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Currency: 4 farthings = 1 penny; 12 pence = 1 Shilling; 20 Shillings = 1 Pound

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

1878 Queen Victoria

1 p red 2 1/2 p blue
6 p green, 1 Sh brown and 6 p orange

  1/2 p green
  1 p redbrown
  2 p lilac (1896)
  2 1/2 p blue (1891)
  4 p black
  6 p green
  6 p orange (1892)
  9 p red (1896)
  1 Sh brown

For the specialist: these stamps were first issued without watermark in 1878 (1 p, 4 p, 6 p green and 1 Sh). From 1884 to 1896 stamps with watermark CA Crown were issued, the 6 p green only exists without watermark. The perforation of all stamps is 14 (14 1/2).

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks

No watermark

1 p RR RR  
4 p RR RR  
6 p green R R  

Watermark CA Crown

1/2 p ** **  
1 p *** *** shades of red, watermark also exists lying instead of standing
2 p *** ***  
2 1/2 p *** ***  
4 p *** *** watermark also exists lying instead of standing
6 p orange *** ***  
9 p R R  
1 Sh *** ***  


1/2 p on 1 p RR RR watermark CA Crown, double or inverted surcharges: RRR

Forgeries exist, example:

(This forgery has a heavy outline around the face of the Queen)


1891 1 p red bisected and surcharged '1/2d.'

'1/2d.' on 1 p red '1/2d.' on 1 p red

These stamps are bisected diagonally from the left bottom corner to the right upper corner, or from the left top corner to the right bottom corner. Non-seperated stamps also exists, example:

(Reduced size)

1898 Queen Victoria large sizes

  2/6 Sh blue
  5 Sh red

For the specialist: these two stamps were issued on paper with watermark CC Crown and perforated 14 (14 1/2).

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 Sh 6 p RR RR  
5 Sh RR RR  

A primitive blur forgery of the 5 Sh stamp.


1904 King Edward

  1/2 p green
  1 p red
  2 p lilac
  2 1/2 p blue
  6 p orange
  1 Sh brown

Larger size

3 Sh green
(Reduced size)

  3 Sh green
  5 Sh red

For the specialist: all these stamps were issued on paper with watermark Multiple CA Crown.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1/2 p * *  
1 p ** *  
2 p *** ***  
2 1/2 p *** ***  
6 p R R  
1 Sh *** ***  
3 Sh RR RR  
5 Sh RR RR  


1912 King George

  1/2 p green
  1 p red
  2 p lilac
  2 1/2 p blue
  2 1/2 p lilac on yellow (1923)
  6 p orange
  1 Sh brown

Overprinted 'WAR STAMP'(two types: with or without shiny ink)

  1/2 p green
  1 p red
  1 Sh brown

Surcharged (provisional issue, 1928)

Certified genuine surcharge

  '2 1/2 D' on 2 p lilac

Larger size

  3 Sh green
  5 Sh red
  5 Sh lilac (1914)
  10 Sh red on green
  1 Pound black on red

For the specialist: these stamps were issued with watermark Multiple CA Crown or watermark Multiple Script CA Crown

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks

Watermark Multiple CA Crown

1/2 p c c  
1 p * *  
2 p * *  
2 1/2 p blue ** **  
6 p *** ***  
1 Sh *** ***  
3 Sh R R  
5 Sh red RR RR  
5 Sh lilac R R  
10 Sh RR RR  
1 Pound RR RR  

Watermark Multple Script CA Crown

1/2 p c c  
1 p * *  
2 p * *  
2 1/2 p blue ** **  
2 1/2 p lilac on yellow *** ***  
6 p *** ***  
1 Sh *** ***  
3 Sh *** ***  

War Tax

1/2 p c * watermark Multiple CA Crown
1 p * * watermark Multiple CA Crown
1 Sh *** *** watermark Multiple CA Crown


2 1/2 p on 2 p RRR RRR  

I have only seen forgeries of the surcharged stamp. Examples:

(Forged surcharges)


In 1929 New set with the image of King George; with a penguin at the right, a whale to the left and the face of the king in the center

1/2 p green, 1 p red, 2 p grey, 2 1/2 p blue, 6 p lilac, 1 Sh black on green, 2 Sh 6 p red on blue, 5 Sh green on yellow, 10 Sh red on green, 1 Pound black on red. In 1932 a 4 p orange was added (but the value is in orange on a white background, instead on in white on coloured background as in all the other values).


1933 Commemorative issue, inscription '1833 1933', various designs

  1/2 p green and black (sheep; Romney ram)
  1 p red and black (iceberg)
  1 1/2 p blue and black (whaling ship)
  2 p brown and black (Port Louis)
  3 p lilac and black (map of islands)
  4 p orange and black (Port Harbour)
  6 p violet and black (blue whale)
  1 Sh olive and black (governer's house)
  2 Sh 6 p violet and black (battle memorial)
  5 Sh yellow and black (penguin)
  10 Sh brown and black (arms)
  1 Pound red and black (King George V)

Forged cancels on genuine stamps exist (since most value of this set are more valuable in used condition). For example 'Madame Joseph' made a forged '*PORT STANLEY* C 6 JA 33 FALKLAND ISLANDS' two-circel cancel (sorry, no image available yet).



1935 Silver Jubilee of King George V, inscription '1910-1935'

For stamps in the same design, but for another British colony, click here

A 1 p red and blue, 2 1/2 p blue and brown, 4 p blue and green and 1 Sh lilac and black were issued in a design identical to many other British colonies (Windsor castle).


1937 Inscription '12th MAY 1937' portrait of King and Queen

For stamps in the same design, but for another British colony, click here

The values 1/2 p green, 1 p red and 2 1/2 p blue were issued (design identical to that of many other British colonies).


1938 King George VI with various designs

1/2 p green and black (whales' jaw bones), 1 p red and black (black necked swan), 1 p violet and black (battle memorial), 2 p violet and black (battle memorial), 2 p red and black (black necked swan), 2 1/2 p blue and black (sheep), 2 1/2 p blue and black (upland goose, 1949), 3 p blue and black (flock of sheep), 4 p lilac and black (bird), 6 p brown and black (ship: RRS Discovery), 6 p black (ship: RRS Discovery, 1949), 9 p blue and black (ship: RRS William Scoresby), 1 Sh blue and black (Mount Sugar Top), 1 Sh 3 p red and black (birds), 2 Sh 6 p black (penguins), 5 Sh brown and blue, 10 Sh red and black, 1 Pound violet and black.

In 1944 some Falkland Island Dependancies also issued stamps by overprinting the above stamps with:
'GRAHAM LAND DEPENDENCY OF' (in red) on 1/2 p, 1 p, 2 p, 3 p, 4 p, 6 p, 9 p and 1 Sh.
'SOUTH GEORGIA DEPENDENCY OF' (in red) on 1/2 p, 1 p, 2 p, 3 p, 4 p, 6 p, 9 p and 1 Sh.
'SOUTH ORKNEYS DEPENDENCY OF' (in red) on 1/2 p, 1 p, 2 p, 3 p, 4 p, 6 p, 9 p and 1 Sh.
'SOUTH SHETLANDS DEPENDENCY OF' (in red) on 1/2 p, 1 p, 2 p, 3 p, 4 p, 6 p, 9 p and 1 Sh.


1946 Victory issue, identical to sets issued in many other British colonies, inscription '8th JUNE 1946'

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  1 p violet 
  3 p blue


1949 Royal Silver wedding, identical to sets issued in many other British colonies, inscription '1923-1948', image of King and Queen

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  2 1/2 p blue (smaller size)
  1 Pound lilac


1949 UPU issue (design similar to many other British colonies)

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  1 p lilac
  3 p blue
  1 Sh 3 p green
  2 Sh blue


1952 King George VI, new designs

1/2 p green (sheep), 1 p red (ship: RMS Fitzroy), 2 p violet (upland goose), 2 1/2 p blue and black (map of islands), 3 p blue (arms), 4 p lilac (aeroplane, internarl air service), 6 p brown (ship: MSS John Biscoe), 9 p orange (island view; view of the Two Sisters), 1 Sh grey (Gentoo penguins), 1 Sh 3 p orange (flying birds, kelp goose and gander), 2 Sh 6 p green (sheep shearing), 5 Sh lilac (battle memorial), 10 Sh grey (sea lion and clapmatch), 1 Pound black (ship: hulk of Great Britain).


1953 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth, inscription 'CORONATION JUNE 1953', design identical to many other British colonies, inscription 'FALKLAND ISLANDS'

For stamps in a similar design, but for other British colonies, click here

  1 p red and black 


1955 As 1952 set, but with portrait of Queen Elizabeth II

1/2 p green (sheep), 1 p red (R.M.S. Fitzroy), 2 p violet (upland goose), 6 p brown (M.S.S. John Biscoe), 9 p orange (view of the Two Sisters: mountains), 1 Sh grey (Gentoo Penguins).


1960 Queen Elizabeth II with various birds

1/2 p green and black (Falkland Islands thrush), 1 p red and black (dominican gull), 2 p blue and black (gentoo penguins), 2 1/2 p brown and black (Falkland Islands marsh starling), 3 p olive and black (upland geese), 4 p red and black (steamer ducks), 5 1/2 p violet and black (rock-hopper penguin), 6 p brown and black (black-browed albatross), 9 p orange and black (silver grebe), 1 Sh red and black (pied oystercatchers), 1 Sh 3 p blue and black (yellow-billed teal), 2 Sh red and black (kelp geese), 10 sh lilac and black (carancho), 5 Sh green and black (king cormorants), 1 Pound orange and black (black-necked swan).


1962 50th Anniversary of the Falkland Islands Radio Station

6 p orange and red, 1 Sh light and dark green, 2 Sh blue (two shades on one stamp).


1963 Freedom from hunger, design identical to many other British colonies

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  1 Sh blue


1963 Red Cross Centenary

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  1 p black and red
  1 Sh blue and red


1964 Shakespeare

For stamps in the same design, but for other British colonies, click here

  6 p black


1964 50th anniversary of the Battle of the Falkland Islands

  2 1/2 p red and black (H.M.S. Glasgow)
  6 p blue and black (H.M.S. Kent)
  1 Sh red and black (H.M.S. Invicible)
  2 Sh blue and black (battle memorial)


1965 International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

  1 p blue and light blue
  2 Sh yellow and violet

For stamps in the same design, but for another British colony, click here.


1965 International collaboration year

For stamps in the same design, but for another British colony, click here

  1 p blue and brown
  1 Sh violet and green


1966 Churchill issue

  1/2 p blue, black, gold and red
  1 p green, black, gold and red
  1 Sh brown, black, gold and red 
  2 Sh violet, black, gold and red

For more information on stamps in a similar design, but for other British colonies, click here.


1944 Stamps of Falkland Islands, overprinted

In 1944 some Falkland Island Dependancies issued stamps by overprinting the stamps of Falkland Islands of 1938 with:
'GRAHAM LAND DEPENDENCY OF' (in red) on 1/2 p, 1 p, 2 p, 3 p, 4 p, 6 p, 9 p and 1 Sh.
'SOUTH GEORGIA DEPENDENCY OF' (in red) on 1/2 p, 1 p, 2 p, 3 p, 4 p, 6 p, 9 p and 1 Sh.
'SOUTH ORKNEYS DEPENDENCY OF' (in red) on 1/2 p, 1 p, 2 p, 3 p, 4 p, 6 p, 9 p and 1 Sh.
'SOUTH SHETLANDS DEPENDENCY OF' (in red) on 1/2 p, 1 p, 2 p, 3 p, 4 p, 6 p, 9 p and 1 Sh.


1946 Victory issue, identical to sets issued in many other British colonies, inscription '8th JUNE 1946'

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  1 p violet
  3 p blue


1949 Royal Silver wedding, identical to sets issued in many other British colonies, inscription '1923-1948', image of King and Queen, inscription 'FALKLAND ISLANDS DEPENDENCIES'

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  2 1/2 p blue (smaller size)
  1 Pound grey 


1948 Map with King George VI

1/2 p green and black, 1 p violet and black, 2 p red and black, 2 1/2 p blue and black, 3 p blue and black, 4 p lilac and black, 6 p orange and black, 9 p brown and black.


1949 UPU issue (design similar to many other British colonies), inscription 'FALKLAND ISLANDS DEPENDENCIES'

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  1 p violet
  2 p red
  3 p blue
  6 p orange


1953 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth, inscription 'CORONATION JUNE 1953', design identical to many other British colonies, inscription 'FALKLAND ISLANDS DEPENDENCIES'

For stamps in a similar design, but for other British colonies, click here

  1 p violet and black 


1954 Definitive set with Queen Elizabeth II with various ships

1/2 p green and black (John Biscoe 1947-52), 1 p brown and black (Trepassey 1945-47), 1 1/2 p green and black (Wyatt Earp 1934-36), 2 p red and black (Eagle 1944-45), 2 1/2 p orange and black (Penola 1934-37), 3 p blue and black (Discovery II 1929-37), 4 p lilac and black (William Scoresby 1926-46), 6 p violet and black (Discovery 1925-27), 9 p black (Endurance 1914-16), 1 Sh brown and black (Deutschland 1910-12), 2 Sh red and black (Pourquoi pas? 1908-10), 2 Sh 6 p blue and black (Francais 1903-05), 5 Sh violet and black (Scotia 1902-04), 10 Sh blue and black (Antarctic 1901-03), 1 Pound black (Belgica 1897-99).

In 1956 an overprint was made 'TRANS-ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION 1955-1958' on the values 1 p, 2 1/2 p, 3 p and 6 p.


All dependencies (except South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands) were joined together in the new colony of the British Antarctic Territories in 1962.

Falkland Islands, Postal Stationery

I have seen postal stationery with the image of Queen Victoria in a circle (issued 1884), in the values 1 p red and 1 1/2 p brown (issued 1879?). Sorry, no pictures available yet.

British Antarctic Territories

1962 Various designs

  1/2 p blue (MV Kista Dan: ship)
  1 p brown (manhauling)
  1 1/2 p lilac and red (muskeg)
  2 p lilac (skiing)
  2 1/2 p green (beaver: earoplane)
  3 p blue (RRS John Biscoe)
  4 p brown (camp scene)
  6 p blue and olive (HMS Protector)
  9 p green (sledging)
  1 Sh blue (otter: earoplane)
  2 Sh violet and orange (huskies)
  2 Sh 6 p blue (helicopter)
  5 Sh red and orange (snocat)
  10 Sh green and blue (RRS Shackleton)
  1 Pound black and blue (map)
  1 Pound black and red (HMS Endurance, 1969)

Surcharged (1971)
  '= 1/2 p' on 1/2 p blue 
  '= 1 p' on 1 p brown 
  '= 1 1/2 p' on 1 1/2 p lilac and red 
  '= 2 p' on 2 p lilac 
  '= 2 1/2 p' on 2 1/2 p green 
  '= 3 p ' on 3 p blue 
  '= 4 p' on 4 p brown 
  '= 5 p' on 6 p blue and olive 
  '= 6 p' on 9 p green 
  '= 7 1/2 p' on 1 Sh blue 
  '= 10 p' on 2 Sh violet and orange 
  '= 15 p' on 2 Sh 6 p blue 
  '= 25 p' on 5 Sh red and orange
  '= 50 p' on 10 Sh green and blue 


1966 Churchill issue

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  1/2 p blue, black, gold and red
  1 p green, black, gold and red
  1 Sh brown, black, gold and red 
  2 Sh violet, black, gold and red


1969 25th Anniversary of continuous scientific work, all different designs

  3 1/2 p blue and black
  6 p green, black and red
  1 Sh blue, red and black
  2 Sh blue, black and orange


1971 Antarctic Treaty 1961-1971

  1 1/2 p, 4 p, 5 p, 10 p (all multicoloured).


1963 Queen Elizabeth II with various designs

  1/2 p red (reindeer)
  1 p violet (map of South Sandwich Islands)
  2 p grey (sperm whale)
  2 1/2 p black (chinstrap & king penguin)
  3 p olive (fur seal)
  4 p green (fin whale)
  5 1/2 p violet (elephant seal)
  6 p orange (sooty albatross)
  9 p blue (whale catcher)
  1 Sh lilac (leopard seal)
  2 Sh green and blue (Shackleton's Cross)
  2 Sh 6 p blue (wandering albatross)
  5 Sh brown (elephant & fur seal)
  10 Sh lilac (plankton & krill)
  1 Pound blue (blue whale)
  1 Pound grey (king penguin, 1969)

Surcharged (1971)
  '1/2 p' on 1/2 p red 
  '1 p' on 1 p violet 
  '1 1/2 p' on 5 1/2 p violet 
  '2 p' on 2 p grey
  '2 1/2 p' on 2 1/2 p black
  '3 p' on 3 p olive
  '4 p ' on 4 p green
  '5 p' on 6 p orange
  '6 p' on 9 p blue
  '7 1/2 p' on 1 Sh violet
  '10 p' on 2 Sh green and blue
  '15 p' on 2 Sh 6 p blue
  '25 p' on 5 Sh brown
  '50 p' on 10 Sh lilac

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer