  20 c brown
  20 c green (1925)
  20 c lilac (1928)
  25 c blue
  30 c grey (1925)
  40 c brown
  50 c lilac
  60 c red
  60 c orange (1928)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c c c  
7 1/2 c c c  
10 c c c  
15 c c c  
20 c brown c *  
20 c green c c  
20 c lilac c c  
25 c c c  
30 c * *  
40 c ** **  
50 c * *  
60 c red * *  
60 c orange R R  
Express stamp

30 c blue and red

  30 c blue and red
  50 c red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
30 c ** **  
50 c * *  


1910 Agriculture and government building, inscription 'REGNO D'ITALIA COLONIA ERITREA'

  5 c green
  10 c red
  15 c black
  25 c blue

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c c c Issued in dark green in 1930
10 c c c  
15 c *** *  
25 c c c  
Surcharged (1916)

  'Cent. 5' and crosses (all in orange) on 15 c black
  'CENT. 20' on 15 c black

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c on 15 c * *  
20 c on 15 c c c  


1916 Red cross issue of Italy, overprinted 'ERITREA'

(Misprints 'EPITREA' with a 'P' instead of 'ERITREA')

  10 c + 5 c red
  15 c + 5 c black
  20 c + 5 c orange
  20 c on 15 c + 5 c black

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
10 c + 5 c * * 'EPITREA' misprint: ***
15 c + 5 c ** ** 'EPITREA' misprint: R
20 c + 5 c * * 'EPITREA' misprint: ***
20 c on 15 c + 5 c * * 'EPITREA' misprint: ***


1921 Stamp of Italy (Victor Emanuel III facing the right) with overprint 'ERITREA'

  20 c orange


1922 Stamps of Italy (victory), overprinted 'ERITREA'

  5 c green
  10 c red
  15 c grey
  25 c blue


1922 Stamps of Benadir overprinted 'ERITREA' (overprint exists in two different colours for each stamp)

  2 c on 1 b brown (ovp black or blue)
  5 c on 2 b green (ovp black or red)
  10 c on 1 a red (ovp black or blue)
  15 c on 2 a orange (ovp black or blue)
  25 c on 2 1/2 a blue (ovp black or red)
  50 c on 5 a orange (ovp black or blue)
  1 L on 10 a lilac (ovp black or red)


1923 Stamps of Italy (Propaganda Fide), overprinted 'ERITREA'

  20 c olive and brown
  30 c red and brown
  50 c violet and brown
  1 L blue and brown


1923 Stamps of Italy, Fascist march on Rome commemoration, various designs, overprinted 'ERITREA'

  10 c green (fasces or axe with branches)
  30 c violet (fasces or axe with branches)
  50 c red (fasces or axe with branches)
  1 L blue (eagle sitting on fasces)
  2 L brown (eagle sitting on fasces)
  5 L black and blue (aeroplanes and star)


1924 Stamps of Italy, 50th death anniversary of poet A. Manzoni, various designs, with overprint 'ERITREA' in red

  10 c red and black ('E PESCARENICO'; fishing village)
  15 c green and black ('IL RESEGNO')
  30 c black and grey ('ADDIO MONTI....')
  50 c light brown and black ('QUEL RAMO DEL LAGO....')
  1 L blue and black ('CASA MANZONI'; Manzoni's birthplace in Milan)
  5 L lilac and black (portrait of Manzoni in circle)  


1924 Eagle issue (1 c and 2 c) and King Victor Emanuel (5 c) of Italy, overprinted 'ERITREA'

  1 c brown
  2 c brown
  5 c green


1925 Stamps of Italy, holy year 1925 'ANNO SANTO 1925', various designs, with arc-overprint 'ERITREA'

  20 c + 10 c green and brown (S. Mario Maggiore)
  30 c + 15 c brown (S. Giovanni di Laterano)
  50 c + 25 c violet and brown (S.Paolo Furoi le Mura)
  60 c + 30 c red and brown (S.Pietro in Vaticano)
  1 L + 50 c blue and violet (the three knocks on the holy door, red overprint)
  5 L orange and violet (closing of the holy door, red overprint)


1925 Jubilee issue of Italy, overprinted 'ERITREA'

1925 issue

  60 c red
  1 L blue
  1.25 L blue (1925)


1925 Stamps of Italy, 700 years commemoration of the death of St.Francis of Assisi, various designs, overprinted 'ERITREA' or 'Eritrea' (on Lire values), colour of 5 L stamp changed

  20 c green (St. Francis has a vision in Jerusalem)
  40 c violet (convent of St.Diamino)
  60 c red (monastry and church in Assisi)
  1.25 L blue (scene depicting the death of St.Francis, red overprint)
  5 L + 2.50 L green (red overprint)


1925 Standing woman representing Italy with sword and spade, inscription 'ISTITUTO COLONIALE ITALIANO'

  5 c + 5 c brown
  10 c + 5 c olive
  20 c + 5 c green
  40 c + 5 c red
  60 c + 5 c orange
  1 L + 5 c blue

Similar stamp of Somalia and Tripolitania


1925 Stamps of Italy, Victor Emanuel in front view, overprinted 'ERITREA'

  75 c red
  1.25 L blue
  2.50 L grey and lilac


1927 Stamps of Italy of 1926, inscription 'PRO OPERA PREVIDENZA M.V.S.N.', with overprint 'ERITREA' (Lire values in other colours)

  40 c + 20 c brown and black (castle of St.Angelo)
  60 c + 30 c red and brown (aquaduct of Claudius)
  1.25 L + 60 c blue and black (Capitol with Forum Romanum)
  5 L + 2.50 L green and black (Porta del Popolo)

Changed values and colours (1929)
  30 c + 10 c red and black
  50 c + 20 c lilac and black (red overprint)
  1.25 L + 50 c brown and black (red overprint)
  5 L + 2 L olive and black (red overprint)

Changed values and colours (1930)
  30 c + 10 c green and black
  50 c + 10 c green and black (red overprint)
  1.25 L + 30 c brown and black (red overprint)
  5 L + 1.50 L blue and black (red overprint)


1927 Allesandro Volta stamps of Italy (in other colours), overprinted 'Eritrea'

  20 c violet
  50 c orange
  1.25 L blue


1928 40 year existence of African society

  20 c + 5 c green
  30 c + 5 c red
  50 c + 10 c violet
  1.25 L + 20 c blue


1928 Stamp of Italy with King Victor Emanuel III overprinted 'ERITREA', 'Eritrea' or 'Colonia Eritrea'

  50 c violet ('Colonia Eritrea',1929)
  50 c brown and black ('Eritrea', 1929)
  1.75 L brown ('ERITREA')


1929 1400 anniversary of Abbey of Montecassino stamps of Italy, inscription 'Centenario Monte Cassino', overprinted 'ERITREA' or 'Eritrea' (10 L)

  20 c green (red overprint)
  25 c orange (blue overprint)
  50 c + 10 c red (blue overprint)
  75 c + 15 c brown (red overprint)
  1.25 L + 25 c lilac (design as 20 c, red overprint)
  5 L + 1 L blue (design as 75 c, red overprint)
  10 L + 2 L brown (red overprint)


1930 Marriage of Prince Umberto and Princess Maria Jose stamps of Italy in changed colours, overprinted 'ERITREA'

  20 c green
  50 c + 10 c orange
  1.25 L + 25 c red


1930 Various local scenes

  2 c blue and black (man on horse)
  5 c violet and black (local man)
  10 c brown and black (design as 10 c)
  15 c green and black (man climbing telegraph pole)
  25 c green and black (man with gun)
  35 c brown and black (design as 2 c)
  1 L blue and black (Massaud)
  2 L brown and black (railway bridge)
  5 L olive and black (Asmara building)
  10 L blue and black (men with camels)


1930 400 years death of Ferrucci stamps of Italy, in different colours, overprinted 'ERITREA'

  20 c violet (red overprint)
  25 c green (red overprint)
  50 c black (red overprint)
  1.25 L blue (red overprint)
  5 L + 2 L red (blue overprint)


1930 25 years existence of Italian Colonial Agriculture Institute

  50 c + 20 c brown
  1.25 L + 20 c blue
  1.75 L + 20 c green
  2.55 L + 50 c violet
  5 L + 1 L red


1930 2000 years birth commemoration of Virgil stamps of Italy (various designs with similar frame) in different colours and with overprint 'ERITREA'

  15 c violet (red overprint)
  20 c brown (blue overprint)
  25 c green (red overprint)
  30 c brown (blue overprint)
  50 c lilac (red overprint)
  75 c red (blue overprint)
  1.25 L blue (red overprint)
  5 L + 1.50 L lilac (red overprint)
  10 L + 2.50 L brown (blue overprint)


1931 700 years death of Antonius of Padua stamps of Italy (various designs) in partly different colours, with overprint 'ERITREA'

  20 c brown
  25 c green
  30 c brown
  50 c violet
  75 c black
  1.25 L blue
  5 L + 2.50 L brown


1931 King Victor Emanuel III facing the left, also with Arabic value inscription, inscription 'ERITREA'

  7 1/2 c brown
  20 c blue and red
  30 c green and violet
  40 c blue and green
  50 c brown and olive
  75 c red
  1.25 L violet and blue
  2.50 L green


1933 Various designs, large sized stamps

  2 c blue (resting camel)
  5 c black (fishing)
  10 c brown (design as 2 c)
  15 c brown (design as 5 c)
  25 c green (tree)
  35 c violet (native village)
  1 L blue (ruins)
  2 L black (elephant)
  5 L red (local woman)
  10 L orange (local woman, different design)

Colours changed and overprinted 'ONORANZE AL DUCE DEGLI ABRUZZI' (1934)
  10 c blue (red overprint)
  15 c blue 
  35 c green (red overprint)
  1 L red
  2 L red
  5 L violet (red overprint)
  10 L black (red overprint)


1934 International art exhibition in Napels

  5 c olive and brown
  10 c brown and black
  20 c red and grey
  50 c violet and brown
  60 c brown and grey
  1.25 L blue and green

Aeroplane above desert landscape (airmail)
  25 c blue and red
  50 c green and grey
  75 c brown and red

Aeroplane above globe (airmail)
  80 c brown and olive
  1 L red and olive
  2 L blue and brown 


1934 King Victor Emanuel with helmet and earoplane, inscription 'ERITREA POSTE AEREA ROMA - MOGADISCIO 1934 A.XII R.R. POSTE COLONIALI'

  25 c + 10 c green
  50 c + 10 c brown
  75 c + 15 c red
  80 c + 15 c black
  1 L + 20 c brown
  2 L + 20 c blue
  3 L + 25 c violet
  5 L + 25 c orange
  10 L + 30 c lilac
  25 L + 2 L green


Eritrea, miscellaneous

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer