MADAGASCAR 1891 local issue

Malagasy Republic

(french colony in Africa)
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contact me if you want to purchase them:

1891 Local issue, Inscription "POSTES FRANCAISES MADAGASCAR" and value, imperforated

5 c black on green 15 c blue Genuine Genuine Certified genuine

  5 c black on green
  10 c black on blue
  15 c blue
  25 c brown
  1 F black on yellow
  5 F lilac and black on grey

There are 10 types of every value. Be aware of dangerous forgeries, even on cover (I'm not sure if the above stamps are genuine, by the way). These stamps were issued without gum.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c *** **  
10 c *** **  
15 c *** **  
25 c * *  
1 F RR R This value has a security underprint.
5 F RR RR This value has a security underprint.

The different types (note the position of the horizontal dotted lines, see also the Serrane guide, click here for more Madagascar 1891 local issue, types), according to the position in the sheet (which was printed in two rows of 5 stamps):

Type 1 in the sheet; upper wavy line stops at left. Left wavy line has a tiny break besides the upper horizontal lines. Sometimes there is a dot in between the "E" and "S" of "POSTES". "R" of "MADAGASCAR" rather close to the right outer frame? In all the 1 F stamps that I have seen, there is a dot in the first "A" of "MADAGASCAR" and another dot in the "S" of this word.

Type 2

Type 3, the bottom rows of dots start both above the "M" of "MADAGASCAR".

Certified genuine
Type 4 in the sheet. The space between the horizontal dotted lines is too large (both on top and below).

Type 5, break in the upper right wavy line just above the upper right circular corner ornament (not present in the 5 c?). In the 5 F there are a few flaws in the right hand side (between the second and third ornament from the bottom and between the fifth and sixth ornament from the bottom).

Type 6

Type 7; the first dots of both the upper dotted horizontal lines are rather small. The wavy line on top is usually broken above the 3rd circle from the left.

Image obtained from a Siegel auction.
Type 8; note that the lowest horizontal dotted line stops before the beginning of the "R" of "MADAGASCAR". The dots below the "I" of "FRANCAISES" are badly done. The 5 F has some defects in the lower right corner. A dangerous forgery of the 5 F value of type 8 exists (see Serrane guide)

Type 9; the last dot of the third horizontal line of dots is placed lower.

Type 10 in the sheet, second "S" of "FRANCAISES" damaged on top. Upper horizontal dotted lines not extending very far to the right hand side. Dot between "E" and "S" of "POSTES" (not in the 5 c and 10 c values?)

Click here for more Madagascar 1891 local issue, types.



Two stamps of the same type 7 with the same "TANANARIVE 1 NOV 91 MADAGASCAR" cancel.

I've been told that this 5 F stamp is a forgery, I have no further information. It might be the forgery mentioned in the Serrane guide, with the bottom part of the "5" too small. Next to it, a 10 c stamp, that I don't quite trust, it has the same dotted lines as the 5 F stamp (blurred and joined at the left)

Another forgery? The first "S" of "FRANCAISES" is clearly in front of the "S" of "POSTES", while in all genuine types, it is almost exactly below it.

Other very dubious items. The "I" of "FRANCAISES" is placed too far to the left when compared to the "E" of "POSTES" (there is too much space between the "I" and "S").

Most likely a forgery, the horizontal dotted lines do not correspond to any of the genuine types. The "R" of "MADAGASCAR" is very close to the right border.

Yet another very dubious 10 c stamp.

Other very dubious item. The upper left circle is displaced to the right.

A 'misprint' with inscription "FRNCAIASES", it has the cancel "TAMATAVE 25 MARS 92" which is indicated to be forged in the Serrane guide.

Dubious items.

I've seen many stamps with a "TAMATAVE 1 OCT 91 MADAGASCAR" cancel. I don't know if these are forgeries or stamps that were cancelled to order. The same remarks are valid for the cancel "TAMATAVE 24 AOUT 91 MADAGASCAR". I've also seen whole sheets neatly cancelled. They might be remainders?

25 c brown
All the cancels from Vohemar that I've seen have the same cancel "VOHEMAR 18 DEC 91 MADAGASCAR", usually with the "18" badly done (only the top part is visible).

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer