ITALY 1900-1929 (other than with the image of King Emanuel III)

Return To Catalogue - Italy overview - Italy King Victor Emanuel III (1901-1929) - Italy 1930-1944

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

For stamps of Italy with the image of King Victor Emanuel III issued during this period, click here.

1901 Eagle and value

5 c green

  1 c brown
  2 c red-brown
  5 c green


  '10 CENTESIMI' on 1 c brown (1923)
  '10 CENTESIMI' on 2 c red-brown (1923)

These stamps have watermark 'Crown' and perforation 14. For these stamps with overprint in 'centesimi di corona' click here. Stamps with overprint 'LA CANEA' were issued for Crete.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c c c  
2 c c c  
5 c c vc  
10 c on 1 c c c  
10 c on 2 c c c  

I've seen postal stationery in the 5 c green design.

A postal forgery of the 5 c seems to exist (without watermark), but I have never seen it.


1910 Garibaldi issue, inscription '1860 1910', commemorating the 50th anniversary of the landing of Garibaldi in Sicily

  5 c green
  15 c red

These stamps have perforation 14 x 13 1/2.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c green *** ***  
15 c red ** **  


1910 Inscription '1860 1910', plebiscite of Southern Italy commemoration, inscription 'PLEBISCITO MERIDIONALE 1860 21 OTTOBRE 1910'

  5 c red
  15 c green

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c red *** ***  
15 c green *** ***  


1911 Inscription 'cinquantenario del regno d'italia Roma e Torino 1911', 50 years existance of the kingdom of Italy

  2 c brown
  5 c green
  10 c red
  15 c black

  '2' on 5 c green
  '2' on 10 c red
  '2' (violet) on 15 c black

These stamps have perforation 14 x 13 1/2.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 c c c  
5 c * *  
10 c * *  
15 c * *  
2 on 5 c c c  
2 on 10 c c c  
2 on 15 c c c  


1912 St.Marcus in Venice

  5 c black
  15 c brown

These stamps have perforation 14 x 13 1/2.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c c *  
15 c * *  


1915 Red cross issue, inscription 'CROCE ROSSA'

  10 c + 5 c red
  15 c + 5 c grey
  20 c + 5 c orange

Surcharged (1916)
  '20' on 15 c + 5 c grey

These stamps have perforation 14 x 13 1/2 and watermark 'Crown'.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
10 c + 5 c c c  
15 c + 5 c c *  
20 c + 5 c * *  
20 on 15 c + 5 c * *  

These stamps exist with overprint 'SOMALIA' or 'LIBIA'.


1921 Annexation of Venezia Guilia, arms of Trieste, inscription 'ANNESSIONE VENEZIA GUILIA 1921'

  15 c black and red
  25 c blue and red
  40 c brown and red


1921 Commemoration of 600th death of Dante Alighieri, various designs

  15 c lilac ('LA DIVINA COMEDIA')
  25 c green (woman representing goddess holding book)
  40 c brown (Dante holding book)


1921 Victory of Vittorio Veneto in 1918, statue with wings

  5 c green
  10 c red
  15 c blue
  25 c blue

Surcharged (1924)
  1 L on 5 c green
  1 L on 10 c red
  1 L on 15 c blue
  1 L on 25 c blue

These stamps exist with overprint 'LIBIA'.


1922 50th anniversary of the death of Giuseppe Mazzini, various designs, inscription CINQUANTENARIO MAZZINIANO 1922'

  20 c brown (Amor)
  40 c brown (portrait of Mazzini)
  80 c blue (burrial monument of Mazzini)


1923 300th anniversary of the propagation of faith ('III CENTANARIO DI PROGAGANDA FIDE', in the upper and lower right corner different designs appear in each value

  20 c green and brown
  30 c red and brown
  50 c violet and brown
  1 L blue and brown

These stamps exist with overprint 'TRIPOLITANIA' (in red or black) or with overprint 'CIRENAICA', or 'SOMALIA ITALIANA' (with surcharge in 'besa').


1923 Fascist march on Rome commemoration, various designs

  10 c green (fasces or axe with branches)
  30 c violet (fasces or axe with branches)
  50 c red (fasces or axe with branches)
  1 L blue (eagle sitting on fasces)
  2 L brown (eagle sitting on fasces)
  5 L black and blue (aeroplanes and star)

These stamps exist with overprint 'ERITREA', 'TRIPOLITANIA' or 'CIRENAICA'.

With 'TRIPOLITANIA' overprint


1923 Inscription 'CASSA PREVID CAMICIE NERE' (black shirt fund), large sized stamps

  30 c + 30 c brown
  50 c + 50 c violet
  1 L + 1 L grey


1924 50th death anniversary of poet A. Manzoni, various designs

  10 c red and black ('E PESCARENICO'; fishing village)
  15 c green and black ('IL RESEGNO')
  30 c black and grey ('ADDIO MONTI....')
  50 c light brown and black ('QUEL RAMO DEL LAGO....')
  1 L blue and black ('CASA MANZONI'; Manzoni's birthplace in Milan)
  5 L lilac and black (portrait of Manzoni in circle)  

With 'ERITREA' overprint

These stamps exist with red overprint 'ERITREA' for use in Eritrea and 'CIRENAICA'.


1925 Holy year 1925 'ANNO SANTO 1925', various designs

  20 c + 10 c green and brown (S. Mario Maggiore)
  30 c + 15 c brown (S. Giovanni di Laterano)
  50 c + 25 c violet and brown (S.Paolo Furoi le Mura)
  60 c + 30 c red and brown (S.Pietro in Vaticano)
  1 L + 50 c blue and violet (the three knocks on the holy door)
  5 L orange and violet (closing of the holy door)

Stamps with inverted center (60 c and 5 L) are bogus issues.
These stamps exist with overprint 'TRIPOLITANIA' in red or black.

This set, overprinted with 'TRIPOLITANIA' in black or red (reduced sizes)

They also exist with overprint 'ERITREA' and 'CIRENAICA'.


1926 700 years commemoration of the death of St.Francis of Assisi, various designs

  20 c green (St. Francis has a vision in Jerusalem)
  30 c black (St.Francis with church of Porziuncola in background)
  40 c violet (convent of St.Diamino)
  60 c red (monastry and church in Assisi)
  1.25 L blue (scene depicting the death of St.Francis)
  5 L + 2.50 L brown (design as 30 c)

Overprinted 'ERITREA' or 'Eritrea'

These stamps (except 30 c) exist with overprint 'ERITREA' or 'Eritrea' to be used in Eritrea (5 L with changed colour). They also exist with overprint 'CIRENAICA' or 'Cirenaica' or overprint 'TRIPOLITANIA'.


1926 Inscription 'PRO OPERA PREVIDENZA M.V.S.N.'

  40 c + 20 c brown and black (castle of St.Angelo)
  60 c + 30 c red and brown (aquaduct of Claudius)
  1.25 L + 60 c green and black (Capitol with Forum Romanum)
  5 L + 2.50 L blue and black (Porta del Popolo)

Changed values and colours (1927)
  30 c + 10 c lilac and black
  50 c + 20 c olive and black
  1.25 L + 50 c blue and black
  5 L + 2 L red and black

Changed values and colours (1930)
  30 c + 10 c grey and lilac
  50 c + 10 c grey and green
  1.25 L + 30 c blue and green
  5 L + 1.50 L brown (two shades on one stamp)

These stamps (some in other colours) exist with overprint 'ERITREA' to be used in Eritrea. They also exist with overprint 'CIRENAICA', 'TRIPOLITANIA' and 'SOMALIA ITALIANA'.

Reduced sizes, overprint 'SOMALIA ITALIANA'


1927 Allesandro Volta

  20 c red
  50 c black
  60 c blue
  1.25 L blue

20 c violet with 'Eritrea' overprint

These stamps exist (except 60 c) in different colours with overprint 'Eritrea' to be used in Eritrea. They also exist with overprint 'Tripolitania', 'Cirenaica' and 'Somalia Italiana'.


1928 400 year birth centenary of Emanuele Filiberto

Philibert standing

  20 c brown and blue
  25 c red and green
  30 c green and brown
  5 L violet and green

Statue with horse

  1.25 L blue and black
  20 L violet and grey

Philibert in fighting scene

  50 c brown and blue
  75 c red
  1.75 L green and blue
  10 L black and red


1929 50 year death of King Victor Emanuel II

  50 c + 10 c green


For Italy, Imperial issue of 1929, click here.


1929 1400 anniversary of Abbey of Montecassino, inscription 'Centenario Monte Cassino'

  20 c orange
  25 c green
  50 c + 10 c brown
  75 c + 15 c red
  1.25 L + 25 c blue (design as 20 c)
  5 L + 1 L lilac (design as 75 c)
  10 L + 2 L black

These stamps exist in different colours with overprint 'ERITREA' or 'Eritrea' for use in Eritrea. Also with overprint 'CIRENAICA' for Cyrenaica, and 'SOMALIA ITALIANA'.


Italy 1930-1944

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer