FINLAND Miscellaneous

Return To Catalogue - Finland 1856 issue - Finland 1860-1874 - Finland 1875-1890 - Finland 1891-1916 - Finland 1917 onwards

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contact me if you want to purchase them:


1845 Inscription 'PORTO STEMPEL', '10 KOPEK' or '20 KOPEK'

Certified genuine envelope

Most likely forgeries....

  10 k black
  20 k red

These envelopes were ONLY issued in the colours: 10 k black and 20 k red. These envelopes are very rare. Ferdinand Elb, a forger in Dresden, Germany, made forgeries in the reverse colours: 10 k red and 20 k black. He then sold them for £50 or more each! (see: Album Weeds by Earee or Philatelic Forgers, their lives and works by Varro E. Tyler). The confusion thus created was so good that official reprints were in 1862 of all 4 values (thus including the bogus colors)! By 1872 a second reprint was ordered, this time only of the two genuine stamps.

Forgeries in the wrong colours:

(Forgeries in the wrong colours)

Other forgeries

Image obtained from, wrong colour

(Probably forgeries, reduced sizes)

A bunch of reprints also in fancy colors.

A Senf forgery exists of the 20 k envelope

This stamp was distributed with the journal the 'Illustrierten Briefmarken Journal', No 23 (3 December 1887). It always bears the overprint 'Facsimile' in black.

Commemorative stamp in the same design
Commemorative stamp in the same design


1850 As stamp design of the Finland 1856 issue, but with no white dots in the posthorns

  5 k blue
  10 k red
  20 k black

Re-issue in 1856 in slightly modified design
  5 k blue
  10 k red

Some of these postcards were overprinted with a 1860 stamp design alike pattern at the back in 1860(?). These are very rare.

Bogus issue.
Probably forgeries of the 20 k envelope


1871 Envelopes in the 1860 stamp design

  5 k blue (7 stars)
  10 k red (7 stars)
  10 k red (8 stars)
  20 p blue (1871)
  40 p red (1871)


1871 Postcards in the 1860 stamp design

  8 p green
  10 p lilac

Mourning label

Arms of Finland, black, red and yellow, no value. Issued to commemorate the Russian occupation of Finland:


With 'PENNIA' at the top:

(reduced sizes)

  10 p red
  10 p orange
  10 p blue
  16 p brown
  20 p blue
  20 p orange
  25 p blue
(Other values might exist)

  10 p red
  20 p orange
  25 p blue


Angbatsbolag or Angbats Post

1867 Wanajavesi Angbatsbolag


This oval stamp is a steamship company stamp issued in 1867. Three values were issued, 10 p red, 20 p red and 25 p red. A picture of a similar stamp is shown in 'The world of Classic Stamps' by James A. Mackay, page87 (value 25 penni red, the illustration is in black). I've never seen any cancelled copies. Reprints exist (the above stamp is probably a reprint). If I'm well informed, a reprint exists which has the bowsprit extending too much (way beyond the ends of the ropes as in the above image). In the original stamp the accent above the second 'A' of 'ANGBATSBOLAG' is not touching the framline above it. At least one forgery also exists. More information can be found in "Cinderella Stamps by L.N. and M. Williams (William Heinemann 1970)". I have not read this book myself.


Other 'Angbats Post Aktie Bolaget' stamps:

(reduced sizes)

A 50 p green and blue in a similar design also exists. These stamps were issued around 1887 (in that year they were described in 'Le Timbre Poste' by Moens).

The 10 p in circle design stamps were 'reprinted' in 1982 in a minisheet of 4 stamps with inscritpion '2. POSTIMERKKIMESSUT SUOMESS 23-24.10.1982' at the top and 'SUOMEN KERAILYMESSUT ry MUISTORAKKI no.2' at the bottom.

Fiscal stamps

In 1865 the first fiscal stamps were issued in Finland (design similar to the 1866 issue, sorry, no picture available yet). The arms of Finland are at the upper side of the stamp, a seal in the bottom and the value in the center. The following values were issued: 20 p, 30 p, 40 p, 50 p, 60 p, 70 p, 80 p, 1 M, 1 1/2 M, 2 M, 3 M, 4 M, 5 M, 6 M, 7 M, 8 M, 10 M, 15 M, 20 M, 25 M, 30 M, 40 M and 50 M. The penni values are in the colour brown, the Mark values in blue.


1866 New design, red seal at the bottom

The following values were issued: 10 p, 20 p, 25 p, 30 p, 40 p, 50 p, 60 p, 80 p, 1 M, 1 1/2 M, 2 M, 3 M, 4 M, 5 M, 6 M, 7 M, 8 M, 10 M, 15 M, 20 M, 25 M, 30 M, 40 M, 50 M, 60 M, 80 M, 100 M, 150 M, 200 M and 500 M. The penni values are in the colour brown, the Mark values in blue.


1883 New design, arms in top part, red seal at the bottom

The following values were issued: 5 p, 10 p, 20 p, 25 p, 30 p, 50 p, 1 M, 1 1/2 M, 2 M, 3 M, 4 M, 5 M, 6 M, 7 M, 8 M, 10 M, 15 M, 20 M, 25 M, 30 M, 40 M, 50 M, 60 M, 80 M, 100 M, 150 M, 200 M and 500 M. The penni values are in the colour brown, the Mark values in blue.


1892 Inscription 'STAMPELMARKE LEIMAMERKKI', value in red

(Inscription 'STAMPELMARKE LEIMAMERKKI', reduced size)

The following values were issued: 5 p, 10 p, 20 p, 25 p, 40 p, 50 p, 1 M, 1 1/2 M, 2 M, 3 M, 4 M, 5 M, 10 M, 15 M, 20 M, 25 M, 30 M, 40 M, 50 M, 100 M, 200 M and 500 M. The penni values are in the colour brown, the Mark values in blue. Also a larger 10000 M in red was issued (rare).


(Fiscal stamp issued around 1910)

Railway Stamp


At least the following values exist:
25 penni red
30 penni red
40 penni brown
50 penni yellow
1 Mark blue
10 kopecks red
25 kopecks brown


In 1913 a different design was issued with inscription 'SUOMEN VALTIONRAUTATIET FINSKA STATSJARNVAGARNA' in at least the following values:
25 p green
40 p red
50 p green
60 p orange
1 M purple
3 M blue
5 M brown

Other railway stamps of Finland with Russian inscription.

Field Post Stamp



'Forgeries of Finnish Postage Stamps' by Mikka Ossa (both in Finnish and English)

'Finnland Fruhe Ortstempel' by Rolf Gummeson 96 pages.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer