PERSIA (Iran) 1876 issue

Currency: 1 Toman = 10 Kran = 200 Chahi (or Shahi), after 1881: 1 Kran = 100 Centimes

Return To Catalogue - Persia 1868 issue - Persia (Iran) 1881-1894 - 1894-1902 - 1903-1910 - 1911 onwards- Miscellaneous

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

(Arabic numerals)

More information about stamps from Persia, forgeries etc. can be found on:, or


1876 Shah in circle, arms (lion with sword) below

  1 c black on lilac
  1 c black on red (with coloured border)
  2 c black on green
  2 c black on yellow (with coloured border)
  5 c black on red
  5 c black on green (with coloured border)
  10 c black on blue
  10 c black on lilac (with coloured border)
  1 K black on brown (with coloured border)
  5 K black on blue (with coloured border)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
Without coloured border
1 c *** ***  
2 c *** **  
5 c *** *  
10 c *** ***  
With coloured border (1879)
1 c *** ***  
2 c *** ***  
5 c R **  
10 c R ***  
1 K R ***  
5 K *** **  

Could these stamps be forgeries?:

Another forgery.

I think this is a cut from a postal stationery, but I'm not 100 % sure:

I've been told that this is a postal forgery, I have no further information

This bisected 5 c stamp with '2 1/2' in a circle red surcharge on a postcard is a forgery

If my information is correct, these bisects were produced by the postmaster of Persia, the Austrian A.F.Stahl. Stahl lost his job and his 'bisects' were sold by the Austrian stamp dealer Sigmund Friedl.


For stamps of Persia issued from 1881 to 1894 click here.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer