PORTUGUESE COLONIES, 1895 issue, King Charles I in a circle

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Many Portuguese colonies issued stamps in a similar design to the issue of Portugal of 1895. In order to save space, I have listed here all the different values for all colonies:

1895 onwards, King Charles (Carlos) I in a circle

5 r orange, cancelled 65 r blue

  2 1/2 r grey
  5 r orange
  10 r green
  15 r brown
  15 r green
  20 r lilac
  25 r green
  25 r red
  50 r blue
  50 r brown
  65 r blue
  75 r red
  75 r brown on yellow (on some with value in red)
  80 r lilac
  100 r blue on blue
  115 r brown on red
  130 r brown on yellow
  150 r brown on yellow
  180 r black on red
  200 r lilac
  300 r blue on red
  400 r blue on yellow
  500 r black on blue (value in red)
  700 r lilac on yellow

These stamps were issued for: Angola, Angra, Azores, Cape Verde, Funchal, Horta, Inhambane, Lorenzo Marques, Macao (value in Avo), Mozambique, Nyassa (overprint on Mozambique), Ponta Delgada, Portuguese Congo, Portuguese Guinea, Portuguese India (value in reis, tanga, or Rupie), St Thomas and Prince, Timor and Zambezia. Not all values were issued for all colonies. Some countries have the value at the left hand side (Angra, Funchal and Horta), others at the right hand side.

(Acores, Angra, Funchal and Horta have the value at the left hand side)

(Corresponding issue of Portugal)

(Macao and Timor issues, value in 'AVO' or 'AVOS')

(Portuguese India, the inscription 'INDIA' is incorporated in the basic design)

(Acores issue, the letters in the corners stand for 'Angra', 'Horta' and 'Ponta Delgada')


In 1902 many stamps were overprinted 'PROVISORIO' in fancy letters:


In 1905 a surcharge '50 REIS' was applied:

Many of these stamps exists with a 'REPUBLICA' overprint (from 1911 onwards), example:

(General overprint: same for all colonies)

(Local overprint, different for all colonies)

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer