GUATEMALA 1897-1920

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contact me if you want to purchase them:

For stamps of Guatemala issued from 1879 to 1896, click here.


1897 Central American Exposition

  1 c black on lilac
  2 c black on grey
  6 c black on orange
  10 c black on blue
  12 c black on red
  18 c black on grey
  20 c black on red
  25 c black on brown
  50 c black on brown
  75 c black on grey
  100 c black on green
  150 c black on red
  200 c black on red
  500 c black on green

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c * c  
2 c * *  
6 c c c  
10 c c c  
12 c ** *  
18 c *** ***  
20 c ** **  
25 c ** *  
50 c ** *  
75 c RR RR  
100 c ** *  
150 c RR RR  
200 c ** *  
500 c ** *  

(Sorry, no picture available yet)

  'UN CENTAVO 1898' (UN CENTAVO in two lines) on 12 c red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c on 12 c * *  

Bogus issues
(Bogus issues)

A '1 UN CENTAVO 1 1898' on 12 c red and a 'UN CENTAVO 1898' (UN CENTAVO in one line) on 12 c red exist, but are bogus issues.

(Telegraph stamps)

Postal stationary in the same design:

(Forgery with removed 'Telegrafos' overprint)

I have seen several forgeries with the 'Telegrafos' overprint removed pretending to be postage stamps, the above forgery is such a stamp of a 75 c value. The red telegraph overprint was removed from the 18 c, 75 c and 150 c in this way.

Private overprint 'Servicio interno' in red on 1 c black.


1898 Provisional issues, fiscal stamps overprinted 'CORREOS NACIONALES' or 'CORREOS'

Fiscal stamp of 1897

  'CORREOS NACIONALES' on 1 c blue
  'CORREOS NACIONALES 2 centavos' on 1 c blue
  'CORREOS NACIONALES 1902 UN 1 CTV' on 1 c blue
  'CORREOS NACIONALES 1902 DOS 2 CTS' on 1 c blue

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c * * Exists with inverted overprint: ***
2 c on 1 c * * Exists with inverted overprint: **
1 c on 1 c * * Exists with inverted overprint: R
2 c on 1 c (1902) * * Exists with inverted overprint: R
Fiscal stamp of 1898 overprinted 'CORREOS NACIONALES'

  1 c (overprint red) on 10 c black
  2 c on 1 c red
    (a red overprint is a bogus issue)
  2 c (overprint red) on 5 c violet
    (a black overprint is a bogus issue)
  2 c (overprint red) on 10 c grey
    (a black overprint is a bogus issue)
  2 c on 25 c orange
  2 c (overprinted red) on 50 c blue
  6 c on 1 P violet
  6 c on 5 P blue
  6 c on 10 P green

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c on 10 c * *  
2 c on 1 c * *  
2 c on 5 c * *  
2 c on 10 c ** **  
2 c on 25 c ** **  
2 c on 50 c *** ***  
6 c on 1 P ** **  
6 c on 5 P *** ***  
6 c on 10 P *** ***  
Fiscal stamp of 1898 overprinted
  'CORREOS 1902 Seis 6 Cts.' on 25 c orange

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
6 c on 25 c ** **  


1902 Various designs

Image obtained thanks to Christer Bergstrom Image obtained thanks to Christer Bergstrom Image obtained thanks to Christer Bergstrom

  1 c green and lilac
  2 c red and black
  5 c blue and black (Palacio de la Reforma)
  6 c olive and green (Palacio de Minerva)
  10 c orange and blue (Lag de Amatitlan)
  12 1/2 c blue and black (independencia, 1907)
  20 c red and black (la cathedral)
  25 c blue (1911)
  50 c brown and blue (Teatro Colon)
  75 c violet and black (Cuartel de Artilleria)
  1 P brown and black
  2 P red and black


25 c on 2 c with New York arrival cancel

  '1908 UN 1 UN CENTAVO' on 10 c orange and blue
  '1908' and 2 c (overprint red) on 12 1/2 c blue and red
  '1908' and 6 c on 20 c red and black
  '1909' and 2 c (overprint red) on 75 c violet and black
  '1909' and 6 c (overprint black or red) on 50 c brown and blue
  '12 1/2 CENTAVOS 1909' on 2 P red and black
  '1912 1 CENTAVO 1' on 20 c red and black
  '1912 1912 2 CENTAVOS 2' on 50 c brown and blue
  '5 5 CINCO CENTAVOS 1912' (black or red) on 75 c violet and black
  '1913 UN CENTAVO' on 50 c brown and blue
  '1913' and 6 c (green) on 1 P brown and black
  '1913 12 1/2 CENTAVOS' on 2 P red and black
  'DOS CENTAVOS' on 1 c green and red (1916)
  'SEIS CENTAVOS' on 1 c green and red (1916)
  '12 1/2 CENTAVOS' (black or red) on 1 c green and red (1916)
  '25 CENTAVOS' on 2 c red and black (1916)
  '= 25 = Centavos' on 2 P red and black (1920)
  '1921' and 12 1/2 c on 20 c red and black
  '1921 Cincuenta centavos' on 75 c violet and black
  '1922 DOCE Y MEDIO CENTAVOS' on 20 c red and black

Overprinted and surcharged

  'DOS CENTAVOS' and 'Correos de Guatemala 1911' (red) on 5 c blue and black
  'SEID CENTAVOS' and 'Correos de Guatemala 1911' (red) on 10 c orange and black

Forged inverted '5 5 CINCO CENTAVOS 1912' overprint on 75 c


1910 100th birthday of Miguel Garcia Granados

  6 c brown and black


  '1911 Un Centavo' on 6 c brown and black 


1911 President Cabrera and building, different designs

  25 c blue and black (building)
  25 c blue and brown (re-election of President Cabrera, 1917)
  1$50 blue (1918)
  5 $ red (President facing the left)

A stamp similar to the 25 c blue and brown, but in the value 12 1/2 c is a fiscal stamp.


1918 Stamps with various design, inscription '1918' or '1919'

Image obtained thanks to Christer Bergstrom

  12 1/2 c red
  30 c red and black
  60 c olive and black
  90 c brown and black
  3 P green and black


  '1920' (in blue on top) and '2 centavos' on 30 c red and black
  '1920' (in red at bottom) and '2 centavos' on 60 c olive and black
  '1922 DOCE Y MEDIO CENTAVOS' (red) on 60 c olive and black
  '1922 DOCE Y MEDIO CENTAVOS' on 90 c brown and black
  '1922 DOCE Y MEDIO CENTAVOS' on 3 $ green and black
  '1922 25 CENTAVOS' (black, blue or red) on 60 c olive and black
  '1922 25 CENTAVOS' (black, blue or red) on 90 c brown and black
  '1922 25 CENTAVOS' (black or blue) on 3 $ green and black

The '1922 25 CENTAVOS' overprint exist in several types.

90 c value overprinted 'Timbre Fiscal. UN PESO Acuerdo de 4 Deciembre 1920.' (fiscal stamp)


1920 Telegraph stamp, overprinted 'CORREOS'

  25 c green

  '1921 CORREOS' on 25 c green
  '1921 CORREOS DOCE Y MEDIO' (red or black) on 25 c green


1921 Various designs, inscription 'U.P.U. 1921'

  1.50 P blue and orange
  5 P brown and green
  15 P black and orange (railway bridge)

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer