PERU 1857-1873


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1857 For stamps of the 'Pacific Steam Navigation Company' (1857), inscription P.S.N.G. click here

Image reproduced with permission from:

1858 Arms, imperforated, inscription 'PORTE FRANCO CORREOS', no country name

1 d blue, wavy background lines 1 p red 1 p red, wavy background lines Certified genuine Image reproduced with permission from: Image reproduced with permission from: Obtained from a Siegel auction

  1 din blue (two types, wavy or zigzag lines in background)
  1 peseta red (two types, wavy or zigzag lines in background)
  1/2 peso (0.50 centimos) yellow to red

The plates of the 1 d and 1 p values with the zigzag lines in the background were worn very quickly and the background pattern behind the horn has disappeared in later issues and appears as white only. These plates were retouched (in 1860?) and can be recognized by the fact that the zigzag lines do not touch each other any more:

Retouched 1 d plate, zigzag lines behind the circle do not touch each other any more

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks

With wavy lines in background

1 din RR R Also exists with 'UN DINERO' larger: RR
1 peseta RRR RR Also exists with 'UNA PESETA' larger: RR
1/2 peso RRR RRR Misprint in red: RRR
With zigzag lines in background
(also exists retouched with the zigzag lines broken at the corners)
1 din RR R  
1 peseta RRR RR  

There exists a forgery of the 'UNA PESETA' with wrong inscription 'UN PESETO':


A Senf forgery of the 1/2 peso, with green 'FALSCH' (=forged in German) overprint:

Senf forgery with a green 'FALSCH!' overprint.

The above Senf forgery is described in Album Weeds (as the second forgery of the 1/2 p).

I've been told that this is a forgery, I have no further information

Some other forgeries (made by Fohl?)

The bottom inscription of the 1/2 p should be 'CORREOS', it is 'MEDIO PESO' in the above forgery. In the 1 P, the inscription is 'UN PESETO' instead of 'UNA PESETA'. I've been told they could have been produced by the forger Fohl in 1874. They often bear the cancel 'CORREOS 7.1.60. II-III' with some undecipherable numbers in a circle or something with '.. UX' in a large circle. I presume these are the forgeries described as first forgeries in the book 'Album Weeds'. I've also seen a 1 P Fohl forgery in a more brownish shade.

Same forgery?
Forgeries made by Young in 1870.

A forgery made by Schroder in Leipzig (Germany) about 1892, printed as a mirror image.

These forgeries appear to have been made by S. Friedl in 1872 (in black and white) with many errors in the design, the 1 D is in the design of the 1862 issue

Forgery of the 1/2 p stamp

A Sperati forgery of the 1/2 peso stamp:

The above stamp is a Sperati forgery of the 1/2 peso orange-yellow stamp. It appeared in 1952. Sperati's forgeries are dangerous and quite rare. On this particular forgery he has applied a fake CHACH cancel, (he seems to have made seven different cancels for this issue). This stamp comes from a handbook made by the British Philatelic Association (see the backside). In this Sperati forgery, the upper left top frame has an extension. I've also seen this Sperati forgery with a similar 'CALLAO' cancel. I've also seen an uncancelled Sperati forgery, but in the color red. Also a red color stamp with cancel 'NEPENA':

Image obtained from a Sotheby auction

Images obtained from a Sotheby auction
Uncancelled Sperati forgery and Sperati forgery with 'PASCO' cancel

The forged Sperati cancels that can be found in the BPA handbook are: 'PAITA' in a straight line, 'ATA' in a straight line, 'CALLAO' surrounded by dots, 'CHACH' surrounded by dots, 'PASCO' surrounded by dots, 'LIMA' in ellipse surrounded by dots, 'LIMA' surrounded by '1', '2' and dots.

This forgery on piece of the 1/2 p has the word 'CORREOS' slanting


1862 Arms on white background, inscription 'PORTE FRANCO CORREOS', no country name

1 p orange 1 p orange

  1 pta brown
  1 pta orange (1868)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 pta brown RR RR  
1 pta orange RR R  


Reduced size

The above forgeries have been attributed to Eberhardt about 1884. I have no further information.


1862 Arms in circle, new design, inscription 'PORTE FRANCO CORREOS', no country name

  1 dinero red
  1 dinero green (coloured background behind arms)

These stamps exist with inverted embossing, value: RR.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 d red R **  
1 d green R **  


I've been told that this is an essay of the 1 D in black


Some typical cancels:

Lima grill cancels

Mollendo cancel in a box

Lima and Callao town and date cancel

Pen cancel


Eberhardt forgery, reduced size

The above forgery has been attributed to Eberhardt about 1884. I have no further information.


1866 Lamas, various frames

10 c orange

  5 c green
  5 c red (1895)
  10 c red
  10 c orange (1895)
  20 c brown
  20 c blue (1895)

Official stamps, overprinted 'GOBIERNO' in a rectangle

(Sorry, no picture available yet)

  5 c red
  20 c blue

The perforation of these stamps is 12.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c green *** *  
5 c red ** *  
10 c red *** *  
10 c orange * *  
20 c brown R ***  
20 c blue *** ***  
Official stamps
5 c red R R  
20 c blue R R  

Forgeries, example:

I've been told that the above forgeries are made by Spiro, note the strange cancels (an ellipse with 6 horizontal lines). For the specialist: these stamps are lithographed instead of engraved. They are described in 'The Spud Papers XLIII' in greater detail. They appeared around 1875.

Zechmeyer forgery of the 10 c red value produced in 1875, quite deceptive

Two forgeries of the 10 c red value made by the forger Levy in 1878, the words 'DIEZ CENTAVOS' are too small



(I've been told that this stamp is genuine)

  2 c blue

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 c RR RRR  

Forgeries of this stamp exist, examples:

According to the Serrane guide, the original stamp has a thinner left frameline than the other framelines. A reprint (the above stamp?) exists with the left frameline thicker.

Imitations in grey colour. According to the Serrane guide, these grey forgeries are based on the reprint. If my information is correct these forgeries and reprints were produced by Mr.Eberhard in Valparaiso.

A 'Tapling Essay'(?) in red or a forgery? The design is identical to an illustration in the Stamp Collectors Magazine 1874 Vol 12, page 13.


1871 Train and arms, inscription 'CHORRILLOS LIMA CALLAO PORTE FRANCO', no country name

  5 c red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c RR RR Two shades of red exist

This stamp was supposed to be used on letters carried by the railroad between Chorillos, Lima and Callao. The stamps were printed one at a time in a long band (thus only pairs or strips can exist, no blocks, source: 'The World of Classic Stamps' by J.A.Mackay). An image of a strip of four stamps can be found at:

Forgery in a slightly different design: the central part is printed instead of embossed. The 'I' of 'CINCO' is incorporated in the inner left frame line. The design is identical to an illustration in the Stamp Collectors Magazine 1874 Vol 12, page 13 (the black image shown above).


For issues of Peru of 1874 -1920 click here.

Stamps - Timbres-Poste - Estampillas - Sellos

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer