Return To Catalogue - Faridkot (overprint on stamps of India) - India

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Many forgeries exist: see the excellent site for more information.


1879 Indian text

  1 f blue (small size)
  1 p blue (exists in two sizes, see photo)

These stamps were handstamped. Reprints are lithographed.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 f ** *** Small design
1 p *** *** Two sizes


Typical cancel "FARIDKOT STATE" in a half-circle on top and large "F" in lines below

Forgeries, bogus issues, reprints:

Stamps in the same design, but with different colours, are bogus issues (or reprints). I've seen the small sized stamp in the colours black, green and red and the large sized stamp in the colours black and green, examples:

Forgeries as sold by the forger Fournier (reduced sizes); images found in a 'Fournier Album'

Forgeries as sold by the forger Fournier (reduced sizes); images found in a 'Fournier Album'. From left to right; a forgery of Fardikot, one from Jammu and Kashmir and one from Nawanagar. The Faridkot forgery is a forgery of an unissued stamp.

For forgeries of Faridkot see this website:

(Forgeries of the 1 f stamp)

The above stamps are forgeries. They look exactly like the picture of the second forgery of this stamp on the above mentioned website. The details of the design are slightly different. There exist at least two forgeries of the 1 f and 1 forgery of the 1 p.

Fiscal stamps

Probably genuine fiscal stamps, note the circular design in the upper left corner.

The above stamps are reprints and forgeries of fiscal stamps (lithographed). The genuine handstamped originals have a circular flaw in the upper left corner and are handstamped. I have also seen a green and a yellow stamp (both imperforate) in the same design.

A set of forgeries from the Fournier Album, the second one is from Faridkot.

Modern forgery (1980's?). Click here for Indian States, modern forgeries, more examples.

Other modern crude forgery.

For stamps of India overprinted Faridkot click here.

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Copyright by Evert Klaseboer