MALTA 1860-1902

Return To Catalogue - 1903-1920 issues - Later issues and miscellaneous - Stamps of Great Britain used in Malta and cancels on the first issues of Malta

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Stamps of Great Britain, used in Malta and cancels, click here.


1860 Queen Victoria, Various frames

BPA Certified genuine Image obtained thanks to Emmanuel Cesare 2 p grey, watermark 'Crown and CA' Image obtained thanks to Emmanuel Cesare 4 p brown, watermark 'Crown and CA' Image obtained thanks to Emmanuel Cesare

  1/2 p brown
  1/2 p orange
  1/2 p green
  1 p red
  2 p grey
  2 1/2 p blue
  4 p brown
  1 Sh violet

Larger size

  5 Sh red


  'One Penny' on 2 1/2 p blue

An erroneous overprint exists: 'One Pnney' (right hand side)

For the specialist, the 1/2 p brown have been issued on non-watermarked paper and on paper with watermark 'Crown CC', the 1/2 p orange has been issued on watermarked paper; 'Crown CC' and 'Crown CA'. The 5 Sh is issued only on 'Crown CC' watermarked paper. All the other values have been issued on watermarked paper 'Crown CA'.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
Unwatermarked (1860)
1/2 p brown RR RR Perforated 14, exists on blue paper
Watermark 'CC Crown' (1863)
1/2 p brown R R Perforated 12 1/2 or 14 x 12 1/2 (RR)
1/2 p orange R R Perforated 14 (1875)
5 Sh RR RR Issued 1st January 1886, perforated 14
Watermark 'CA Crown' (1882), perforated 14
1/2 p brown *** ***  
1/2 p green * * 1885
1 p * * 1885
2 p ** * 1885
2 1/2 p ** * 1885, specialists distinguish the colours
dull-blue, bright-blue and ultramarine
4 p *** ** 1885 Exists imperforate: RRR
1 Sh R *** 1885, two shades, violet and pale violet
1 p on 2 1/2 p * * Issued 4th July 1902; error 'Pnney': R,
exists on the shades dull-blue and bright-blue

There were several printings and colours of the 1/2 p brown, specialists distinguish:
1) pale-buff on bluish paper (01-Dec-1860, no wmk, line perf. 14),
2) brown orange (Sept-1861, no wmk, line perf. 14)
3) buff (1863, no wmk, line perf. 14)
4) pale-buff (1863, no wmk, line perf. 14 )
5) buff (June-1863, wmk 'CC Crown', line perf. 14)
6) bright-orange (Nov-1864, wmk 'CC Crown', line perf. 14)
7) brown red (1867, wmk 'CC Crown', line perf. 14)
8) buff-brown (1868, wmk 'CC Crown', rough perf. 12.5)
9) dull-orange (Apr-1870, wmk 'CC Crown', perf. 14)
10) orange-buff (May-1872, wmk 'CC Crown', perf. 14)
11) yellow green (1872, wmk 'CC Crown', perf. 12.5)
12) golden-yellow (Oct-1874, wmk 'CC Crown', comb perf. 14)
13) yellow-buff (Sept-1875, wmk 'CC Crown', comb perf. 14)
14) pale-buff (March-1878, wmk 'CC Crown', comb perf. 14)
15) bright-orange-yellow (1880, wmk 'CC Crown', comb perf. 14)
16) yellow (Apr-1881, wmk 'CC Crown', comb perf. 14)
17) yellow-buff (July-1878, wmk 'CC Crown', line perf. 14x12.5)
18) yellow (1-Feb-1879, wmk 'CC Crown', line perf. 14x12.5)
19) orange-yellow (1882, wmk 'CA Crown', comb perf. 14)
20) red-orange (1884, wmk 'CA Crown', comb perf. 14)
Information obtained thanks to Emmanuel Cesare.

A typical cancel for this country is 'A 25'.

Overprint 'Revenue'
Overprint 'REVENUE'Image obtained thanks to Emmanuel Cesare

These stamps with overprint 'REVENUE' or 'Revenue' were used as fiscal stamps. I've personally seen with 'REVENUE' the values 1/2 p green, 1 p and 1 Sh. The values 2 p, 4 p, 1 Sh and 5 Sh should also exist. I have also seen the following surcharged stamps (also with 'REVENUE'): '3d' on 1 Sh violet and '6d' on 1 Sh olive (colour changed!), a black bar is placed on the old value.
With 'Revenue' overprint I have seen the values 1/2 p and 1 p, the values 4 p, 1 Sh and 5 Sh should also exist.

Forgeries, example:

(Primitive forgery of the 5 Sh stamp, reduced size)

Another primitive forgery of the 5 Sh stamp.

A forgery of the 1/2 p yellow with 'crown CC' watermark (probably impressed since it can be seen from the front). This might be an Oneglia 'product':

The perforation also seems 'strange' to me. I've also seen this forgery imperforate with very large margins. The next forgery of Lagos seems to have been made by the same forger (it also has the impressed watermark):


The misprint 'One Pnney' has been known to be forged (information obtained thanks to Emmanuel Cesare). some forged overprints are easy to distinguish since they are used before 4th July 1902 (the date of issue of this stamp).

Another engraved forgery, but with normal perforation, made by the same forger?

I know that Sperati also made a forgery of the 1/2 p yellow stamp (on bluish paper). A picture can be found on: If somebody knows the distinghuishing characteristics for this forgery, please contact me! Sperati also made a forgery of the 5 Sh stamp (only two known to exist? Both are unused).

Sperati forgery of the 5 Sh stamp, image found at, I do not know the distinguishing characteristics.


1899-1900 Various designs

4 p black

('Postage Revenue', image obtained thanks to Emmanuel Cesare)

  1 f brown (harbor at La Valetta)
  4 p black (harbor at La Valetta)
  4 1/2 p brown (sailship)
  4 1/2 p orange (sailship)
  5 p red (sailship)
  5 p green (sailship)
  2 Sh 6 p olive (Brittania)
  10 Sh black (shipwreck of st.Paul)
  10 Sh black (inscription 'postage revenue', 1919)

Overprinted 'SELF-GOVERNMENT' (1921)

  2 Sh 6 p olive
  10 Sh black (overprint red)
  10 Sh black (inscription 'postage revenue', overprint red)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
Watermark 'CA Crown', perforation 14
1 f c c Issued 1st January 1901, two shades: brown or red-brown
4 1/2 p brown *** ***  
5 p red *** ***  
Watermark 'CC Crown', perforation 14
2 Sh 6 p R R  
10 Sh black RR RR 'Postage'
Watermark 'Multiple CA Crown' (1904), perforation 14
1 f * c two shades: red-brown (10-Oct-1905)
or deep-brown (1910)
4 p black *** *** 1913
4 1/2 p brown *** *** 27-Feb-1905
4 1/2 p orange *** *** 1911
5 p red *** *** 20-Dec-1904
5 p green *** *** 1909: pale-sage-green,
1914: deep-sage-green
2 Sh 6 p RR RR 1919, olive green or olive grey
10 Sh RRR RRR 1919, 'Postage Revenue', 1530 stamps issued
Watermark 'Multiple Script CA Crown' (1922)
10 Sh RRR RRR 'Postage Revenue', 19-Jan-1922
'Self Government' (perforation 14, 1922)
2 Sh 6 p RR RR Watermark 'Multiple CA Crown'
10 Sh RRR RRR 'Postage', watermark 'CC Crown'
10 Sh RR RR 'Postage Revenue', watermark 'Multiple Script CA Crown'
Exists with small 'F' of 'SELF': RRR

The 2 Sh 6 p and the 10 Sh ('Postage') exists with overprint 'REVENUE' to serve as fiscal stamps. Furthermore the following surcharge and overprint 'REVENUE' was applied to 2 Sh on 2 Sh 6 p orange (colour changed).

The higher values with a punched round hole are used for telegraphic purposes.

The 1/4 p stamp ('one farthing') was re-issued in 1938 with the emblem of King George Vi in the upper right hand corner and inscription 'GRAND HARBOUR' added in the upper left part:

1938 1/4 p re-issue

Forgeries, example:


For stamps of Malta issued from 1903 onwards, click here.

I would like to thank Emmanuel Cesare here for sharing much of his information and pictures of Malta with me! Check out his website with much more information concerning the stamps of Malta:

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer