RUMANIA 1871 issue

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1871 Carol I facing the left, with FULL beard, inscription 'POSTA ROMANA' besides the head, value in BANI


1871 issue 10 b blue, 1872 re-issue Might be a forgery

  5 b orange
  10 b yellow
  10 b blue (2 types, see above)
  15 b red
  25 b brown
  50 b blue and red (1872)


  5 b red
  10 b blue
  25 b brown

The perforation of the perforated stamps is 12 1/2.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 b R R  
10 b yellow RR R  
10 b blue RR RR Reissued in 1872 in a slightly different design.
15 b RR RRR  
25 b RR R  
50 b RRR RRR Exists without center (printer's waste: source: Serrane guide)
5 b RR R  
10 b RR R  
25 b *** ***  

Subtypes (see

Subtype 5 of the 10 bani perforated stamp; The 'R' of 'ROMANA' has a small line below it; the 'O' of this word is connected to the inner ellipse.

Subtype 3 of the 10 bani yellow stamp; with the dot in front of the right '10' missing. A break in the bottom of the 'S' of 'POSTA' and the 'T' of this word connected to the line to the left of it. To the right of the 'R' of 'ROMANIA' there is part of a (smaller) extra Greec ornament. Also Type 10, with a missing upper right part of the 'I' of 'BANI'.

10 b blue, type 6 Type 6
I believe this is type 6 (of the 7 types) of the re-issue of the 10 b blue in 1872 (with the 'N' and second 'A' of 'ROMANA' connected with a scratch, the head is tilted to the back; note the distance between the back of the head and the letters 'RO'); it has a blotch of ink connecting the 'O' of 'ROMANIA' with the frameline to the right of it. Also the left box with '10' is connected to the bottom frame through a blue patch of ink. In general it is badly printed.

Type 1 Type 6
Type 1 of the 5 bani stamps; short leg of 'M' and scratch in lower part of upper left circle. Type 4. And type 6 with an extension at the bottom right hand corner and a break in the lower right of the upper right hand side cross.

Type 3 of the 15 bani stamp; it has a scratch through the 'A' of 'ROMANA' and some smudges in the top parts of the '1' and '5' of the right hand side '15'.

50 bani type 1, the Greec ornament has an extra vertical line just next to the 'RO' of 'ROMANA'.


Forgeries exist of these stamps. According to 'The Forged Stamps of all Countries' by J.Dorn, most of the cancellations on the 50 b value are forged. Examples:

Forgeries with 'FAUX' overprint (Fournier?)

Forgeries; in the 10 b forgery, there is a wavy line on top of the 'I' of 'BANI'

Probably a Fournier forgery, with forged 'JASSY 10 8 FRANCO' cancel. There is a wavy line on top of the 'I' of 'BANI'

Some of the above Fournier forged cancels were used on the above forgeries (barely discernable)

Fournier album with forgeries of this and the following issue.

Forgery of the 5 b value with different lettering, for example the 'P' of 'POSTA' has a very thick stem. The 'A' of this word has a serif at the right hand side.

Forgery of the 25 b with the upper text quite different (compare the 'S' of 'SI'), the eyebrow is more slanting, the 'T' of 'POSTA' more straight, the 'A' of 'POSTA' is placed too low (with respect to the ornaments to the left of it) etc. The word 'POSTA' is placed too far to the left. This is the forgery set described in Album Weeds. I've also seen this forgery uncancelled. Next to it the 5 b and 10 b made by the same forger. One of the stamps has a typical 'VF' cancel.

Forgeries of the 10 b yellow and blue. The 'P' of 'POSTA' seems squeezed and is too close to the border on the left of it. The head of the King is too white in my view. They often appear with very large margins and cancel 'PITESCTI 15 9 * DIM *'. The 5 bani was probably made by the same forger.

A forgery of the 10 b blue value. The 'O' of 'ROMANIA' is open at the bottom. The dot on the 'I' of 'BANI' is missing. The 'R' of 'ROMANIA' also has a long bottom stroke, while the 'M' of this word has a slanting right leg. I've seen it cancelled with 'GALATI 8 NOV 72' and pasted on pieces of paper. Next to it a pair of 25 bani forgeries, apparently made by the same forger (same cancel!).

Possibly an Oneglia forgery of the 15 b value. The 5 b forgery was created by erasing the value and the '1's. It thus has the wrong upper ornaments! The 10 bani blue also exists fromt he same forger. Next to it a 25 b made by the same forger (also with the wrong upper ornaments).

Forgery of the 10 Bani blue value with the head of the King totally different (nose, hair etc.).

50 bani forgery, I've also seen it without cancel.

Forgery with short leg of 'R' of 'ROMANIA'. The 'N' and 'A' of this word are touching the central design. Next to it two forgeries with the same small 'RAMNICU - SARAT 4 OCT 71' cancel, made by the same forger.

Forgery of the 10 bani and 25 bani. Note the very crude execution; for example the 'E's in 'DOUE DECI' in the 25 bani value.

Another primitive forgery of the 10 bani blue value.

Forgery with the head too low.

Sperati forgeries:

10 B Sperati forgery 'die proof', image obtained from a Corinphila auction.

I've been told that this is a Sperati forgery of the 50 b value. I don't know the distinguishing characteristics.

A blackprint of the Sperati forgery (left outer part, right inner part).

According to the BPA handbook the flaws of the genuine stamp of the position which was copied by Sperati are the same for his forgeries of the 10 B and 50 B stamps.

Very dubious item.

For stamps in a very similar design as above (King without beard, 1869 issue), click here.

For issues of Rumania after 1872 click here.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer