PORTUGAL 1894-1911

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Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

For stamps of Portugal issued from 1872 to 1894, click here.

1894 Henry the Navigator commemoration 1394 1894

'Talent de bien faire' 
  5 r orange 
  10 r lilac 
  15 r brown
  20 r violet

'Primeira Expedicao'
  25 r green
  50 r blue
  75 r red
  80 r green
  100 r brown

  150 r red
  300 r blue on lilac
  500 r lilac on lilac
  1000 r black

These stamps were cancelled with '1394 Centenario 1894' (see image above), they have perforation 14.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 r * *  
10 r * *  
15 r ** **  
20 r ** **  
25 r ** *  
50 r ** **  
75 r *** ***  
80 r *** ***  
100 r *** ***  
150 r *** ***  
300 r R ***  
500 r R R  
1000 r RR R  

These stamps exist with overprint 'ACORES' to be used in Azores


1895 St. Anthony (San Antonio) of Padua

80 r green and brown 200 r blue and brown

  2 1/2 r black
  5 r yellow
  10 r lilac
  15 r brown
  20 r violet
  25 r green and lilac
  50 r blue and brown
  75 r red and brown
  80 r green and brown
  100 r brown and grey
  150 r red and brown
  200 r blue and brown
  300 r blue and brown
  500 r brown and blue
  1000 r violet and blue

These stamps have perforation 12.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 1/2 r * *  
5 r ** **  
10 r *** ***  
15 r *** ***  
20 r *** ***  
25 r * *  
50 r *** ***  
75 r R R  
80 r RR RR  
100 r R R  
150 r RR RR  
200 r RR RR  
300 r RR RR  
500 r RR RR  
1000 r RR RR  

Forgeries exist of the values 50 r, 75 r, 80 r and 100 r, examples:

Filled-in 'A'

I've been told that these four stamps are made by Fournier. They were offered for 2 Swiss Francs (all 4 of them) as 1st choice forgeries in Fournier's 1914 pricelist. The distinguishing characteristics are: the impression is quite rough on the forgeries. The 'A' of 'PORTUGAL' is filled in. At the back a small latin text appears, it is spelt 'nunc' in the originals, but 'nune' in the forgeries. The star in this text has 8 rays in the forgery, but only 6 in the genuine stamps. These forgeries were also used to make forged stamps of Azores. For more information on these forgeries, check the following website: http://www.tabacaria.org/Selos/Continoutros/StAntonio.htm. Other sources (www.bondskeuringsdienst.nl/BKD.pps), claim that these forgeries were made by Erasmus Oneglia.

I've been told that the next two stamps are also Fournier forgeries, though they have an 'open A' of 'PORTUGAL':



1895 King Charles I, value in black, except for 75 r and 500 r

With telegraphic cancel

  2 1/2 r grey
  5 r orange
  10 r green
  15 r brown
  15 r green
  20 r violet
  25 r green
  25 r red
  50 r blue
  65 r blue
  75 r red
  75 r brown on yellow (value in red)
  80 r lilac
  100 r blue on blue
  115 r brown on red
  130 r brown on yellow
  150 r brown on yellow
  180 r lilac on red
  200 r lilac
  300 r blue on red
  500 r black on blue (value in red)

I've been told that the values 2 1/2 r, 5 r, 10 r, 15 r brown, 20 r and 25 r red exist without value inscription (I have seen the 20 and 25 r). I have also seen a misprint of the 5 r with inverted value overprint. The 2 1/2 r also seems to exist in this condition. Example of an inverted value overprint:

(Inverted value overprint on the 5 r orange)

Stamps in similar designs were issued for the Portuguese colonies (country name different for each country), click here for more information.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 1/2 r c vc  
5 r c vc  
10 r c vc  
15 r brown *** *  
15 r green *** c  
20 r c c  
25 r green *** c  
25 r red c vc  
50 r c c Two shades of blue were issued
65 r c c  
75 r red *** c  
75 r brown on yellow c c  
80 r * c  
100 r c c  
115 r * *  
130 r * *  
150 r *** **  
180 r * *  
200 r * c  
300 r * *  
500 r * *  


1898 Vasco da Gama issue, various designs, inscription '1498-1898'

150 r brown

  2 1/2 r green
  5 r red
  10 r lilac
  25 r green
  50 r blue
  75 r brown
  100 r brown
  150 r brown

Click here for pictures of similar stamps of the Portuguese colonies

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 1/2 r c c  
5 r c c  
10 r * *  
25 r c c  
50 r * *  
75 r *** **  
100 r ** **  
150 r *** ***  
Overprinted 'REPUBLICA' (1911)

75 r brown '1$000' on 10 r lilac

  2 1/2 r green
  'REIS 15 REIS' on 5 r red
  25 r green
  50 r blue
  75 r brown
  80 on 150 r yellow
  100 r brown
  '1$000' on 10 r lilac

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 1/2 r c c  
15 r on 5 r c c  
25 r c c  
50 r * c  
75 r *** ***  
80 r on 150 r *** ***  
100 r * *  
1$000 on 10 r *** ***  


1910 King Emanuel

25 r brown 200 r green on red 300 r black on blue

  2 1/2 r lilac
  5 r black
  10 r green
  15 r brown
  20 r red
  25 r brown
  50 r blue
  75 r brown
  80 r grey
  100 r yellow on green
  200 r green on red
  300 r black on blue
  500 r olive and brown
  1000 r blue and black

These stamps have perforation 14 x 15.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 1/2 r c c  
5 r c c  
10 r c c  
15 r * *  
20 r c c  
25 r c vc  
50 r c c  
75 r * *  
80 r * *  
100 r ** *  
200 r * c  
300 r * *  
500 r ** **  
1000 r *** ***  
Overprinted 'REPUBLICA' in red (except for 20 r in green) (1910)

1000 r blue and black

  2 1/2 r lilac
  5 r black
  10 r green
  15 r brown
  20 r red
  25 r brown
  50 r blue
  75 r brown
  80 r grey
  100 r yellow on green
  200 r green on red
  300 r black on blue
  500 r olive and brown
  1000 r blue and black

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 1/2 r c c  
5 r c c  
10 r c c  
15 r c c  
20 r * c  
25 r c c  
50 r ** c  
75 r ** c  
80 r * *  
100 r c c  
200 r * *  
300 r * *  
500 r * *  
1000 r ** **  


For stamps of Portugal issued after 1910, click here.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer