TRANSVAAL Miscellaneous

Return To Catalogue - Transvaal 1869-1884 - Transvaal 1885-1910 - South Africa

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contact me if you want to purchase them:

Postage due stamps

1907 Inscription 'Postage due post office'

(Reduced sizes)

  1/2 p green and black
  1 p red and black
  2 p orange
  3 p blue and black
  5 p violet and black
  6 p brown and black
  1 Sh black and red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1/2 p * *  
1 p * *  
2 p ** *  
3 p ** **  
5 p ** **  
6 p ** **  
1 Sh *** ***  

The 5 p and 6 p values were used with overprints 'Zuid-West Afrika.', 'Zuidwest Afrika.' or 'South West Africa.' to be used in South West Africa. The two overprints were printed side by side:

Local stamp, Bakker Express


I have seen four values of these stamps: 1/2 p black on grey ('TE BETALEN' in center), 1/2 p black on blue ('VRIJ TOT POSTK. NYLSTROOM' in center), 1 p black on green ('VRIJ TOT POSTK. MARABA STAD' in center) and 1 p black on lilac ('VRIJ TOT POSTK. PRETORIA' in center). I have no further information about these locals. 'VRIJ TOT POSTK.' means 'free to post office'.

Fiscal Stamps


First type

With 'V.R. TRANSVAAL' overprint

The first type in this design was issued in 1876 in the values 6 p red on blue, 1 Sh red on green, 1 Sh 6 p black on yellow, 2 Sh red, 5 Sh black on orange, 10 Sh black on green, 1 Pound black on lilac, 2 Pounds black and 5 Pounds black on blue. The values 6 p, 1 Sh, 1 Sh 6 p, 2 Sh, 5 Sh, 10 Sh, 1 Pound, 2 Pounds and 5 Pounds exist with overprint 'V.R. TRANSVAAL' (the 1 Sh and 10 Sh also overprinted in color red). All these stamps are imperforate. In 1888 a perforated 5 Pounds blue was added.

Second type

A slightly different type (star at bottom of the circle) was issued in 1888 in the values 1 p blue, 6 p red, 1 Sh yellow, 1 Sh 6 p brown, 2 Sh orange, 2 Sh 6 p violet, 5 Sh olive, 10 Sh yellow, 1 Pound brown, 2 Pounds brown, 5 Pounds olive, 10 Pounds green and 20 Pounds blue. They all exist with a 'VRI' overprint applied in 1900. Some rare local 'VRI' overprints seem to exist for Rustenburg and Zeerust with or without additional overprints (I have never seen them).

I've seen the valus 6 p red and 1 Sh 6 p brown with a postal cancel. The 6 p exists with overprint 'POSTZEGEL' and was used as postage stamp in 1894.

I've also seen the 2 Pounds value with 'VRI' overprint and additional 'Transvaal Telegraphs FIVE Shillings.' overprint.


1878 Queen Victoria, inscription 'REVENUE STAMP'

In the above design exist: 
  6 p lilac
  1 Sh blue
  1 Sh 6 p green 
  2 Sh brown
  2 Sh 6 p red 
  5 Sh green 
  10 Sh grey
  1 Pound brown
  2 Pounds black
  5 Pounds brown
  10 Pounds blue
  25 Pounds violet 

I have seen a so-called Hialeah forgery of the 10 Pounds value; this is a modern forgery made with a computer scanner and printer.

Other examples, King Edward, issued in 1903:

Exists in the values 1 Sh (green and lilac), 2 Sh (brown and lilac), 2 Sh 6 p (red and grey), 5 Sh (green and lilac), 10 Sh (blue and brown), 1 Pound (green and grey), 5 Pounds (violet and brown), 10 Pounds (brown and black) and 25 Pounds (red and brown).

2 Sh 6 p with inverted head

The 2 Sh 6 p and 5 Sh exist with inverted head variety.

The 1 Sh value exists with overprint 'PASS':

'PASS' on 1 Sh

The above fiscal stamp was issued in 1893/94. The values 6 p green, red and blue, 1 Sh blue, green and red and 5 Sh red, green and blue (2 types) exist.

Some fiscal stamps of Cape of Good Hope were overprinted 'TRANSVAAL' in 1902. The following values exist: 6 p lilac and violet, 1 Sh lilac and blue, 1 Sh brown (Victoria in a circle) and 2 Sh lilac and brown.

Telegraph stamps

1897 Postage stamps, overprinted 'Transvaal Telegraphs'

  1 p red and green
  6 p lilac and green (2 types of overprint)
  2 Sh 6 p lilac and green
  'ONE Shilling' on 2 Sh 6 p lilac and green

Example, fiscal stamp, overprinted 'Transvaal Telegraphs.


Besides the 5 Pounds fiscal stamp, also the values 5 Sh on 2 Pounds (VRI), 10 Sh and 1 Pound were overprinted.

I've been told that the next stamp is a Fournier forgery.

(Fournier forgery)

Page from the Fournier Album of Philatelic forgeries with some examples of Fournier's forged overprints of Transvaal and Orange Free State

Postal Stationery

Example of a postcard (briefkaart):

Reduced size. Arms with inscription 'POSTZEGEL Z.-A. REPUBLIEK 1 PENNY'. Color: orange. Text on the rest of the poscard: 'ZUID-AFRIK. REPUBLIEK REPUBLIQUE SUD-AFRICAINE ALGEMEENE POST VEREENIGING - (UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE) BRIEFKAART Staatsdrukkerij te velde, Machadodorp, Z.-A.R.'

I've seen a postcard (1/2 p green) with the image of King Edward VII, it has 'TRANSVAAL' written straight on top and 'HALFPENNY' straigh at the bottom, the King is portrayed in an ellipse. I've also seen a cut (1 p red) with an image of King Edward VII in an ornamented ellipse with inscription 'TRANSVAAL POSTAGE ONE PENNY' written in the ellipse.

Railway Stamps


6 p blue and 1 Sh red

Websites; some history on collecting stamps of Transvaal with a selected bibliography list.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer