Établissements de l'Océanie, French Polynesia

Return To Catalogue - Tahiti

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

1893 French colonies type, inscription "ETABLISSEMENTS DE L'OCEANIE" in red or blue

Packebot cancel 10 c black 25 c blue 50 c brown on blue

  1 c black
  2 c brown on yellowish
  4 c brown
  5 c green
  10 c black
  10 c red
  15 c blue
  15 c grey
  20 c red on yellow
  25 c black
  25 c blue
  30 c brown
  35 c black
  40 c orange
  45 c black
  50 c red
  50 c brown on blue
  75 c lilac
  1 F green

For stamps in the same Tablet design, but for other French colonies, click here.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c * *  
2 c * *  
4 c * *  
5 c * * Two shades of green were issued
dark green and light green
10 c black *** ***  
10 c red ** *  
15 c blue ** ** On paper with network background
15 c grey *** ***  
20 c *** ***  
25 c black *** ***  
25 c blue *** ***  
30 c *** ***  
35 c *** ***  
40 c R ***  
45 c *** ***  
50 c red *** ***  
50 c brown on blue RR RR  
75 c *** ***  
1 F *** ***  
1915 Surcharged 'EFO 1915' and bar

With normal and inverted overprint

  10 c red (1915)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
10 c ** ** Also exists with inverted overprint (RR) or
with no bar between 'EFO' and '1915' (***)
1915 Red Cross issue 'EFO 1915', bar and surcharged '5'

  5 c on 10 c red (1915)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c on 10 c *** ***  

Postal Stationery

I have seen postcards in the value 10 c red (country name in blue), the inscription reads 'CARTE POSTALE'. I have also seen an envelope of 15 c grey (country name in red) and 25 c blue (country name in red). I've also seen a 'CARTE LETTRE' (15 c grey, country name in red).


(Fournier forgery)

A Fournier forgery, but of slightly different type?

Fournier has made forgeries of these stamps, for more information on these forgeries click here.

The stamps 15 c blue, 25 c black and 40 c have been overprinted "TAHITI 10 centimes" for use in Tahiti.


1913 Woman with flowers in hair, men and view of Fantaua valley

Woman with flowers in hair

  1 c violet and brown
  2 c brown and black
  4 c orange and blue
  5 c green
  5 c blue and black (1922)
  10 c red and orange
  10 c green (1922)
  10 c red on blue (1922?)
  15 c orange and black
  20 c black and violet
  20 c green (1925)
  20 c red and brown (1927)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c vc vc  
2 c vc c  
4 c vc c  
5 c green * * Exists with double center
5 c blue and black vc c  
10 c red and orange * *  
10 c green * *  
10 c red on blue c c  
15 c c c  
20 c black and violet * *  
20 c green * *  
20 c red and brown c c  
Men of the oceanic settlements

  25 c blue
  25 c violet and red (1922)
  30 c grey and brown
  30 c red and orange (1922)
  30 c black and orange (1925)
  30 c blue and green (1927)
  35 c green and red
  40 c black and green
  45 c orange and red
  50 c brown and black
  50 c blue (1922)
  50 c grey and violet (1925)
  60 c green and black (1925)
  65 c brown and lilac (1927)
  75 c lilac and violet
  90 c red (1930)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
25 c blue ** *  
25 c violet and red c c  
30 c grey and brown *** ***  
30 c red and orange * *  
30 c black and orange * *  
30 c blue and green c c  
40 c c c  
45 c c c  
50 c brown and black RR R  
50 c blue * *  
50 c grey and violet c c  
60 c * *  
65 c * *  
75 c * *  
90 c * *  
View of Fantaua valley

  1 F red and black
  1 F 10 c violet and brown (1927)
  1 F 40 c brown and violet (1927)
  1 F 50 c blue (1930)
  2 F brown and green
  5 F violet and blue

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 F * *  
1 F 10 c * *  
1 F 40 c * *  
1 F 50 c * *  
2 F * *  
5 F *** ***  
Red Cross issue (1915-1916)

(Other type, reduced size)

(The three types)

  '+5c' (red) on 10 c red and orange (3 different types)

The three types can be distinguished by: large or small space between cross and '5' and line or no line below 'c'.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c on 10 c * * Cheapest type; most expensive type: ***

  '10' on 15 c orange and black (1916)
  '25c =' on 2 F brown and green (1924)
  '25c =' on 5 F violet and blue (1924)
  '45 c. 1924' on 10 c red (1924) 
  '60' on 75 c blue and brown (1922)
  '65' on 1 F blue and brown (1925)
  '85' on 1 F blue and brown (1925)
  '90' on 75 c red (1927)
  '1f25 =' (red) on 1 F blue (1926)
  '1f50 =' on 1 F blue (1927)
  'TROIS FRANCS' (3) on 5 F grey and blue (1926)
  'DIX FRANCS' (10)(red) on 5 F green and black (1926)
  20 F on 5 F orange and violet (1927)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
10 c on 15 c * *  
25 c on 2 F ** **  
25 c on 5 F ** **  
45 c on 10 c ** ** With inverted sucharged: RRR
60 c on 75 c * *  
65 c on 1 F * *  
85 c on 1 F * *  
90 c on 75 c * *  
1.25 F on 1 F * *  
1.50 F on 1 F * *  
3 F on 5 F *** ***  
10 F on 5 F *** ***  
20 F on 5 F R R Exists without dot after 'F': RR
Overprinted '1921' and bar and surcharged issued for Tahiti
(no country name indicated

  '05' on 2 c brown and black
  '25' on 15 c orange and black

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c on 2 c *** ***  
25 c on 15 c ** *  
Overprinted '1921' and surcharged

  '10' on 45 c orange and red 

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
10 c on 45 c *** ***  


1929 Local landscape (Papetoai Bay in Moorea)

  3 F green and brown
  5 F blue and brown
  10 F red and brown
  20 F lilac and brown

Overprinted 'FRANCE LIBRE' (1941)
  3 F green and brown (overprint red)
  5 F blue and brown (overprint red)
  10 F red and brown
  20 F lilac and brown


1931 "EXPOSITION COLONIALE INTERNATIONALE PARIS 1931", various designs (designs identical to many other French colonies), country name in black

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  40 c green and black
  50 c lilac and black 
  90 c red and black
  1.50 F blue and black


1934 Various local scenes

Man fishing
  1 c black
  2 c brown
  3 c blue (1939)
  4 c orange
  5 c violet
  10 c brown
  15 c green
  20 c red
Sitting woman
  25 c grey
  30 c green
  30 c orange (1939)
  40 c lilac
  45 c orange
  45 c green (1939)
  50 c violet
  55 c blue (1938)
  60 c black (1939)
  65 c brown
  70 c lilac (1939)
  75 c olive
  80 c violet (1938)
  90 c red
Local statue
  35 c green (1938)
  1 F brown
  1.25 F violet
  1.25 F red (1939)
  1.40 F orange (1939)
  1.50 F blue
  1.50 F violet (1939) 
  1.75 F olive
  2 F red
  2.25 F blue (1939)
  2.50 F black (1939)
  3 F orange (1939)
  5 F lilac (1939)
  10 F green (1939)
  20 F brown (1939)

Overprinted 'FRANCE LIBRE' (1941)
  1 F brown
  2.50 F black (overprint red)
  3 F orange
  5 F lilac
  10 F green
  20 F olive


1937 World Exhibition in Paris in 1937, design identical to many other French colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  20 c violet
  30 c green
  40 c lilac
  50 c brown and blue
  90 c red
  1.50 F blue

An 3 F imperforate stamp (color green) exists in a minisheet with inscription "EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE" on top and "ARTS ET TECHNIQUES 1937" below.


1938 Pierre and Marie Curie, design identical to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  1.75 F + 50 c blue


1939 "EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE NEW YORK 1939", design identical to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  1.25 F red
  2.25 F blue


1939 French revolution commemoration, Bastille, design identical to many other French colonies, inscription "Ets FRANCAIS DE L'OCEANIE"

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  45 c + 25 c green and black
  70 c + 30 c brown and black
  90 c + 35 c orange and black
  1.25 F + 1 F lilac and black
  2.25 F + 2 F blue and black

An airmail stamp was also issued (5 F + 4 F black and red).


1941(?) Island view, inscription "ETABLISSEMENTS DE L'OCEANIE" with portrait of Petain in upper right corner

  1 F green
  2.50 F blue

  50 c + 1.50 F on 2.50 F (overprint and surcharge in red)
  1 F + 2.50 F green


1942 Native boat, inscription "FRANCE LIBRE"


  5 c brown
  10 c blue
  25 c green
  30 c orange
  40 c black
  80 c brown
  1 F lilac
  1.50 F orange
  2 F black
  2.50 F blue
  4 F violet
  5 F yellow
  10 F brown
  20 F green

  '50 c =' (red) on 5 c brown (1946)
  '60 c =' (red) on 5 c brown (1946)
  '70 c =' (red) on 5 c brown (1946)
  '1 Fr 20 c =' (red) on 5 c brown (1946)
  '2 Fr 40 c =' on 25 c green (1946)
  '3 Fr =' on 25 c green (1946)
  '4 Fr 50 c =' on 25 c green (1946)
  '15 Fr =' (red) on 2.50 F blue (1946)


1944 Symbol of France (Marianne) with 'RF' and cross (design identical to many other French colonies), inscription "OCEANIE"

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  5 F + 20 F blue


1945 Felix Eboue, design identical to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  2 F brown
  25 F green


1948 Local views, various designs

Sailship in front of island
  10 c brown
  30 c green
  40 c blue

  50 c red
  60 c brown
  80 c blue

Hut near the beach
  1 F red
  1.20 F green
  1.50 F blue

Local girl
  2 F brown
  2.40 F red
  3 F violet
  4 F black

Canoe on the sea
  5 F black
  6 F green
  10 F brown

Local people lying and sitting on the ground
  15 F red
  20 F green
  25 F black


1950 Inscription "OEUVRES SOCIALES F.O.M."

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  10 F + 2 F grey and green


1952 100 years of military medal, similar in design to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  3 F violet, yellow, green and black


1955 Local girl

  9 F black and red


1956 Local shipyard

  3 F green

Postage due stamps

1926 Postage due stamps of France, oveprinted "Etablissements Francais de l'Oceanie"


  5 c blue
  10 c brown
  20 c green
  30 c red
  40 c red
  60 c green
  1 F red on yellow
  3 F red


  2 F on 1 F red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c c c  
10 c c c  
20 c c c  
30 c c c  
40 c c *  
60 c * *  
1 F * *  
2 F on 1 F * *  
3 F ** **  


1929 Local view and rubber tapping

Local view
  5 c blue and brown
  10 c red and green
  30 c brown and red
  50 c green and brown
  60 c violet and green

Man tapping rubber from tree
  1 F lilac and green
  2 F brown and orange
  3 F lilac and green


1948 Value, inscription "ETAB FRANCAIS de l'OCEANIE CHIFFRE TAXE"

  10 c green
  30 c brown
  50 c red
  1 F blue
  2 F green
  3 F orange
  4 F violet
  5 F lilac
  10 F grey
  20 F brown

Air Mail

1935 Aeroplane above island, inscription "ETABLISSEMENTS FRANCAIS DE L'OCEANIE POSTE AERIENNE"

  5 F green ("RF" in left lower corner)
  5 F green (value in both lower corners)
  10 F black
  20 F orange
  50 F blue

Overprinted "FRANCE LIBRE" (1941) in red
  5 F green ("RF" in left lower corner)


1939 French revolution commemoration, Bastille, design identical to many other French colonies, inscription "OCEANIE POSTE AERNE"

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  5 F + 4 F black and red



  1.20 F + 1.80 F blue and red ('Quinzaine')
  1.50 F + 3.50 F green ('protection')
  2 F + 6 F brown ('protection')


1942 Plane above waves, inscription "FRANCE LIBRE RF", design identical to many other French colonies, inscription 'OCEANIE'

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  1 F orange
  1.50 F red
  5 F brown
  10 F black
  25 F blue
  50 F green
  100 F lilac


1946 Angel over Arc de Triomphe with tanks, design identical to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  8 F green


1946 Battle fields, "DU TCHAD AU RHIN", various designs, identical to many other French Colonies, inscription "POSTE AERIENNE"

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  5 F orange
  10 F brown
  15 F green
  20 F red
  25 F violet
  50 F black


1948 Various designs, inscription "ETS FRANCAIS DE L'OCEANIE POSTE AERIENNE"

  50 F brown (bird above island)
  100 F violet (plane above island)
  200 F green (bird above beach)


1949 75 anniversary of UPU, inscription "POSTE AERIENNE", design identical to many other French Colonies, inscription "ETABLISSEMENTS FRANCAIS DE L'OCEANIE"

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  10 F blue


1953 Local people (painting of Gaugain)

  14 F grey, brown and red


1954 D-day commemoration, battle field scene

  3 F grey and green


1955 Beach scene with palm trees

  13 F grey and blue

Stamps - Timbres-Poste - Briefmarken

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer