GERMANY 1924-1935

Deutschland - Allemagne

Return To Catalogue - Germany Overview - Germany 1921-1923 inflation period, part 2 - Stamps issued after 1936

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Germany 1921-1923 inflation period


1924 Inscription 'DEUTSCHE NOTHILFE', various scenes in a circle

  20 p blue ('DIE NACKTEN KLEIDEN')
  50 p brown ('DIE KRANKEN PFLEGEN')

Overprinted '1923-1933'
  5 p green
  10 p red
  20 p blue
  50 p brown

The 1933 stamps were printed in minisheets of four stamps, one of each value. The forger Peter Winter has made forgeries of these sheets, even pasted on letter. I have seen such a letter with a Zeppelin cancel 'DEUTSCHLANDFAHRT 1934', a cancel 'DRESDEN 15. 5. 34.3-4 N * ALTST.35 b' and 'FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 19.5.34. 5-6 *(Bodensee) b' addressed to 'Herrn Dr. med. Hios Praetorius DRESDEN A19 Holbeinstrasse 134'


1924 Eagle, inscription 'Deutsches Reich'

  3 p brown
  5 p green
  10 p red
  20 p blue
  30 p lilac
  40 p olive
  50 p orange

Stamps with overprint 'Dienstmarke' are official stamps

A 10 p stamp with 'Pol' perforation (used by Police)


1924 Various views

1930 issue, view of Cologne (Köln)

  1 M green ('Rheinstein')
  2 M blue (view of Cologne, inscription 'Zwei Mark')
  2 M blue (view of Cologne, inscription 'Zwei Reichsmark', 1930)
  3 M red ('Marienburg')
  5 M green ('Dom zu Speyer')


1924 Heinrich von Stephan

  10 p green
  20 p blue
  60 p brown (with posthorn at bottom)
  80 p blue (with posthorn at bottom)

The 60 p was re-issued in 1928 in a slightly lighter tone of brown and on different paper.

Stamps with overprint 'Dienstmarke' are official stamps



  5 p green
  10 p red


1925 Rheinland commemoration, landscape with eagle in background

  5 p green
  10 p red
  20 p blue


1925 Arms of several states in an ellipse, inscription 'DEUTSCHE NOTHILFE'

  5 p green (Prussia)
  5 p green (Wurttemberg, 1926)
  5 p green (Hamburg, 1928)
  5 p green (Bremen, 1929)
  8 p green (Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 1928)
  8 p green (Lippe-Detmold, 1929)
  10 p red (Bavaria)
  10 p red (Baden, 1926)
  15 p red (Oldenburg, 1928)
  15 p red (Lubeck, 1929)
  20 p blue (Saxony)
  25 p blue (Thuringen, 1926)
  25 p blue (Brunswick, 1928)
  25 p blue (Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 1929)
  50 p brown (Hessen, 1926)
  50 p brown (Anhalt, 1928)
  50 p brown (Schaumburg-Lippe, 1929)

The colour indicated above is the background colour.

Relatively modern forgeries exist of these stamps, examples of such forgeries:

50 p forgeries with 'FAUX' written at the bottom (made by Peter Winter?). In the above forgeries, an additional forged cancel 'ALBENDORF (BZ BREISGAU) Sommerfrische - Luftkurort' was added.

50 p forgery with 'FAUX' written at the bottom

I've seen a whole sheet of these 50 p 1928 forgeries (20 stamps, 4 rows of 5), with cancel 'FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 6.6.30 19-20 * (Bodensee)'.


1926 Famous Germans

  3 p brown (Goethe)
  5 p green (Schiller)
  8 p green (Beethoven, 1927)
  10 p red (Frederic the Great)
  15 p orange (Kant)
  20 p green (Beethoven)
  25 p blue (Goethe)
  30 p olive (Lessing)
  40 p violet (Leibnitz)
  50 p brown (Bach)
  80 p brown (Durer)

Overprinted 'I.A.A. 10-15.10.1927'

  8 p green
  15 p orange
  25 p blue

'Reprints' of the 3 p brown and 25 p blue exist and were made for the Philatelia '81 exhibition in Frankfurt am Main. They were printed in a minisheet with three stamps; two 3 p stamps and one 25 p stamp in the middle.

Reprints made for the 'Philatelia '81' exhibition.


1927 80th birthday of Hindenburg

  8 p green
  15 p red
  25 p blue
  50 p brown

I have seen the value 8 p printed on top of the value 15 p (from a stamp booklet?).


1928 Paul von Hindenburg and Friedrich Ebert

1928 issue
1928 issue

  3 p brown (Ebert)
  4 p blue (Hindenburg, 1931)
  5 p green (Hindenburg)
  6 p olive (Ebert, 1932)
  8 p green (Ebert)
  10 p orange (Ebert)
  10 p lilac (Ebert, 1930)
  12 p orange (Hindenburg, 1932)
  15 p red (Hindenburg)
  20 p blue (Ebert)
  20 p grey (Ebert, 1930)
  25 p blue (Hindenburg)
  30 p green (Ebert)
  40 p violet (Hindenburg)
  45 p orange (Ebert)
  50 p brown (Hindenburg)
  60 p brown (Ebert)
  80 p yellow (Hindenburg, 1930)
  80 p dark brown (Hindenburg)

Overprinted '30. Juni 1930' in two lines

  8 p green
  15 p red

Ebert was the first president of Germany (1919-1925) and Hindenburg the second (1925-1933). I have seen the values 5 p and 6 p printed together (from stamp booklets which consist of six 6 p stamps and four 5 p stamps; one 6 p and four 5 p stamp on the top row and five 6 p stamps in the bottom row). I'v also seen the values 6 p and 12 p printed together (from a stamp booklet of 12 stamps a top and bottom row of six stamps each, two 6 p stamps in the upper left corner, the rest is 12 p stamps).


1930 Views of various towns 'Deutsche Nothilfe'

  8 p green (Aachen)
  15 p red (Berlin)
  25 p blue (Marienwerder)
  50 p  brown (Wurzburg)

I have seen a block of 7 stamps, with an additional label with inscription 'Verwende die Wohlfahrts Postkarte!' (use the charity postcard) in green in the upper left part, with three 8 p green in the upper row and four 15 p stamps at the bottom. I've also seen seven 8 p stamps, 4 on top and three at the bottom, with a label with a green cross at the left bottom side.


1931 Views of various towns, 'Deutsche Nothilfe'

  8 p green (Dresden, Zwinger)
  15 p red (Breslau, city hall)
  25 p blue (Heidelberg, castle)
  50 p brown (Lubeck Holstentor, gate)

Surcharged (1932)
  '6+4Rpf' on 8 p green
  '12+3Rpf' on 15 p red

I've seen the 15 p stamp with labels with green inscription 'Verwende die Wohl-fahrts-Postkarte!' (use the charity postcards!) below or on top.


1932 President Hindenburg

25 c blue (1931)

  1 p black (1933)
  3 p brown (1933)
  4 p blue
  5 p green
  6 p dark green (1933)
  8 p orange (1933)
  10 p brown (1933)
  12 p red
  15 p dark red
  20 p blue (1933)
  25 p blue
  30 p olive (1933)
  40 p lilac
  50 p brown 
  50 p green and black (1933)
  60 p dark red and black (1933)
  80 p blue and black (1933)
  100 p yellow and black (1933)

With black border mourning stamps
  ('Trauermarken', 1934 commemorating the death of Hindenburg)

  3 p brown and black
  5 p green and black
  6 p dark green and black
  8 p orange and black
  12 p red and black
  25 p blue and black

These stamps exist attached to labels with various texts, such as: 'Spare bei der Postsparkasse!', 'Unterstutzt das Deutsche Rote Kreuz', 'Unterstutzt die US Volkswohlfahrt', 'Trete in die USD ein', 'Alles fur Deutschland'. Different values also exist printed side by side. These varieties all come from stamp booklets.
I've also seen tete-beche pairs of the values 1 p and 12 p, 3 p and 6 p, 4 p and 12 p, 6 p and 8 p; all with the a large space (the size of two stamps) with vertical coloured lines in between the individual stamps (see image below for an example).

1931 issue; also exists with overprints 'Elsaß' or 'Lothringen' for use in Alsace and Lorraine, a similar overprint was used in 'Luxemburg' during the German occupation of this country. Also the overprint 'Deutsche Post OSTEN' together with a surcharged in 'Groschen' was used in occupied Poland.

A proof of about 1933, inscription 'Muster - Marke' with the portrait of Hindenburg


1933 Various city views 'Deutsche Nothilfe'

  4 p blue (Wartburg)
  6 p olive (Stolzenfels)
  12 p red (Nurnberg)
  25 p blue (Lichtenstein)
  40 p lilac (Marburg)

I've seen the 12 p in tete-beche. I've also seen a block of four stamps, two 4 p stamps and two 6 p stamps, 4 p and 6 p printed next to each other with an inverted (tete-beche) 4 p and 6 p pair below it.


1933 Frederic the Great

Two tete beche of the 12 p value

  6 p green
  12 p red
  25 p blue

I've seen the values 6 p and 12 p in tete-beche. I've also seen the 12 p value with attached labels (both at the bottom and the top of the stamp) with inscription 'fordert auch die Gedenk - Postkarte' in red.


1934 Various scenes from Wagner operas ('Deutsche Nothilfe')

  3 p brown (Tannhauser)
  4 p blue (Fliegende Hollander)
  5 p green (Rheingold)
  6 p green (Meistersinger)
  8 p orange (Walkure)
  12 p red (Siegfried)
  20 p blue (Tristan and Isolde)
  25 p blue (Lohengrin)
  40 p red (Parsifal)

The values 4 p and 6 p exist printed next to each other (also tete-beche). The values 12 p and 8 p also exist printed next to each other (also tete-beche).


1934 German colonialists ('Kolonialgedenkjahr 1884 1934')

  3 p brown and black (Franz A.E. Luderitz)
  6 p green and black (Gustav Nachtigal)
  12 p red and black (Karl Peters)
  25 p blue and black (Hermann von Wissmann)


1934 Return of Saar district, inscription 'SAAR'

  6 p green
  12 p red (different design)


1934 NSDAP day

  5 p green
  12 p red


1934 Various professions, inscription 'Deutsche Nothilfe'

  3 + 2 p brown
  4 + 2 p black
  5 + 2 p green
  6 + 4 p green
  8 + 4 p red
  12 + 3 p red
  20 + 10 p blue
  25 + 15 p blue
  40 + 35 p llac


1934 Poet Friedrich v. Schillers' birthday

  6 p green
  12 p red


1935 Return of Saar region, mother welcoming child, inscription 'Die Saar kehrt heim'

  3 p brown
  5 p green
  12 p red
  25 p blue


1935 Heroe commemoration day, soldier with helmet, inscription 'Heldengedenktag 1935'

  6 p green
  12 p red


1935 Famous composers

  6 p green (Schutz)
  12 p red (Bach)
  25 p blue (Handel)


1935 Swastika, inscription 'Reichsberufswettkampf 1935'

  6 p green
  12 p red


1935 Ostropa stamp exhibition, various castles etc.

  3 p brown ('Das Schloss zu Allenstein')
  6 p green ('Tannenberg Nationalgedenkmal')
  12 p red ('Das Schloss in Konigsberg Pr.')
  25 p blue ('Das Schloss zu Hellsberg')

These stamps were sold in minisheets with four stamps (one of each value), with watermark 'OSTROPA' on top and '1935' at the bottom. .


1935 Railway centenary set '1835 - 1935 100 Jahre Deutsche Eisenbahn'

  6 p green (first train)
  12 p red (steam train)
  25 p blue (modern streamlined small train)
  40 p lilac (modern streamlined large train)


1935 Boy blowing horn

  6 p green
  15 p red


1935 NSDAP party day, eagle on top of view of Nuremberg

  6 p green


1935 Welfare fund issue 'Deutsche Nothilfe' portraits of local lady customes ('Volkstrachten')

  3 p brown (Ostpreussen)
  4 p blue (Schesien)
  5 p green (Rheinland)
  6 p dark green (Niedersachsen)
  8 p orange (Kurmark)
  12 p red (Schwarzwald)
  15 p brown (Hessen)
  25 p blue (Oberbayern)
  30 p brown (Friesland)
  40 p lilac (Franken)


1935 SA man in front of building

  3 p brown
  12 p red


1935 Winter games in Garmisch-Partenkirchen

  6 + 4 p green (ice skating)
  12 + 6 p red (skiing)
  25 + 15 p blue (bobsledge)

More of these olympic stamps were issued in 1936.


Click here for stamps of Germany, issued after 1935.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer