Return To Catalogue - Portugal - Portugal Fiscal Stamps

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Postal Stationery

Postcards, envelopes etc. with similar design as the postage stamps of the same period:

1878 King Louis, head embossed straight value label

  15 r brown
  20 r blue
  25 r blue (1879)
  30 r green
  50 r red

1884 King Louis

Reduced sizes

  10 r brown
  20 r red
  25 r brown on yellow
  50 r blue on blue

Surcharged 'Valido 1893'
  10 r brown
  20 r red


1892 Dom Carlos (King Charles)


  10 r lilac
  10 r black on green (1895)
  20 r blue
  25 r green on yellow
  25 r green
  30 r blue
  50 r blue on blue
  50 r blue

"UNION POSTALE" on top value below
  20 r lilac (1895)
  (other values exist?)

1894 Henry the navigator

(Sorry, no picture available yet)

  'Vez' r lilac

1895 St. Anthony of Padua

  'Dez' r lilac

Later issue:

Postage Due Stamps

1898 Vasco da Gama issue, value and 'CONTINENTE' in black

  5 r black
  10 r lilac
  20 r red
  50 r grey
  100 r red on red
  200 r brown on yellow

I've often seen these stamps with a black 'T' in a circle cancel(?).

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 r * *  
10 r ** **  
20 r ** **  
50 r *** ***  
100 r *** ***  
200 r R R  
Overprinted 'REPUBLICA' and bar over 'MULTA' to be used as postage stamps

200 r brown on yellow 500 r on 100 r red on red

  5 r black
  10 r lilac
  20 r red
  200 r brown on yellow
  300 r on 50 r grey
  500 r on 100 r red on red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 r c c  
10 r c c  
20 r * *  
200 r *** *** Forgeries exist!
300 r on 50 r *** *** Forgeries exist!
500 r on 100 r ** ** Forgeries exist!

These stamps exist with overprint 'ACORES'

More information about the forgeries of the 50 r, 100 r and 200 r (with and without 'REPUBLICA') can be found at: http://www.tabacaria.org/Selos/Continoutros/Porteado1898.htm.


1904 Postage Due stamps, inscription 'PORTEADO A RECEBER'

Value in 'REIS'

  5 r brown
  10 r orange
  20 r lilac
  30 r green
  40 r lilac
  50 r red
  100 r blue

These stamps have perforation 11 1/2 x 12.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 r c c  
10 r * *  
20 r * *  
30 r * *  
40 r * *  
50 r * *  
100 r *** ***  
Overprinted 'REPUBLICA' in red except 50 r (1911)

  5 r brown
  10 r orange
  20 r lilac
  30 r green
  40 r lilac
  50 r red (overprint green)
  100 r blue

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 r c c  
10 r c c  
20 r c c  
30 r c c  
40 r c c  
50 r * *  
100 r * *  
Value in 'CENTAVOS' (1915)

  1/2 c brown
  1/2 c green
  1 c orange
  2 c brown
  3 c green
  4 c violet
  4 c green
  5 c red
  8 c green
  10 c blue
  10 c green
  12 c green
  16 c green
  20 c green
  24 c green
  32 c green
  36 c green
  40 c green
  48 c green
  50 c green
  60 c green
  72 c green
  80 c green
  1 E 20 c green

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1/2 c brown vc vc  
1/2 c green vc vc  
1 c vc vc  
2 c vc vc  
3 c vc vc  
4 c violet vc vc  
4 c green vc vc 1927
5 c vc vc  
8 c vc vc  
10 c blue c c  
10 c green vc vc  
12 c to 72 c c c  
80 c * c  
1.20 E * *  

These stamps exist with overprint 'ACORES'


1932 Inscription 'REPUBLICA PORTUGUEZA PORTEADO CORREIO', value in rectangle

  5 c yellow
  10 c blue
  20 c red
  30 c blue
  40 c green
  50 c grey
  60 c red
  80 c brown
  1.20 E olive (1933)

Stamps with inscription IMPERIO COLONIAL PORTUGUES PORTEADO' were issued for Portuguese Africa in 1945


1940 Inscription 'PORTEADO' in a straight line on top, 'PORTUGAL' at the bottom, leaf ornaments at the sides

  5 c light brown
  10 c lilac
  20 c red
  30 c violet
  40 c red
  50 c blue
  60 c green
  80 c red
  1 E brown
  2 E violet
  5 E orange


1967 Inscription 'A COBRAR CORREIO DE PORTUGAL', value in an elliptic figure

  10 c orange and yellow
  20 c brown and yellow
  30 c orange and yellow
  40 c brown and yellow
  50 c violet and light blue
  60 c blue and light blue
  80 c blue and light blue
  1 E violet and light blue
  2 E olive and green
  5 E red and lilac
  3 E green and light green
  4 E grey and light green
  9 E violet and lilac
  10.00 E violet and lilac
  20.00 E red and lilac

Parcel stamps

1920 Parcel stamps, inscription 'ENCOMENDAS POSTAIS'

  01 c brown
  02 c orange
  05 c brown
  10 c red
  20 c grey
  40 c red
  50 c black
  60 c blue
  70 c brown
  80 c blue
  90 c lilac
  1 E green
  2 E lilac
  3 E olive
  4 E blue
  5 E grey
  10 E brown

These stamps have perforation 12 1/2.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c vc vc  
2 c vc vc  
5 c vc vc  
10 c c vc  
20 c c c  
40 c c c  
50 c c c  
60 c c c  
70 c * *  
80 c * *  
90 c c c  
1 E c c  
2 E * c  
3 E * c  
4 E * *  
5 E * *  
10 E ** c  

These stamps exist with overprint 'ACORES'


1936 Image of parcel, inscription 'PORTUGAL ENCOMENDAS POSTAIS'

  0.50 $ olive
  1.00 $ light brown
  1.50 $ violet
  2.00 $ red
  2.50 $ green
  4.50 $ red
  5.00 $ lilac
  10.00 $ orange

Telegraph Stamp

1922 Inscription 'TELEGRAFOS' and image of woman's head


  5 c brown

This stamp was apparently ment to pay a fee for telegrams posted on sundays and public holidays. This stamp exists with overprint 'ACORES':

In 1929, this stamp was overprinted 'CORREIO' and surcharged to serve as a postage stamp.

Other telegraph stamps can be found under 'Special Stamps'.

Special stamps

1915 Inscription 'PARA OS POBRES'

(1915 Para os Pobres)

  1 c red (CORREIO)
  2 c brown (TELEGRAFOS)
  15 c red (CORREIO, 1925)
  30 c brown (TELEGRAFOS, 1925)

  '15 ctvs.' on 1 c red (1924)
  '30 ctvs.' on 2 c brown (1924)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c vc vc 'CORREIO'
2 c c c 'TELEGRAFOS'
15 c c c 'CORREIO'
30 c * *  
15 c on 1 c c c  
30 c on 2 c * *  

Some of these stamps exist with overprint 'ACORES'



(1925 Padroes da grande guerra)

  10 c green
  10 c red
  10 c blue
  10 c brown

Postage due stamp (different design)
  20 c red

These stamps exist with overprint 'ACORES'

Normal and postage due stamp with overprint 'ACORES'


1925 Special Tax Stamps

  15 c blue (portrait of Pombal)
  15 c blue (Pombal shows rebuilding plan)
  15 c blue (statue)

With addtional inscription 'MULTA' (postage due)
  30 c blue (portrait of Pombal)
  30 c blue (Pombal shows rebuilding plan)
  30 c blue (statue)

Many Portuguese colonies also issued similar stamps (in other colours). Click here for more information. Example Mozambique:

Bogus issues

I have seen stamps with the inscription 'CORREIOS REINO DE PORTUGAL':

(Reduced sizes)

I have seen the values 2 1/2 r black, 5 r black, 10 r brown and 35 r green. There also should be a 20 r brown. They exist imperforate and perforated (11 for the specialist). These stamps seems to have been issued in Porto during an insurrection in order to re-install the monarchy in 1919.

I have also seen a postcard 'Bilhete Postal' with inscription 'Reino de Portugal' in the value 20 r blue. The postcard bears a design similar to the ones above.

Porte Franco

Several societies had the right to send mail with special 'Porte Franco' stamps. Among them a red cross stamp in 1899, a riffle association, inscription 'UNAIO DOS ATIRADORES CIVIS' (1899-1920, 12 different stamps), the Tuberculosis association, inscription 'ASSISTENCIA NACIONAL AOS TURBERCULOSOS' (1905, 2 different stamps), the Geographical Society (1905-38, various stamps in different colours; in 1934 a new type was introduced, the inscription is 'SOCIEDADE DE GEOGRAPHIA DE LISBOA').


(red cross stamp of 1889, exists with and without green diagonal overprint)

Porte Franco stamp for the Geographical Society of Lisbon.

Some other Red Cross franchise stamps were issued in 1926, they have the image of a nurse, looking after a patient. Two types exist, one with inscription 'LISBOA' and the other with 'DELEGACOES'. They are both in the colour combination black and red.

Some postage stamps also exist with overprint 'CRUZ VERMELHA Porto Franco' with year or also 'Porte Franco', cross and year in red colour.


(Tuberculosis stamp in red and yellow; it also exists in the colour combination brown and green)

Riffle association stamp

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer