MADAGASCAR Miscellaneous

Return To Catalogue - Madagascar - Diego Suarez - Nossi Be - St. Marie de Madagascar

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contact me if you want to purchase them:

Postage due stamps

1897 Postage due stamps of the French Colonies (imperforate) overprinted "Madagascar et DEPENDANCES"

  5 c blue (overprint red)
  10 c brown (overprint red)
  20 c yellow (overprint blue)
  30 c red (overprint blue)
  40 c lilac (overprint red)
  50 c violet (overprint blue)
  1 F green (overprint red)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c ** **  
10 c ** **  
20 c * *  
30 c * *  
40 c ** **  
50 c * *  
1 F *** ***  

Forgery: A perforated(!) postage due stamp of France, with a different overprint type (note the 'g').


1908 Government buildings

  2 c brown
  4 c violet
  5 c green
  10 c red
  20 c olive
  40 c brown on yellow
  50 c brown on blue
  60 c orange (1924)
  1 F blue

  '60c' on 1 F orange (1924)
  '2f' on 1 F lilac (1927)
  '3f' on 1 F blue (1927)

These stamps have perforation 13 1/2 x 14.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 c vc c  
4 c vc c  
5 c vc vc  
10 c c c  
20 c c c  
40 c c c  
50 c c c  
60 c * *  
1 F * *  
60 c on 1 F *** ***  
2 F on 1 F * *  
3 F on 1 F * **  
Overprinted 'FRANCE LIBRE' (1943)
  10 c red
  20 c olive
  '0,30' on 5 c green 
  40 c 40 c brown on yellow
  50 c brown on blue
  60 c orange
  1 F blue
  1 F on 2 c brown
  2 F on 1 F red
  2 F on 4 c violet
  2 F on 1 F blue


1947 value in diamond

  10 c violet
  30 c brown
  50 c green
  1 F orange
  2 F red
  3 F brown
  4 F blue
  5 F brown
  10 F black
  20 F blue

Local issues

1895 Majunga issue, stamps of France, surcharged


Certified genuine Image reproduced with permission from: Image obtained from a Harmers auction Image obtained from a Feldman auction

  '0,15' (red) on 25 c black on lilac
  '0,15' (red) on 1 F green

As before, but overprint erased again and newly hand-stamp overprinted

Image obtained from a Harmers auction Image obtained from a Harmers auction

Image reproduced with permission from:
First image reproduced from:, second image obtained from a Francois Feldman auction

  15 c on 25 c black on lilac
  15 c on 1 F green 

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
'0,15' on 25 c ? RRR  
'0,15' on 1 F ? RRR  
15 on 25 c ? RRR  
15 on 1 F ? RRR  

Forgeries exist, example:

(Front and backside of a forgery)

Probably another forgery


1903 Provisional issues

Stamps of Madagascar (20 c and 30 c of the 1896 issue) or Diego Suarez exist bisected and cancelled with the inscription: 'Affranchissement exceptionel (faute de timbres)' or 'Affranchissement special faute de figurines.-' or 'Affranchi ainsi Faute figurine' or 'ffranch. except, faute de Timbres' or 'Affranchi ainsi faute figurine' or 'Affranch.t exceptionnel faute de Timbres' or 'Affranch. except. faute de Timbres' or ':0,05 Affranchi ainsi faute de figurines'. Example:

(Affranchissement special faute de figurines)

(Affranchissement exceptionnel faute de Timbres, reduced size)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
All values - *** to RR  

Parcel post

1919 French fiscal stamps (Quittances), overprinted 'MADAGASCAR ET DEPEDANCES COLIS POSTAUX'

0 fr 10

  10 c (violet) on 10 c grey

Another fiscal stamp of France was overprinted in a similar manner in 1919 ('Connaissements' 10 c on 1 F, see picture above).

10 c green with red inscription

In 1919 3 stamps appeared with inscription: 'MADAGASCAR ET DEPENDANCES COLIS POSTAUX', 10 c red (black inscription), 10 c green (red inscription) and 10 c green (black inscription).

Air Mail

1935 Aeroplane above map of Madagascar (in red)

  50 c green and red
  90 c green and red
  1.25 F lilac and red
  1.50 F blue and red
  1.60 F blue and red
  1.75 F orange and red  
  2 F blue and red
  3 F orange and red
  3.30(?) blue and red
  3.65 F grey and red
  3.90 F green and red
  4 F lilac and red
  4.50 F black and red
  5 F lilac and red
  5.25(?) F brown and red
  5.50 F black and red
  6 F lilac and red
  6.50(?) violet and red
  8 F lilac and red
  8.50 F green and red
  9 F green and red
  12 F brown and red
  12.50 F violet and red
  15 F yellow and red
  16 F green and red
  20 F brown and red
  50 F blue and red

Inscription 'MADAGASCAR POSTE AERIENNE' (without 'RF')
  50 c green and red
  1.25 F lilac and red
  2 F blue and red
  3.65 F grey and red
  4 F lilac and red
  4.50 F black and red
  8 F lilac and red
  8.50 F green and red
  12.50 F violet and red
  20 F brown and red
  50 F blue and red

Overprinted 'FRANCE LIBRE'
  1.50 F blue and red
  1.75 F orange and red
  8 F lilac and red
  12 F brown and red
  12.50 F violet and red
  16 F green and red
  50 F blue and red

Overprinted 'FRANCE LIBRE' and surcharged
  '1,00 x' on 1.25 F lilac and red
  '3,00 x' on 3.65 F grey and red
  '8,00 x' on 8.50 F green and red


1939 French revolution commemoration, Bastille, design identical to many other French colonies, inscription 'POSTE MADAGASCAR AERNE'

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

   4.50 F + 4 F black and red


1942 Plane above waves, inscription, design identical to many other French colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  1 F orange
  1.50 F red
  5 F brown
  10 F black
  25 F blue
  50 F green
  100 F lilac



  1.20 F + 1.80 F blue and red (Quinzaine)
  2 F + 6 F brown ('protection de l'enfance')
  3 F + 9 F red ('protection de l'enfance')


1944 Aeroplane above Madagascar people

  100 F red (24,000 stamps issued)


1946 Angel over Arc de Triomphe with tanks, design identical to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  8 F red (issued 8th May 1946, 1,600,000 stamps)


1946 Battle fields, 'DU TCHAD AU RHIN', various designs, identical to many other French Colonies, inscription 'POSTE AERIENNE'

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  5 F green
  10 F violet
  15 F red
  20 F blue
  25 F brown
  50 F grey

Issued 6th Juin 1946, 55,000 sets sold.


1947 Various designs

  50 F blue and red (harbour of Tamatave)
  100 F brown and red (woman with wings)
  200 F brown and blue (aeroplane and map of Madagascar)

I've seen the 100 F overprinted 'TERRE ADELE' etc. in red.


1949 75 anniversary of UPU, inscription 'POSTE AERIENNE', design identical to many other French Colonies, inscription 'NOUVELLE CALEDONIE ET DEPENDANCES'

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here

  10 F red, brown, green and blue


1952 Person with umbrella and typical local trees

  500 F brown and green


1954 Battle scene of 1944

  15 F violet and brown


1954 Various designs, inscription 'MADAGASCAR POSTE AERIENNE'

  50 F green and blue (special trees 'foret de pachypodes' and aeroplane)
  100 F brown and blue (bird, Betsileo woman and An viaduct)
  200 F black and brown (lemur)

'Timbre Enregistrement'

I have no further information about this 'Timbre Enregistrement':

10 c brown, blue and red

British post in Madagascar (locals)


Reduced sizes

The following values exist: '1 p black on blue 'ILAVOAMENA', 4 p black 'ROAVOAMENA', 6 p black on yellow 'SIKAJY', 8 p black on lilac 'VENTY', 1 Sh black on brown 'KIROBO', 2 Sh black on red 'LOSO' and 4 Sh black on grey 'ARIARY'.



Besides the above stamps (2 p blue 'VAOMENA', 6 p green 'SIKAJY', 1 Sh black 'KIROBO', 2 Sh brown 'LOSO' and 4 Sh violet with 'ARIARY') there exist a 4 p red with inscription 'ROAVOAMENA' . Cancelled stamps are almost always cancelled to order. The words at the bottom describe the value in local language, see:


1884 Inscription 'British Consular Mail Antananarivo'

1 p red and black Image reproduced with permission from:

These stamps exist in 3 designs, all slightly different, they exist in violet with black overprint (values 1p, 2p, 3p, 4p, 6p, 1 Sh, 1Sh6p, 2 Sh), in red with violet or black overprint (1p, 1 1/2p, 2p, 3p, 4p, 4 1/2p, 6p, 8p, 9p, 2Sh). Some overprints exist, but are very rare.

Other design with inscription 'B.C.M':

The English consul in Antananarivo issued these stamps in 1884-86. They served to pay the postage on letters and parcels from Antananarivo to Mauritius and Reunion. On arrival they were replaced by orninary Mauritius or Reunion stamps and the labels were returned to Madagascar where they had to be destroyed. The use of these stamps has been forbidden in 1887.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer