MOZAMBIQUE Miscellaneous

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Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Postage Due stamps

1904 Inscription 'PORTEADO A RECEBER'

Value in 'REIS'  
  5 r green
  10 r black
  20 r brown
  30 r orange
  50 r brown
  60 r brown
  100 r lilac
  130 r blue
  200 r red
  500 r violet

These stamps have perforation 11 1/2.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 r * *  
10 r * *  
20 r * *  
30 r * *  
50 r ** **  
60 r ** **  
100 r *** ***  
130 r ** **  
200 r ** ***  
500 r *** ***  

Forgeries exist of these stamps (see pictures above, I have seen the values 20 r, 50 r, 60 r, 130 r, 200 r and 500 r, but probably all values were forged). The easiest way to recognize these forgeries is to compare the ornament above the last 'R' of 'RECEBER'; in the forgery it is not nicely done:

(Reduced sizes, left forgery, right genuine stamp)

Overprinted 'REPUBLICA' in red or green (200 r) (1911)

  5 r green
  10 r black
  20 r brown
  30 r orange
  50 r brown
  60 r brown
  100 r lilac
  130 r blue
  200 r red
  500 r violet

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
With general broad 'REPUBLICA' overprint
5 r * *  
10 r * *  
20 r * *  
30 r * *  
50 r * *  
60 r * *  
100 r * *  
130 r * *  
200 r * *  
500 r * *  
With local 'REPUBLICA' overprint
5 r ** **  
10 r *** ***  
20 r RR RR  
30 r *** ***  
50 r RR RR  
60 r RR RR  
100 r RR RR  
130 r *** ***  
200 r *** ***  
500 r *** ***  
Value in cents (1917)
  1/2 c green
  1 c grey
  2 c brown
  3 c orange
  5 c brown
  6 c brown
  10 c lilac
  13 c blue
  20 c red
  50 c grey

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1/2 c vc c  
1 c vc c  
2 c vc c  
3 c c c  
5 c c c  
6 c c c  
10 c c c  
13 c c c  
20 c c c  
50 c * c  
Used as a postage stamp, overprinted 'CORREIOS' and red bars (1929)

  50 c lilac and black

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
50 c * *  

Special Tax Stamps

1925 Various scenes concerning Pombal

  15 c brown (portrait of Pombal)
  15 c brown (Pombal shows rebuilding plan)
  15 c brown (statue)

With additional inscription 'MULTA' (postage due)
  30 c brown (portrait of Pombal)
  30 c brown (Pombal shows rebuilding plan)
  30 c brown (statue)

Many Portuguese colonies also issued similar stamps (in other colours). Click here for more information.

With overprint Nyassa, for use in Nyassa


1928-(1939?) Mother with children, inscription 'ASSISTENCIA PUBLICA'

  40 c blue and brown (value in black)
  40 c red and violet (value in black, 1930)
  40 c green and violet (value in black, 1931)
  40 c light brown and red (value in black, 1932)
  40 c green and red
  40 c orange and blue
  40 c black and blue
  40 c green and brown
  40 c yellow and black
  40 c brown and black (1939?)



  50 c red and black


19?? Pelican feeding her children, inscription 'ASSISTENCIA PUBLICA'

  $50 red and black
  $50 blue and black
  $50 lilac and black (two shades seem to exist)
  $50 brown and black (two shades seem to exist)
  $50 olive and black
  $50 blue and black
  $50 green and black

  $50 orange and black
  $50 green and black
  $50 brown and black
  $50 lilac and black
  $30 on $50 brown and black

Postage Free Stamps

1925-26 Issued for the 'SOCIEDADE HUMANITARIA CRUZ DO ORIENTE', most of them overprinted 'CORREIOS'

With no overprint
  black and yellow

With overprint and value
  $40 black and yellow (value and 'CORREIOS' in black)
  $50 black and yellow (value and 'CORREIOS' in red)
  $60 black and yellow (value and 'CORREIOS' in violet)
  $80 black and yellow (value and 'CORREIOS' in brown)
  1$00 black and yellow (value and 'CORREIOS' in blue)
  2$00 black and yellow (value and 'CORREIOS' in green)

  '5 c.' orange and yellow (value and 'CORREIOS' in black)
  '10 c.' green and yellow (value and 'CORREIOS' in black)
  '20 c.' grey and yellow (value and 'CORREIOS' in black)
  '30 c.' blue and yellow (value and 'CORREIOS' in black)
  '40 c.' violet and yellow (value and 'CORREIOS' in black)
  '50 c.' red and yellow (value and 'CORREIOS' in black)
  '60 c.' brown and yellow (value and 'CORREIOS' in black)
  '80 c.' blue and yellow (value and 'CORREIOS' in black)
  '1$00' green and yellow (value and 'CORREIOS' in black)
  '2$00' light-brown and yellow (value and 'CORREIOS' in black)

  '50 CENTAVOS' black and yellow (value in black, no 'CORREIOS')


1928 Triangular stamps, issued for the 'SOCIEDADE HUMANITARIA CRUZ DO ORIENTE', some of them overprinted 'CORREIO' and value in black

With value and overprint 'CORREIOS'  
  5 c green and yellow
  10 c blue and yellow
  20 c grey and yellow
  30 c red and yellow
  40 c brown and yellow
  50 c orange and yellow
  60 c red-brown and yellow
  80 c dark brown and yellow
  1 E black and yellow
  2 E red and yellow

With no overprint and no value
  green and yellow
  blue and yellow
  grey and yellow
  red and yellow
  brown and yellow
  orange and yellow
  red-brown and yellow
  dark brown and yellow
  black and yellow
  red and yellow


Bogus stamps


  10 r red
  20 r violet
  50 r green

Overprinted 'Provisorio' and value in black
  '5 REIS.' on 10 r red
  '75 REIS.' on 20 r violet
  '100 REIS.' on 50 r green

Stamps - Selos - Briefmarken - Timbres-Poste - Postzegels - Francobolli - Estampillas

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer