Return To Catalogue - Poland, fiscal stamps - Poland

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:


1919 Number and eagle

25 f red

  3 f red
  5 f red
  10 f red
  15 f red
  25 f red
  50 f red
  100 f red
  150 f red
  200 f red
  300 f red
  600 f red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
3 f c c  
5 f vc vc Two types: numbers and stars different
10 f c c Two types: numbers and stars different
15 f vc c Two types: numbers and stars different
25 f c vc Two types: numbers and stars different
50 f c c Two types: numbers and stars different
100 f c c  
150 f c c  
200 f c c  
300 f c c  
500 f c c  


1933 Eagle in octogonal, inscription 'PRZESYCKA URZEDOWA'

Inscription 'ZWYCZAJNA' (=normal): (30 g) lilac, (30 g) blue (1935).
Inscription 'POLECONA' (=registered): (80 g) red.



1918 Postage due stamps of Austria overprinted 'POCZTA POLSKA'

40 h red

  5 h red
  10 h red
  15 h red
  15 on 36 h violet
  20 h red
  25 h red
  30 h red
  40 h red
  50  on 42 h brown
  1 K blue (overprint red)
  5 K blue (overprint red)
  10 K blue (overprint red)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 h *** *** Nbr of stamps issued: 34000
10 h RR RR Nbr of stamps issued: 150
15 h * * Nbr of stamps issued: 76000
15 on 36 h RR RR Nbr of stamps issued: 700
20 h RR RR Nbr of stamps issued: 450
25 h *** *** Nbr of stamps issued: 7760
30 h RR RR Nbr of stamps issued: 270
40 h R R Nbr of stamps issued: 1000
50 on 42 h *** *** Nbr of stamps issued: 6020
Double overprints exist.
1 K RRR RRR Nbr of stamps issued: 80
5 K RRR RRR Nbr of stamps issued: 80
10 K RRR RRR Nbr of stamps issued: 55


1918 Number, inscription 'DOPLATA'

Reduced size

I've been told that these four stamps are forgeries. I have no further information.

For South Poland
  2 h blue
  4 h blue
  5 h blue
  10 h blue
  20 h blue
  30 h blue
  50 h blue
  100 h blue
  200 h blue
  500 h blue

For North Poland
  2 f red
  4 f red
  5 f red
  10 f red
  20 f red
  30 f red
  50 f red
  100 f red
  500 f red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
All values c c  


1921 New design

  1 m blue
  2 m blue
  4 m blue
  6 m blue
  8 m blue
  20 m blue
  50 m blue
  100 m blue

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 m c c  
2 m vc c  
4 m vc vc  
6 m c c  
8 m c vc  
20 m vc vc  
50 m c vc  
100 m c vc  

10000 m on 8 m blue 20000 m on 20 m blue

  '10000' on 8 m blue
  '20000' on 20 m blue
  '50000' on 2 m blue

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
10000 on 8 m c c  
20000 on 20 m c c  
50000 on 2 m * *  

In 1923-24 more stamps in this design were issued in a slightly larger size (50 m, 100 m, 200 m, 500 m, 1000 m, 2000 m, 10000 m, 20000 m, 30000 m, 50000 m, 100000 m, 200000 m, 300000 m, 500000 m, 1000000 m, 20000000 m and 30000000 m; all in the colour blue).

1924 issue

In 1924 postage due stamps in the new currency ('Groszy' and 'Zloty') appeared, they have inscription 'DOPLATA' and appeared in 15 values ranging from 1 g to 5 Z. The values issued are: 1 g, 2 g, 4 g, 6 g, 10 g, 15 g , 20 g, 25 g, 30 , 40 g, 50 g, 1 Z, 2 Z, 3 Z and 5 Z (all in brown color). The values 2 g, 10 g and 20 g also exist in slightly smaller size (issued in 1930).
Surcharged: '10 groszy' on 2 Z (1937?), '15 groszy' on 2 Z (1936), '20 groszy' on 1 Z (1936), '20 groszy' on 5 Z (1934), '25 groszy' on 40 g (1937?), '30 groszy' on 40 g (1937?), '50 groszy' on 40 g (1937?), '50 groszy' on 3 Z (1935?).


1930 New arms design, eagle in square, 'DOPLATA' written below it

5 g brown.


1934 Postage stamp of 1928, overprinted 'DOPLATA'

  '25 GR.' (blue) on 1 Z black
  '10 GR.' and bar (all in red) on 1 Z black (1936)
  '20 GR.' and bar (all in red) on 1 Z black (1936)


1938 new type, number

  5 g green
  10 g green
  15 g green
  20 g green
  25 g green 
  30 g green 
  50 g green
  1 Z green

Some of these stamps were overprinted 'General Gouvernement' and a German eagle during the German occupation in 1939.

  50 gr on 20 g green
  50 gr on 25 g green
  50 gr on 30 g green
  50 gr on 50 g green
  50 gr on 1 Z green

In a similar design, but with inscription 'GENERALGOUVERENMENT' on top and 'DP OSTEN' twice at the bottom corners, I have seen the values 10 g, 20 g, 30 g and 50 g (all in red):


1940 German occupation, German eagle, inscription 'GENERAL GOUVERNEMENT' in an arc

Small size

  6 g brown
  8 g black
  10 g green
  12 g green
  20 g brown
  24 g red
  30 g lilac
  40 g violet
  50 g blue

Larger size

  6 g brown
  8 g black
  10 g green
  12 g green
  20 g brown
  24 g red
  30 g lilac
  40 g violet
  48 g olive
  50 g blue
  60 g green
  80 g lilac

Even larger size

  1 Z grey and lilac
  3 Z grey and red
  5 Z grey and orange 


1943 German occupation, German eagle, inscription 'DEUTSCHE REICH' straight on top and 'GENERALGOUVERNEMENT' straight at the bottom

  6 g red-brown
  8 g grey
  10 g green
  12 g violet
  16 g orange
  20 g dark brown
  24 g red
  30 g lilac
  40 g blue
  60 g olive
  80 g lilac
  100 g grey

Airmail Stamps

1921 Air mail, inscription 'AERO-TARG:POZNAN 1921' (private issue?)


1925 Aeroplane above city, inscription 'POCZTA POLSKA LOTNICZA'

  1 g blue
  2 g orange
  3 g brown
  5 g dark brown
  10 g green
  15 g lilac
  20 g green
  30 g red
  45 g violet

The value 20 g green was overprinted with 'Challenge 1934' (in red) in 1934.

Forgeries exist of all 9 original values. They are described in Tyler's 'Focus on Forgeries'. The genuine stamps have perforation 12 1/2, while the forgeries are perforated 11 1/2. The ribbon with 'LOTNICZA' does not show small white areas above the 'L' and 'A', but is fully filled up with ink.


1933 Pilots Zwirko and Wigura, in center aeroplane

  30 g green

This stamp was also overprinted with 'Challenge 1934' (in red) in 1934.

Pol.Korp on Russian stamps

1917 Stamp of Russia, overprinted 'POCZTA Pol. Korp.' and eagle used by the Polish legion

(reduced size)

  3 k red
  4 k red
  5 k lilac
  10 k blue
  10 k on 7 k blue
  15 k lilac and brown
  20 k blue and red
  25 k green and violet
  35 k lilac and green
  50 k lilac and green
  70 k brown and orange (usually imperforate)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
3 k R R  
4 k R R  
5 k *** R  
10 k *** ***  
10 k on 7 k RR RR  
15 k ** ***  
20 k ** ***  
25 k RR RR  
35 k *** ***  
50 k *** ***  
70 k RR RR  


1917 Stamp of Russia, overprinted 'Pol. Korp' and eagle used by the Polish legion

'Pol. Korp. R.1 R.' on 3 k brown
Stamps of Russia, overprinted with an eagle and text, reduced size

  10 k on 3 k
  35 k on 1 k
  50 k on 2 k
  1 R on 3 k

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
On perforated stamps
10 k on 3 k *** ***  
35 k on 1 k R R  
50 k on 2 k *** ***  
1 R on 3 k RR RR  
On imperforate stamps
10 k on 3 k ** **  
35 k on 1 k ** **  
50 k on 2 k ** **  
1 R on 3 k *** ***  

1916 Polish Legion Stamp, Exists Imperforated and Perforated, 4 values Inscription 'LEGIONISTOM POLSKIM 1916', large sized stamps

  2 h brown
  5 h green
  10 h red
  20 h violet

Reduced size
  10 h red

Exist imperforated. These stamps were used as value labels by the Polish legion. The Polish legion was an armed force consisting of Polish people, but founded by the German army. Forged stamps exist with 3 claws on left foot of the eagle (the picture of the next stamps?):


Envelopes, inscription 'Kassa Glowna Pocztowa' and Russian text

(Reduced size)


  1860 (1 1/2 kop) red
  1860 (1 1/2 kop) red

(Other postal stationery)

Non issued stamps

1918 Bogus issue, woman's head (symbolising the republic) in an oval

(reduced size)

The following values exist: 5 p green, 10 p red, 20 p orange, 25 p blue and 50 p brown. I've seen them with cancel 'SIELD..GDE 27 ..19 *' (I can't read the cancel properly).


Another bogus issue exists with inscription 'POLSKA POCZTA MARKA PRO JUVENTUTE' with a sailboat 50 M + 25 M green (sorry, no image available yet).

Delivery stamp of Poznan of 1920, inscription 'L.O.P.P Poznan':

(Reduced size)

Stamps with inscription 'SLASK CIESZYNSKI PLEBISCYT POCZTA POLSKA' were prepared but not issued for Upper Silesia in 1920.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer