FOURNIER FORGERIES, First choice forgeries

Forgeries - Timbres-faux - Fälschungen - Falsi - Falsa - Vervalsingen

Return To Catalogue - Fournier forgeries (second choice) - Fournier forgeries, forged overprints - Fournier forgeries or France

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Fournier was a stamp forger in the early 20th century. He started his career when he bought over the forgeries of another forger who went bankrupt: Louis-Henri Mercier (his real name was Henri Goegg) in 1904. His forgeries are in general of deceptive quality (but he also offers forgeries made by other persons, for example Spiro). He even operated a 'philatelic clinic' where stamps could be repaired. Part of his stock was listed in his 1914 pricelist. After his dead (12 July 1917), and after a certain Charles Hirschberger had tried to continue the forgery business in vain, the Philatelic Union of Geneva bought his whole stock and made 480 albums with his forgeries, forged overprints and forged cancels. This society sold these 'Fournier albums' in 1928, so collectors and dealers could compare Fournier's forgeries with genuine stamps. The forgeries in these albums were overprinted 'FAUX' (usually in black, but also in violet color) on the front or with 'FAC-SIMILE' on the back. Many of these albums have since been broken up, but in 1970 a photocopied black and white version was published as a book by Lowell Ragatz: 'The Fournier album of philatelic forgeries', in this work the 1914 pricelist is also included.

Francois Fournier

Forgery of Switzerland with 'FAC-SIMILE' overprint on the back, taken from a Fournier Album

Forged Fournier cancel of Natal a forged 'N35' and 'A91' (Virgin Islands) cancels

Fournier also had a 'Philatelic Clinic' were damaged stamps were repaired. The following postcard proves this:

Front and backside of a postcard of the 'PHILATELISCHE KLINIK' informing a customer his stamp has been repaired, note that the name 'Fournier' has been overprinted by 'Hirschburger'

The text reads:
		'Sehr geehrter Herr!
	Hiermit teile ich Ihnen dass die mir 
seinerzeit   1   zur Repartur gesandten 
Marken am  31 d.M. fertiggestelt sein 
und gegen den Betrag von Fr.   38.- 
fur Gebuhr der Arbeit Ihnen sofort einge-
schrieben ubersandt sein wurden. 
	Ich erwarte also umgehend diesen Betrag 
und im voraus bestens dankend, zeichne.

Fournier did not consider himself a forger, but more a 'creator of arts objects'. He offered the forgeries as such, but the problem is that they often are taken for genuine after they are being sold. He started his forgery business in 1891, when he took over the stock of another forger: Mercier. Fournier died in 1914.

(examples of Fournier forgeries, a french colonies forgery and a Wurttemberg forgery)

In his 1914 pricelist Fournier offers all his forgeries at that time (796 sets with a total of 3671 different forgeries). He distinghuishes between first choice forgeries, second choice forgeries (often forgeries made by other people than himself, such as Spiro) and overprints.

Fournier has also made forgeries of the so-called 'Tablet' type of all French colonies. He also made forgeries of the 'pfennig' values of the ship design of all German colonies. However, these items do not appear in his 1914 pricelist.

The Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries can also be found at: (compiled by Bill Claghorn). Example of a page of a Fournier Album:

Page of a Fournier Album (reduced size) with forgeries and cancels of Germany, some of them with 'FAC-SIMILÉ' printed many times in blue oblique lines on the backside (especially reprinted for this album); by the way, the above forgeries are not listed in Fournier's 1914 pricelist

The Union Philatelique de Geneve, UPG, website : ( says:
Les faux Fournier
En 1927, l'UPG rachète le fond, le matériel et le stock de l'imprimerie Hirschburger à Genève. Elle acquière ainsi plusieurs caisses contenant le solde des faux imprimés par Fournier, ainsi que les presses à imprimer, à denteler et les stocks qui avaient servis à fabriquer les faux.
Les presses et les stocks d'imprimés ont été remis en 1958 au Musée des PTT à Berne. Les autres pièces des installations de Fournier ont été détruites sous contrôle. 475 albums contenants presque tous les faux marquants ont été vendus à travers le monde pour servir de matériel de référence aux experts. Cette vente a permis de couvrir le prix d'achat du matériel. L'UPG a conservé 6 albums des faux commis par Fournier. Ces timbres ont été exposés à plusieurs reprises. Cette action, unique dans les annales philatéliques, est l'œuvre maîtresse de l'UPG.

A card from Fournier to someone in the United States, explaining in bad English that he wants his forgeries back.....


In the next tables I have tried to reproduce his 1914 pricelist (this pricelist is in french and the prices are in Swiss Francs). Additions made by me are marked in red. I have also added two columns indicating if the forgeries are included in my Cd and if so, if distinghuishing characteristics are given.

Note: As you can see a lot of pictures are still missing and also a lot of distinghuishing characteristics. If you have any pictures or information, please contact me!

First choice forgeries:

nr country year of issue description nb of stamps price (in Swiss Francs) picture available disting. char.
1 Afrique orient. angl. (British East Africa) 1890-94 2,4 et 5 rup 3 2 Yes Yes
2 Alsace-Lorraine 1870 1 au 25 centimes 8 5 Yes Yes
3 " 1870 1 au 25 cent. (burrelage renversé) 8 5 No No
4 Angola 1870 5 au 300 reis 9 2 Yes Yes


1881-85 40 reis rose (erreur) 1 2 No Yes?


1881-85 10 au 50 reis 5 1 Yes Yes
7 Argentine (Republ.) 1858-61 15 au 15 cent. 4 2 Yes No
8 " 1892 2 au 5 cent. (comm.) 2 1 Yes? Yes?
9 Autriche (Austria) 1858 2 kreuzer 1 1 No No
10 " 1850-56 6 au 30 kreuzer (journaux) 10 5 Yes Yes
11 Bade (Baden) 1862 1 au 30 kreuzer 10 5 Yes No
12 " 1862 3 kreuzer rose (dent 13 1/2) 1 1 No No
13 " 1858-62 6 et 18 kreuzer (envel.) 3 3 No No
14 Baviere 1849-62 1,12 et 18 kreuzer 6 6 Yes No
15 " 1849 1 kreuzer noir (choix extra) 1 5 No No
16 " 1862 (taxe) 1 et 3 kreuzer 3 3 No No
17 Belgique 1866-67 1 cent. (non dentele) 1 1 No No
18 " 1869-75 5 Fr. (brun rouge) 1 2 Yes No
19 " 1869-75 5 Fr. (brun pale) 1 2 No No
20 Bolivie 1897 2 bolivars 1 3 Yes Yes
21 Borneo 1883-86 50 cent. 1 1 Yes Yes
22 " 1889-92 1/2 au 50 cents 9 1 No No
23 " 1894 1 Dollar 1 1 Yes No
24 Breme 1861 2,3 et 10 gros 3 3 Yes? Yes?
25 " 1866 " 3 3 Yes? Yes?
26 " 1857 (Enveloppe) 2 2 No No
27 Bresil 1844 180 au 600 reis 3 3 No No
28 " 1854-61 280 et 430 reis 2 2 No No
29 " 1889 (taxe) du 10 au 1000 reis 9 4 Yes No
30 " 1890 (taxe) du 10 au 1000 reis 8 3 Yes No
31 Brunswick 1852 1,2 et 3 silb 3 2 Yes No
32 " 1866 1/3 au 3 grosch 4 2 Yes Yes
33 Buenos-Ayres 1858 2 au 5 pesos 5 3 Yes? Yes?
34 " 1859 1 et 2 pesos 3 2 No No
35 Cap Bonne Esperance 1853 1 et 4 pence 2 1 No No
36 " 1858 1 penny au 1 shilling 5 4 No No
37 " 1861 1 et 4 p. (compris erreurs) 4 4 No No
38 Cap Vert (Cabo Verde) 1877 5 au 300 reis 9 2 Yes Yes
39 " 1881 10 au 50 reis 5 1 No Yes
40 " 1877 40 reis (att. au 40 Mozamb.) 1 2.50 No Yes
41 " 1771 " 1 2.50 No Yes
42 Canada 1860 5 et 10 cent. (enveloppe) 2 2 No No
43 Colombie 1865 2 1/2 cent. (taxe) 1 1 No No
44 " (Bolivar) 1879 80 centavos et 1 peso 2 2 No No
45 " 1883-89 10 pesos (dent. et non dent.) 3 3 No No
46 " 1881-1865 10 cent. (lettre recomm.) et 25 et 50 cent. (taxe) 3 3 No No
47 Colonies francaises 1871 10 centimes 1 1 No No
48 " 1871 10 + 10 cent. (tete-beche) 1 3 Yes No
49 " 1884-92 (Taxe) 1 centime au 5 francs 14 3 Yes (50 c) No
50 " 1884 (Taxe) 1, 2 et 5 fr. (noir) 3 1 No Yes
51 " 1884 (taxe) 1, 2 et 5 fr. (br. rouge) 3 1 Yes (5 F) Yes
52 Congo Belge 1885 5 Francs 1 2 No No
53 " 1887-94 5 Francs (lilas) 1 1 No No
54 " 1887-94 5 Francs (gris) 1 1 No No
55 " 1887-89 10 Francs 1 2 Yes Yes
56 Congo francais 1891 (colis postaux) 10 centimes 1 0.50 Yes Yes
57 Cook (Iles) 1892 1 au 10 pence 3 1.50 Yes Yes


nr country year of issue description nb of stamps price (in Swiss Francs) picture available disting. char.
58 Crete (Rhetymo) 1899 1 et 2 metallics 4 4 Yes Yes
59 " 1905 (insurrec.) 5 l. a 1 d. 5 2 No No
60 " 1905 (insurrec.) 5, 10 et 20 l 3 1 No No
61 Cuba 1898 60 cent. a 2 pesos 4 2 No No
62 Curacao 1873-89 3 au 30 cents 7 3 No No
63 " 1873-89 50 cents au 2.50 gld 4 5 No No
64 " 1889 (Taxe) 2 1/2 au 50 cents 8 2 No No
65 Deux-Siciles (Naples) 1860 1/2 tornese 1 1 No No
66 " 1860 1/2 tornese (croix) 1 1 No No
67 Danemark 1854-64 16 skil 1 1 No No
68 " 1854-65 16 skil (perce en ligne) 1 1 No No
69 Diego-Suarez 1890 1 au 25 cent. (vignette) 4 1 Yes Yes
70 " 1891 5 cent (noir) et taxe 5 et 50 c. 3 1.50 No No
71 Dominicaine (Republ.) 1865 1/2 real 1 1 No No
72 " 1879 1/2 et 1 real 4 2 No No
73 " 1900 2 au 50 cent 4 0.50 No No
74 Eglise (Etats de l') Papal States 1852 7, 50 baj et 1 scudo 3 1 Yes Yes
75 " 1852 5 baj. (impression double) printed on both sides 1 1 Yes Yes
76 Egypte 1864 5 Piastres 1 1 Yes? No
77 " 1884 (Taxe) 1 au 5 piastres (filig. with watermark) 5 3 No No
78 " 1888 (Taxe) 2 m. au 5 piastres 5 3 No No
79 " 1888 (Taxe) 5 piastres 1 1 No No
80 Egypte (Canal Suez) 1868 1 cent. noir 1 1 No Yes
81 Equateur 1865-72 1/2 au 4 centavos 5 3 No No
82 Espagne (Spain) 1850 6 cuartos au 10 reales 3 3 Yes (5 r and 10 r No
83 " 1851 6 cuartos au 10 reales 6 5 Yes No
84 " 1851 2 reales (erreur) (bloc de 4) 1 3 No No
85 " 1852 6 cuartos au 6 reales 5 5 Yes Yes (reales only)
86 " 1853 6 cuartos au 6 reales 5 5 Yes Yes
87 " 1853 1 et 3 cuartos (Madrid) 2 4 Yes (3 c) No
88 " 1854 6 c. au 6 reales (fond coul.) 5 5 No No
89 " 1854 2 c. au 4 c. (fond blanc) 6 5 No No
90 " 1864 19 cuartos 1 1 No No
91 " 1864 19 cuartos 1 1 No No
92 " 1865 2 cuartos au 2 reales 7 5 No No
93 " 1865 12 cuartos (centre renverse) 1 2 No No
94 " 1865 2 cuartos au 2 real. dent. 7 5 No No
95 " 1865 12 cuartos (centre renverse) 1 2 No No
96 " 1865 19 cuartos (centre renverse) 1 2 No No
97 " 1872-73 5 au 50 cent 9 2 Yes No
98 " 1872-73 1,4 et 10 pesetas 3 2 Yes Yes
99 " 1873 (Biscaye et Navarre) 1 real 3 3 No No
100 " 1889-99 4 et 10 pesetas 2 1 Yes Yes
101 Etats-Unis 1873 (Officiel) 24 cents 1 1 No No
102 Fernando-Po 1868 20 centavos 1 2 No No
103 " 1899 60 centavos au 2 pesos 4 2 No No
104 Fidji 1882 1 shilling 1 1 Yes No
105 Finlande 1856 5 kopek 1 1 Yes No
106 " 1866-70 1 mark 1 2 Yes No
107 " 1889-95 5 et 10 mark 2 2 Yes Yes
108 " 1891 3 1/2 et 7 roubles (filigrane) 2 4 Yes Yes
109 " 1891 3 1/2 roubles (erreur) 1   No Yes
110 " 1901 10 mark 1 2 Yes No
111 France 1849-50 10 centimes 1 1 Yes Yes
112 " 1849-50 15 centimes 1 1 Yes Yes
113 " 1849-50 1 franc (carmin) 1 1 Yes No
114 " 1849-50 1 franc (vermillon) 1 2 No No
115 " 1849-50 10 + 10 c (tete-beche) 1 3 No No
116 " 1849-50 15 + 15 c (tete-beche) 1 3 Yes No
117 " 1849-50 1 + 1 fr (carmin tete-beche) 1 3 Yes No
118 " 1849-50 1 + 1 fr (vermillon tete-beche) 1 3 No No
119 " 1853-60 1 fr. (empire) 1 2 Yes Yes
120 " 1853-60 1 fr. (empire) (tete-beche) 1 3 Yes Yes
121 " 1859-78 (Taxe) 10 a 60 centimes 4 2 No No
122 " 1882-92 (Taxe) 1 cent. au 5 fr. 15 4 No No
123 " 1882-92 1, 2 et 5 fr. (noir) 3 1 Yes (1 F, 2 F) No
124 " 1882-92 1,2 et 5 fr. (rouge) 3 1 No Yes
125 " 1868 25 c. et 2 fr. (telegr., non dent.) 2 1 No Yes
126 " 1868 25 c. et 2 fr. (telegr., denteles) 3 1 No Yes
127 " 1869 2 et 5 c. (journaux, non denteles) 3 2 Yes Yes
128 " 1869 2 et 5 c. (journaux, denteles) 3 2 Yes Yes
129 Gabon 1889 (Vignette) 15 et 25 centimes 2 1 Yes Yes
130 Grece 1862-76 1 au 80 leptons 11 5 No No
131 " 1876-82 1 au 40 leptons 5 2 No No
132 " 1886-88 1 lepton au 1 drachme 9 5 No No
133 " 1886-88 1 au 1 dr. denteles 13 1/2 3 3 No No
134 " 1886-88 1 au 1 dr. denteles 11 1/2 4 4 No No
135 " 1889-99 2 leptons au 1 drachme 8 3 No No
136 " 1896 5 et 10 drachmes 2 2 No No
137 " 1875 (Taxe) 1 au 40 leptons 6 1 No No
138 " 1875 (Taxe) 60 lept. au 2 drach. 6 2 No No
139 " 1879 (Taxe) 1 au 40 leptons 6 1 No No
140 " 1879 (Taxe) 60 au 200 leptons 6 2 No No
141 Guadeloupe 1876-79 (Taxe) 15 au 40 centimes 5 1 Yes (25 c) No
142 " 1884 (Taxe) 5 au 20 centimes 7 4 No No
143 Haiti 1881 1 au 20 cent 6 5 No No
144 " 1882 1 au 20 cent 6 3 No No
145 " 1904 1 au 50 cent. (exterieur) 6 1 No No
146 " 1904 1 au 50 cent. (non dentele) 6 10 No No
147 Hambourg 1859-64 1/2 sch. (dent. et non dent.) 2 1 No No
148 " 1864 1 1/4 et 2 1/2 schil. 5 1 No No
149 " 1864 1 1/4 et 2 1/2 schil. (denteles) 5 1 No No
150 " 1866 1/4 et 1/2 schilling 2 1 No No
151 " 1866 1/2 au 7 sch. (enveloppes) 7 2 No No
152 Hanovre 1851 1/10 1/15 et 1/30 Th 3 3 Yes Yes
153 " 1856 1/10 1/15 et 1/30 Th 3 3 Yes Yes
154 " 1859 1/2 et 3 pfg 4 4 Yes (not all values) No
155 " 1861 10 groschen 1 2 No No
156 " 1858-61 (Envel.) trefle et cheval 2 2 No No
157 Hawai 1865 5 cents 1 2 No No
158 " 1859-64 5 et 13 et 1 et 2 cents (taxe) 4 5 No No
159 Hongrie 1871 3 et 10 k. (env. orig. transf. en t. made from genuine envelopes) 2 5 No No


nr country year of issue description nb of stamps price (in Swiss Francs) picture available disting. char.
160 Indes anglaises 1854 4 annas 1 1 Yes Yes
161 " 1854 " (centre renverse inverted center) 1 1 Yes Yes
162 Indes neerlandaises 1882 (Taxe) 2 1/2 au 75 cents 9 2 No No
163 Indes Portugaises (Portuguese India) 1879 5 au 30 reis 9 2 Yes Yes
164 " 1880 10 au 50 reis 5 1 Yes Yes
165 Italie 1862-63 5 cent. au 3 lire 6 2 No No
166 Japon 1871 48 au 500 mons 4 5 No No
167 " 1871 1/2 au 5 sen 4 5 No No
168 " 1872-73 1/2 au 4 sen 6 3 No No
169 " 1872-73 10 au 20 sen 4 2 No No
170 " 1872-73 1 et 2 sen 7 3.50 No No
171 " 1872-73 30 sen 3 1.50 No No
172 " 1874-75 6 sen 3 1.50 No No
173 " 1875 1/2 au 20 sen 8 4 No No
174 " 1875 1/2 au 45 sen 3 1.50 No No
175 " 1875-77 1 au 30 sen 6 2.50 No No
176 " 1877 6 au 12 sen 4 2 No No
177 " 1877-79 1 au 45 sen 7 2 No No
178 Levant Russe 1864 6 kopek bl. fonce 1 5 No No
179 " 1864 6 kopek bl. pale 1 5 No No
180 Liberia 1860 6 au 24 cents 3 2 Yes? No
181 " 1864-69 6 au 24 cents 3 2 Yes? No
182 " 1867 6 au 24 cents 3 2 Yes? No
183 " 1867 6 au 24 cents (non dentele) 2 2 Yes? No
184 " 1880 6 au 24 cents 5 2 Yes? No
185 Lombardo-Venetie 1850 15 au 45 cts (papier mince) 3 3 No No
186 " 1850 15 au 45 cts (papier epais) 3 3 No No
187 " 1858 3 soldi 1 1 No No
188 " 1858 1 et 4 kr. (journaux) 2 2 No No
189 Lubeck 1844(?) 1 1/4 Sch (brun et brun fonce) 2 2 No No
190 Luxemburg 1859-63 1 au 40 centimes 9 5 Yes No
191 " 1865-72 1 au 4 cent. (lignes blanches) 4 4 No No
192 " 1865-72 1 cent. au 1 franc 12 7 Yes No
193 " 1874 1 cent. au 1 franc 10 5 No No
194 " 1874 4 au 37 1/2 cent. (non dent.) 4 4 No No
195 " 1882 5 francs (dffer. dentelures) 1 1 Yes No
196 Macao 1884 5 au 300 reis 9 2 Yes Yes
197 " 1885 10 au 80 reis 6 1 Yes Yes
198 Maurice (Ile) 1862 9 pence (envelope) 1 1 No No
199 Mecklenbourg-Schwerin 1856-67 4/4 au 5 schilling 6 6 Yes No
200 Mexique 1872 6 au 100 centavos 5 2 Yes (100 c) No
201 " (Guadalajara) 1867 1 real 4 4 No No
202 " 1868 1 real 1 1 No No
203 " (Porte de Mar) 1897 2 au 100 centavos 6 1 Yes Yes
204 Modene 1853-57 (journaux) 9 cent. 1 1 Yes No
205 Monaco 1885 40 centimes au 5 francs 4 3 Yes No
206 Montenegro 1894 1 nov. au 2 florins 6 1.50 No No
207 " 1896 1 au 15 nov 6 0.50 No No
208 " 1896 20 nov. au florins 6 1.50 No No
209 Mozambique 1877 5 au 300 reis 9 2 Yes Yes
210 " 1881-85 10 au 50 reis 5 1 Yes Yes
211 Nevis 1861 1 pence au 1 shilling 3 1.50 No No
212 Nouvelle Republique 1886 1 et 4 d 5 2.50 No No
213 " 1886 1 d (relief) 3 1.50 No No
214 " 1886 1 et 4 d (relief) 4 2 No No
215 Oldenbourg 1858 1 au 3 gr 3 3 Yes Yes
216 " 1860 1 au 3 gr 3 3 Yes Yes
217 Panama 1879 5, 10 et 20 cent 3 3 Yes No
218 " 1887 50 centavos 1 1 No No
219 Parme 1852-54 5 au 40 cent. 3 1 No No
220 Pays-Bas (The Netherlands) 1867 50 cents 1 2 Yes? No
221 Philipines 1898-99 60 centavos au 2 pesos 4 2 Yes Yes
222 Porto-Rico 1898-99 60 centavos au 2 pesos 4 2 No No
223 Portugal 1895 50 au 100 reis (avec devise) 4 4 Yes Yes
224 Reunion 1889 (Taxes) 5 au 30 centimes 5 1 No No
225 " 1889 (Taxes) 5 au 30 centimes (sur jaun.) 4 1 No No
226 Roumanie 1858 27 au 108 paras 4 2 No No
227 " 1862 6 paras (rouge) 1 1 No No
228 " 1862 6 paras (pap. verge) 1 1 No No
229 " 1865 2 au 20 paras 3 3 No No
230 " 1866-67 2 au 20 paras 3 3 No No
231 " 1868-70 2 et 18 bani 4 2 No No
232 " 1869 5 au 50 bani 5 3 Yes Yes
233 " 1871-72 5 au 25 bani 6 3 No No
234 " 1871-72 50 bani 1 2 No No
235 " 1871-72 5 au 25 bani (dent.) 4 2 No No
236 " 1871-72 10 p. blue et jaune (papier verge) 2 2 No No
237 " 1885 5 au 25 b (dent 13 1/2 neufs) 3 2 No Yes
238 " 1885 5 au 25 b. (dent 11 1/2 neufs) 3 2 No Yes
239 " 1885 5 au 25 b. (dent 11 1/2 et 13 1/2) 3 2 No Yes
240 " 1887 3 au 50 b. (dent 13 1/2) 5 3 No Yes
241 " 1887 3 au 50 b (dent 11 1/2) 5 3 No Yes
242 " 1887 3 au 50 b (dent 11 1/2 et 13 1/2) 5 3 No Yes
243 Roumelie Orientale (Eastern Rumelia) 1881 5 p. au 5 piastres 5 3 Yes No
244 " 1885 5 p. au 5 piastres 5 3 Yes No
245 " 1888 5 et 10 paras (dent. 13 1/2) 2 2 Yes No
246 Russie 1888 3 1/2 et 7 roubles (sans foudres) 2 4 Yes No
247 St. Marin (San Marino) 1877-90 5 au 40 centimes 6 2 Yes Yes
248 " 1877-94 5 au 65 centimes 6 2 Yes Yes
249 " 1892-94 1 au 5 lire 3 2 No Yes
250 " 1895-99 5 c. au 1 lire 5 2 No Yes
251 " 1877-90 (Choix extra avec filigrane) 5 et 25 cent. 2 1 No No
252 " 1877-90 (Choix extra avec filigarne) 10 au 40 cent. 4 2 No No
253 " 1892 (Choix extra avec filigrane) 5 et 10 surch. div. 5 3 No No
254 " 1892-94 (Choix extra avec filigrane) 5 au 65 cent. 7 3 No No
255 " 1892-94 (Choix extra avec filigrane) 1 au 5 lire. 3 3 No No
256 " 1895-99 (Choix extra avec filigrane) 5 c. au 1 l. 5 3 No No
257 St-Thome et Principe 1869 5 au 300 reis 9 2 Yes Yes
258 " 1881 10 au 50 reis 5 1 Yes Yes
259 Sardaigne (Sardinia) 1853 5 au 40 cent. 3 3 No No
260 " 1853 5 au 40 cent. (centre blanc) 3 3 No No
261 " 1855 5 cent a 3 lire 6 2 No No
262 " 1855 5 c. au 3 l. (centre renv.) 6 2 No No
263 Saxe (Saxony) 1850 3 pfennig 1 2 Yes? No
264 " 1850 3 pfennig (choix extra) 1 5 No No
265 " 1851 3 pfennig 1 0.50 No No
266 " 1859 5 et 10 neugr. (envel.) 2 2 No No
267 Serbie 1900-02 3 et 5 dinars 2 1 No Yes
268 " 1904 5 au 50 paras 5 0.50 No Yes
269 Suede (Stockholm) 1856-62 1 et 3 skillings 2 2 No No
270 Suisse (Switzerland) 1843-48 (Geneve) 5 centimes 7 4 Yes/No Yes/No
271 " 1849 5 cts. de Vaud (Choix extra) 1 2 No No
272 " 1849-50 (Vaud et Neuchatel) 4 et 5 cent. 3 1.50 Yes No
273 " 1845 (Bale) 2 1/2 rap. (Colombe) (Basel dove) 1 5 Yes No
274 " 1845 " (Essai) 1 2 No No
275 " 1843 (Zurich et Winterhtur) 4 et 6 kr. et 2 1/2 r. 5 2.50 No No
276 " 1850 (Croix encad. et non) Ortspost 2 1/2 rap. et (Poste locale) 2 1/2 4 2 No No
277 " 1852 5,10,15 rap. (croix encadr.) 4 3 No No
278 " 1852 5,10,15 rap. (non encadree) 4 3 No No
279 " 1854 2 rappen et 1 franc 2 2 Yes Yes
280 " 1881 2 c. au 1 fr. (auth. obl. fant.) 9 2 No No
281 Surinam 1873-92 2 1/2 au 30 cents 10 5 Yes Yes
282 " 1873-92 40 cents au 2.50 gulden 4 5 Yes Yes
283 " 1888-89 (Taxe) 2 1/2 au 50 cent 7 2 No No
284 Toscane 1851 (Filigranes) 1 quat. a 60 gr. 10 4 No No
285 " 1854 2 soldi (journaux) 1 1 Yes No
286 Transvaal 1870-83 1 pen. au 1 shil. 5 5 No No
287 " 1885-93 1/2 pen. au 5 Pound 13 5 No No
288 " 1895 1/2 pen. au 5 shil. 5 5 No No
289 Turquie 1876-90 5 paras au 25 piastres 6 3 No No
290 Uruguay 1856 80 cent. et 1 real 2 2 No No
291 " 1857 120, 180 et 240 cent 3 3 No No
292 " 1859 60 au 240 cent 6 6 No No
293 " 1859 60 au 180 cent (chiffres gras) 6 6 No No
294 " 1866 5 et 15 cent 3 3 No No
295 " 1872 5 et 15 cent 3 3 No No
296 Venezuela 1896 5 cent. au 1 boliv. (tete-beche) 5 1 No No
297 Wenden 1863-64 Brief et Pak. mark 2 3 Yes No
298 Wurtemberg 1851 18 kreuzer 1 2 Yes No
299 " 1857 " 1 2 Yes Yes
300 " 1858 " 1 2 Yes Yes
301 " 1859 " 1 2 Yes Yes
302 " 1863 " 1 2 Yes Yes
303 " 1866 " 1 2 Yes Yes
304 " 1875-00 2 marks 3 3 Yes No
305 " 1881-00 5 marks 1 1 Yes No



The next forgery of New South Wales can be found in 'Fourniers Album of Philatelic Forgeries'. I don't think Fournier actually sold this forgery, but merely used it to illustrate his pricelists etc. When the album was made, 'reprints' were made of all the plates that were found, including this one:

(Fournier forgery, reduced size)

If this information is correct, then only 480 of such 'forgeries' can exist (since there were only 480 albums).

Another Fournier 'forgery' of a 1/2 Pi Queen Victoria stamp of Cyprus and a 2 Sh ov Victoria, also probably only used to illustrate his pricelists, note that the perforation is printed in the Ceylon forgery.

Fournier also had contacts with other forgers, as this letter from Fournier to Henry Flachskamm (famous forger in USA) indicates:

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer