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Modern reprints of several German States and other countries were made in 1978 by the printing firm Georg Gehringer in Kaiserslautern (Germany) in mini-sheets of four stamps in enormous quantities. Even the embossing has been carefully done. Examples:


Reprint of the 1 k 1851 stamps of Baden made by Gehringer. The text of the minisheet on which this forgery was printed reads: 'Von den Jungern der Schwarzen Kunst, die and er Herstellung des Baden-Handbuches mitwirkten, den Mitgliedern der Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Baden" im BDPH gewidmet. Lorrach, 17.X.1971 GEORG GEHRINGER Graphische Kunstanstalt Kaiserslautern'


(A reprint mini-sheet of the 5 p green made for the 78th Deutscher Philatelistentag in Munchen, 1977, note the wavy watermark alike paper)

(Zoom-in of the stamp on the reprints sheet)

A similar reprint with only one stamp in a minisheet was made of the 10 c red value with large green 'E' overprint. It has the inscription 'JUBILAUMSAUSTELLUNG IN SCHWANDORF 20 JAHRE BRIEFMARKEN - SAMMLERGEMEINSCHAFT REGENSBURG IM BSW 1958 -1978'. Thus it was probably made in 1978.


All stamps of Lübeck were reprinted in 1978 in mini-sheets of 2x2 stamps. They were issued for various (non-) philatelic events from 1979 to 1984. However, for the 1859 issue, only the 4 Sch value seems to correspond to the genuine stamp. All the others are different, the 1 and 2 Sch substantially, since they were made from the 1/2 Sch value.
Another set of reprints of the 1859 was also made by Gehringer for the Salon der Philatelie in Hamburg (1984). It is a strip of 5 stamps, one of each value, all in the color of the 1/2 Sch. The inscription at the bottom reads 'Dieser Zusammendruck entstand nach einen direkten Reproduktion vom Ur-Lithostein, der zu diesem Zweck von Stadt. Museum Lubeck zur Verfugung gestellt wurde. Gehringer'. Sorry, no image available yet.

(Reprint sheet made by Gehringer of the 1/2 Sch value, reduced size)

Backside of this sheet, the 'reprints' have inscription 'Neudruck 1978' printed on the backside

Some envelopes of Lubeck were also 'reproduced'. They have 'Neudruck '78 Gehringer' written at the backside (bottom).



In 1978, the printer Gehringer also made reprints of the 1 1/4 Sch and 1 1/2 Sch stamps of Hamburg. Enormous quantities must have been printed, the quality is very good (the embossing on the backside of the stamp can clearly be seen).

(Reprint consisting of a block of four 1 1/4 Sch stamps, for the 'WELTPOSTKONGRESS' in Hamburg, I've also seen these sheets without the Weltpostkongress text, note there is watermark alike pattern in the whole sheet)

Gehringer mini sheet reprint containing four 1 1/2 Sch stamp for 'NAPOSTA 85' and 'MOPHILA 85'

A whole sheet of Gehringer reprints containing 25 stamps of the 1 1/2 Sch value, inscription 'Hamburg Nr. 21 - Neudruck 1978'

Similar sheets exist with the value 1 1/4 Sch (also 25 stamps).

(Cut from such a sheet, reduced size)


Another modern 'reprint' of the 18 k arms issue of Wurttemberg in blue with the value omitted made in 1981 by Gehringer for the Daposta 81 exhibition. The text in the minisheet states that the original printing plates were used. The embossing of the central part is totally missing, instead the arms part is printed in blue.

Minisheet of a blue stamp together with a 1862 postal stationary reprint.

On the same minisheet a modern 'reprint' of the 1 k postal stationery of 1862 with defacing line (cross-shaped) can be found. The text in the minisheet states that the original printing plates were used.

Modern reprint

Reprint of a local stamp of Frankfurt


A minisheet with the British Guiana 1 c 1856 stamp issued for the Nordposta '77 exhibition in Hamburg:

Stamps - Timbres-Poste - Briefmarken

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer