GERMANY (Local Issues) Halberstadt..Hohenstein-Ernstthal

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Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:


  2 p blue
  3 p red
  14 p lilac



1891 Arms of Magdeburg (!), inscription "COURIER PRIVATSTADTBRF. BEFORDERUNG", no city name indicated

  2 p blue
  3 p brown

Overprinted with arms of Halle in violet
  2 p blue
  3 p brown
  12 p violet (stamp of Magdeburg)
  14 p green (stamp of Magdeburg)

  '2' on 3 p brown
  '5' on 3 p brown
Further overprint with "A"
  '2' on 3 p brown
  3 p brown



(Reduced sizes)


  2 p green
  3 p red (2 types?)
  14 p blue

(Surcharged stamp?)

Postal stationery in the same design:

A farewell postcard (Abschiedskarte), issued when the postal service of this company had to stop:



Express stadtbrief beforderung

1896 Inscription "EXPRESS STADTBRIEF BEFORDERUNG EXPRESS" a letter in a triangle, perforated, no city name indicated


  1 1/2 p brown
  2 p blue (several types)
  10 p green
  12 p yellow
  20 p red

These stamps were also used in Liegnitz, together with an additional value of 3 p red. With inscription "COURIER" these stamps were used in Hagen.


An 'Abschied-karte' (farewell card) was issued with a similar design and a man holding a piece of paper with '31 Marz 1900 letzte Beforderung' on it, example:


For private issues of HAMBURG click here (Boten issues) or here (others).



1893 Arms of Hanau, inscription "PRIVAT - HANAUER BRIEF VERKEHR"

With cancel
(Reduced sizes)

  2 p brown
  2 p red (1899)

For local issues of HANOVER click here.


1886 Lion, arms of Heidelberg

1 p black "Lion"

  1 p black (perforated)
  1 p black (imperforated)
  2 p blue (1893, slightly different design)
  2 p red (1893, slightly different design)


1886 Number, inscription "PRIVAT - BRIEF -VERKEHR HEIDELBERG"

  2 p black (imperforate, "PFENNIGE")
  2 p black (perforated, different type, "PFENNIG" and '2' different)


1887 Inscription "PRIVAT - STADT - POST G.ARNOLD HEIDELBERG", castle of Heidelberg (2 types), perforated or imperforate

  1 p blue
  2 p red
  3 p violet
  5 p green
  10 p orange

These stamps exist with overprint "Privat - Brief - Verkehr":

Various stamps exist surcharged with '1' or '2' in different types.


1887 Inscription "PRIVAT - BRIEF - VERKEHR G.ARNOLD HEIDELBERG", castle of Heidelberg, perforated or imperforate

  1 p blue
  2 p red
  3 p violet
  5 p green
  10 p orange

These stamps exist surcharged with '1' or '2' in different types:

In 1889 a stamp of Mannheim (2 p orange, inscription 'HANSA PRIVAT POST FUR STADBRIEFE MANNHEIM) was used in Heidelberg. This stamp also exists overprinted 'G.Arnold Heidelberg'.


1889 Value, inscription "PRIVAT BRIEF VERKEHR G. ARNOLD", perforated or imperforate

  1 p green and black
  1 p black on yellow
  2 p red and black
  2 p red (value in red)
  2 p black on brown
  2 p green and black
  2 p blue and black
  2 p violet and black
  2 p brown and black
  2 p gold and black
  2 p brown and red
  2 p gold and black
  2 p gold and violet
  2 p black on yellow
  2 p black on red
  2 p black on blue
  2 p black on orange
  2 p black on grey
  3 p blue and black
  3 p black on red
  5 p violet and black
  5 p black on blue
  10 p brown and black
  10 p black on orange
  20 p brown and black
  20 p black on grey
  30 p olive and black
  30 p gold

  '2' on 1 p green and black (2 types)
  '2' on 1 p black on yellow (2 types)
  '2' on 3 p blue and black (2 types)
  '2' on 3 p black on yellow
  '2' on 3 p black on red
  '2' on 5 p violet and black (2 types)
  '2' on 5 p black on blue
  '2' on 10 p brown and black
  '2' on 10 p black on orange
  '2' on 20 p brown and black
  '2' on 20 p black on grey
  '2' on 30 p brown and black
  '2' on 20 p gold and black


In 1892 the stamps of Neuenheim were overprinted "Heidelberg" and used in Heidelberg. Also various surcharges of '2' exist.



  2 p red




(Reduced sizes)

  1 p blue
  2 p red
  3 p red
  5 p green
  10 p orange

Overprinted "G.Arnold" (1887)
  1 p blue
  2 p red
  3 p red
  5 p green
  10 p orange

Postcard, example:

(Reduced size)


1887 Lion, inscription "NEUENHEIM - HEIDELBERG BRIEF & PACKET VERKEHR". perforated, rouletted or imperforated

(Reduced sizes)

  2 p yellow
  3 p red
  5 p blue
  10 p red
  20 p yellow

In 1892 the stamps of Neuenheim were overprinted 'Heidelberg' and used in Heidelberg:


1896 Arms of the Herion family

  1 1/2 p red
  2 p blue

These stamps were also used in Ulm.


1897 Statue, inscription "STADT BRIEFVERKEHR HEILBRONN"

(Reduced size)

(The three types of the 2 p with background, statue without wings, statue with wings, side ornaments and lettering differs for the last 2 types, reduced sizes)

  1 1/2 p orange
  2 p red (without background)
  2 p red (with background with houses, 3 types)
  5 p brown


(Reduced sizes)

Some parcel stamps exist for Hohenstein - Ernstthal. They have the inscription "DICK & STUTZ EXPRESS PACKET VERKEHR HOHENSTEIN - ERNSTTHAL". The following values exist: 5 p blue, 10 p green, 20 p grey, 30 p brown, 45 p violet, 50 p red, 70 p yellow, 100 p blue and 200 p orange.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer