German colony - Return To Catalogue

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Stamp of the German post offices in China used in Tsintau (Kiautschou):

3 p brown 20 c blue
(Reduced sizes)

1899 Provisional issue stamps of the German post offices in China surcharged

(Certified genuine overprint)

(Reduced size)

  '5 Pfg.' and blue or violet line on 10 p red
  '5 Pfg.' on 10 p red
  '5 Pf.' and blue or violet line on 10 p red
  '5' on '5 Pf.' and blue or violet line on 10 p red
  '5 Pf.' (two times on 1 stamp in 2 different types) and blue or violet line on 10 p red

This issue is a field for specialists, many subtypes exist.

These stamps are very rare and forgeries exist, examples:

I think the above stamps are Peter Winter forgeries. The stamps and the overprints are forged, the perforation in the corners is not 'alligned' horizontally and vertically (the easiest test).

(Forged overprint on a genuine German stamp?)

For more information on forgeries of the German colonies, click here. A book with the title: "Die Aushülfsmarken von Tsingtau und ihre Fälschungen" exists. if anybody posesses a copy of this book, please contact me!


1901 German colony type (ship)

Small size

  3 p brown
  5 p green
  10 p red
  20 p blue
  25 p orange and black
  30 p orange and black
  40 p red and black
  50 p violet and black
  80 p red and black on red

These stamps have perforation 14 1/4.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
3 p c c  
5 p c *  
10 p * *  
20 p * *  
25 p * ***  
30 p * **  
40 p * **  
50 p ** ***  
80 p ** ***  
Large size

  1 M red
  2 M blue
  3 M violet
  5 M black and red

These stamps have perforation 14 1/4.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 M *** R  
2 M *** R  
3 M *** RR  
5 M R RR  


Forgeries of these stamps, example:

The above stamps are Fournier forgeries, however, they are not listed in the Fournier pricelist of 1914. These imperforated stamps are probably taken from a 'Fournier Album'. After Fournier died, albums with his forgeries were sold to warn collectors against these forgeries. These stamps were of course sold by Fournier with perforation and without the 'FAUX' (=forgery in french) overprint. Note that the 'S' of 'KIAUTSCHOU' is strange in the above two stamps and that the word 'KIAUTSCHOU' is too curved too fit exactly in the label. For more information on forgeries of the German colonies click here.

The following stamps are perforated forgeries (probably Fournier also):

(Reduced sizes)

Note that the next issue (value in cents) has also been forged and that the perforation is imperfect.


1905 Value changed in 'cents' and 'dollars'

40 c red and black on red

  1 c brown
  2 c green
  4 c red
  10 c blue
  20 c red and black
  40 c red and black on red

These stamps have perforation 14 1/4.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
No watermark (1905)
1 c c *  
2 c * *  
4 c * *  
10 c * *  
20 c ** ***  
40 c *** ***  
Watermark 'Lozenges' (1906)
1 c c c  
2 c c c  
4 c c c  
10 c c **  
20 c c **  
40 c * ***  
Larger size

  1/2 $ red
  1 $ blue
  1 1/2 $ violet
  2 1/2 $ black and red

These stamps have perforation 14 1/4.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
No watermark (1905)
1/2 $ *** R  
1 $ *** ***  
1 1/2 $ RR RR  
2 1/2 $ RR RRR  
Watermark 'Lozenges' (1906)
1/2 $ ** ***  
1 $ ** ***  
1 1/2 $ ** RR  
2 1/2 $ *** RR  


Mourning labels for the German colonies

Labels commemorating the loss of the German colonies exist, including for Kiautschou. They have the size of the large 'Hohenzollern' yacht issue. The stamps have a coloured center surrounded by a black design.

Reduced sizes

Briefmarken - Timbres-Postes - Stamps

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer