Note: on my website many of the
pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:
These stamps were prepared by Germany for India, but were never put into use.
Reduced sizes
I have seen the following values 1/2 a green (man ploughing field, perf or imperf) 1 a red (man ploughing field, perf or imperf) 1 a (+ 1 a) brown (man with gun, imperf) 2 a (+ 2 a) red (man ploughing field, imperf) 2 1/2 a red (woman spinning, perf or imperf) 2 1/2 a (+ 2 1/2 a) blue (woman spinning, imperf or perf) 3 a (+ 3 a) red (nurse, imperf) 8 a (+ 12 a) violet (map of India with breaking chains, imperf) 12 a (+ 1 R) lilac (map of India with breaking chains, imperf)
Modern so called Hialeah forgeries made with a computer and scanner exist of these stamps. More information can be found at:
(Part of Latvia)
6 on 5 p green 6 on 10 p brown 6 on 20 p blue
12 on brown
The overprint exists on perforated or rouletted stamps.
Some stamps of Germany received the overprint 'Luxemburg' during the German occupation.
16 stamps were overprinted with a new value in 'Rpf'. On stamps with Grand Duchess Charlotte of 1925 '3 Rpf' on 15 c black '4 Rpf' on 20 c orange '5 Rpf' on ? c green '6 Rpf' on ? c green '8 Rpf' on ? c brown '10 Rpf' on ? c olive '12 Rpf' on ? c green '15 Rpf' on ? c red '20 Rpf' on ? c brown '25 Rpf' on ? c violet '30 Rpf' on ? c violet '40 Rpf' on ? c light brown '50 Rpf' on ? c green On other (larger) stamps '60 Rpf' on 2 F red (Mondorf Les Bains) '80 Rpf' on 5 F green (gate of Luxemburg stamp of 1934) '100 Rpf' on 10 F green (Vianden stamp of 1935)
3 p + 2 p brown 4 p + 3 p grey 5 p + 3 p green 6 p + 4 p green 8 p + 4 p red 12 p + 8 p red (Porta Nigra, Trier) 15 p + 10 p lilac 25 p + 15 p blue 40 p + 35 p lilac
3 p brown 4 p blue 5 p green 6 p dark green 8 p orange 10 p brown 12 p red 15 p dark red 20 p blue 25 p blue 30 p olive 40 p lilac 50 p green and black 60 p dark red and black 80 p blue and black 100 p yellow and black
6 gr on 3 p brown 8 gr on 4 p blue 12 gr on 6 p dark green 16 gr on 8 p orange 20 gr on 10 p brown 24 gr on 12 p red 30 gr on 15 p dark red 40 gr on 20 p blue 50 gr on 25 p blue 60 gr on 30 p olive 80 gr on 40 p lilac 1 Zl on 50 p green and black 2 ZL on 100 p yellow and black
1st serie
5 p red 10 p green
2nd serie
5 p blue 10 p green 20 p brown
1 k black (black overprint) 1 k black (red overprint)
20 k green (lion) 20 k red (lion) 60 k green (cathedral of Pskov) 60 k red (cathedral of Pskov)
60 + 40 k brown
I've seen this stamp printed in a sheet of 10 stamps (2 rows of five), but also in a minisheet of 4 stamps with a text on top of the minisheet (also overprinted with a red cross on top of the minisheet).
Ukraine provisional 1942 issue, inscription 'Gebiet Wosnessensk'
Another stamp with value 1.20 K exists.
Further inscription 'Cherson Ukr.' 18 p yellow Further inscription 'Kriwoi-Rog Ukr.' 18 p green Further inscription 'Dolinska Ukr.' 18 p orange Further inscription 'Golowanewsk Ukr.' 18 p blue
Further inscription 'Gebietskommisar Luboml' 6 + 9 p violet and black 12 + 18 p red and black 24 + 36 p blue and black 60 + 90 p green and black Further inscription 'Gorochow (Ukraine)' 6 + 9 p violet and black 12 + 18 p red and black 24 + 36 p blue and black 60 + 90 p green and black Further inscription 'Luboml (Ukraine)' 6 + 9 p violet and black 12 + 18 p red and black 24 + 36 p blue and black 60 + 90 p green and black Further inscription 'Gebietskommisar Wladimir-Wolynsk' 6 + 9 p violet and black 12 + 18 p red and black 24 + 36 p blue and black 60 + 90 p green and black Further inscription 'Wladimir - Wolynsk (Ukr.)' 6 + 9 p violet and black
1 p black 3 p light brown 4 p dark blue 5 p green 6 p violet 8 p orange 10 p brown 12 p red 15 p red-brown 16 p dark blue 20 p blue 24 p brown Larger size 25 p blue 30 p green 40 p lilac 50 p dark green 60 p brown 80 p grey
(Inscription 'Kontrollzeichen and the same text in Russian,
overprinted in red: GK.- Ssarny')
50 k black on blue 1.50 Krb black on brown 3.00 Krb black on grey With 'GK.-SSarny' overprint 50 k black on blue 1.50 Krb black on brown 3.00 Krb black on grey
I've been told that this stamp is genuine, though I'm not 100 %
At least three different kind of forgeries of this rare stamp exist.
I've been told that this forgery on small piece was made by the
stamp forger Peter Winter.
Forgeries of Hitler stamps made by the Allied forcec
Propaganda forgery of a Hitler stamp; Hitler as a skeleton
5 c black (cave?) 10 c orange 20 c brown (aquaduc) 25 c black (house with trees) 50 c violet (church) 75 c orange (village with bridge) 1 L black (castle) 1.25 L blue (street with church) 1.50 L black (waterfall) 2 L blue (monastry) 2.50 L brown (village) 3 L lilac (lake and town) 5 L brown (country side view) 10 L green (village) 20 L blue (farm) 30 L red (village with church)
16 values exist with inscription 'ALPENVORLAND ADRIA'. A nice website of these stamps can be found at: According to this site, it is not clear if these stamps were simply bogus products, or stamps that were prepared, but never set in use (due to a bombardement they were supposed to have fallen in wrong hands). They have a definitive 'Austrian' look, if we compare them to stamps of Austria from just after World War II.
Also note the very strong resemblance in style of these stamps with the 'PROVINZ LAIBACH' stamps.