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Issues of 1853-1859

1860 Ship in an ellipse, in corners '1860'

(Type I and Type II)


1 c brown 2 c orange 4 c blue

  One cent red 
  One cent brown
  One cent black
  Two cents orange
  Four cents blue

8 c red, type II Genuine Type 2 Obtained from a Spink auction (Foxley collection) XXIV c green, type 2, cancelled "A03"

  VIII (8) cents red
  XII (12) cents lilac
  XXIV (24) cents green

Two types exists of all these stamps, the difference is only in the lower lettering; type I: with more space between value and 'CENTS', and type II: less space between value and 'CENTS'. These stamps are printed on thick and thin paper and exist with various perforations from 10 to 15.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c black RR R Type I
1 c black *** *** Type II
1 c red RRR RRR Type I
1 c brown RRR RR Type I
2 c RR R Type I
2 c R *** Type II
4 c RRR R Type II
8 c RR RR Type I
8 c RR R Type II
12 c RRR RR Type I
12 c RR R Type II
24 c RRR RR Type I
Official stamps, overprinted 'OFFICIAL' (1875)

Certified genuine With two grey bars

  One cent black (red overprint)
  One cent black (red overprint and grey bar on 'OFFICIAL', 1878)
  Two cents orange
  VIII c red
  VIII c red (with 2 grey horiz. and 1 vert. bars on 'OFFICIAL', 1878)
  XII c lilac

The grey bar on the 1 c and VIII c was used to change the official stamps back into normal stamps again. This overprint also exist for the VI c blue (vert. and horiz. bar). All stamps are of type I (see above).

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c black R R  
1 c black RR RR with grey bars
2 c RR R  
2 c RRR R with grey bars
8 c RRR RR  
12 c RRR RRR  

Image obtained from a Spink auction (Foxley collection) XII c lilac
12 c with red '5 d' overprint. This stamp is mentioned in Album Weeds. The Du Pont collection has a letter with this overprint. It is stated there that this is an accountancy mark.

Forgeries, examples:

Very primitive forgeries

Other forgeries:

Forgery! 'PETIMUSQUE' wrongly spelt with 'R'! Forgery! 'PETIMUSQUE' wrongly spelt with 'R'!

The above forgeries are described in 'The Spud Papers XIV', the easiest way to spot them is the wrongly spelt 'PETIMISQUE', in these forgeries it is spelt 'RETIMISOUE' (with and 'R'). Note that the 'Q' of the genuine stamps is very badly drawn and looks like an 'O'.

Forgeries with the correct inscription 'PETIMUSQUE'. In my opinion, the 'T' of 'POSTAGE' should be aligned with the second 'I' of 'VICISSIM'. In the above forgeries this 'I' is clearly placed lower. Also note the strange 'S' in 'CENTS'. The 4 c also exists of this particular forgery.

Forgery of the 1 c value

XXIV c green
Forgery which shows sometimes guidelines. The '0' in the right hand bottom corner is badly done. They exist with forged 'A03' cancel. Is this the third forgery of Album Weeds?

Another forgery of the 1 c black and 1 c red value. The background behind the ship is clearly different from a genuine stamp. Also note the scratches below the 'N' and 'T' of 'CENT'.

Another forgery of the 12 c value.

Forgery of the 1 c red with very badly done '8' in the upper right corner.

Very blur 1 c with French overprint in blue: "CARTES PORTANT LA GARANTIE CONTIENNENT...".

Issue of 1862

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer