Return To Catalogue - Portugal

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Many Portuguese colonies issued their first stamps in the Crown design::

10 r green
'Crown issue', click here for more details

However, Portuguese India issued a rather primitive design as its first stamps:


The second series to be issued was the 'Embossed issue (1886)' with the portrait of King Louis embossed

100 r brown
'Embossed issue (1886)'

Simultaneously. a 'newspaper stamp and King Charles (Carlos) in an ellipse were issued for many colonies (1894):


In 1895 many stamps with King Charles I (Carlos I) in a circle were issued:


In 1898 a commemorative issue for Vasco da Gama was issued:

A design known as 'Ceres' was issued in the early 19th century for many Portuguese colonies:


So-called Pombal issue (special tax stamps, issued in 1925), three stamps together with three 'MULTA' stamps were issued for many Portuguese colonies (all same design, but different colour):




Many Portuguese colonies also issued Postage Due stamps in a uniformed design (first the values in 'REIS', later in 'CENTAVOS'):

1945 Postage due stamp (here for Portuguese India)

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer