EL SALVADOR 1867-1896

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Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Note on the stamps of El Salvador from 1890 to 1899: The printer of the stamps (Seebeck) kept the printing plates of the stamps issued during this period. He issued numerous 'reprints' after the stamps were obsolete. These reprints are known as Seebeck issues.

A nice website with stamps of El Salvador can be found at: http://www.seymourfamily.com/Stamp_Collecting.htm

1867 Volcano

  1/2 r blue
  1 r red
  2 r green
  4 r brown

Overprinted "CONTRA SELLO" in a circle (1874)

Image obtained from http://www.seymourfamily.com/Stamp_Collecting.htm

  1/2 r blue
  1 r red
  2 r green
  4 r brown

The overprint 'CONTRA SELLO' was applied to prevent stolen stamps from coming in the market. The 'CONTRA SELLO' overprint was used on later issues for telegraphic purposes. Two types should exist of this overprint: with closed letters and open letters.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1/2 r * c  
1 r * *  
2 r * **  
4 r ** ***  
Overprinted 'CONTRA SELLO', cheapest type
1/2 r *** ***  
1 r *** ***  
2 r *** ***  
4 r R R  

Typical cancel:

(Star cancel, reduced size)

Forgeries exist of these stamps. For example, in the 1/2 r stamp, there should be many regular very small 1/2's in the background behind the central oval (see the Spud Papers). There is another crude forgery with correct '1/2's in the background (information obtained thanks to Bill Wagner). If anybody possesses more pictures of these forgeries, please contact me! Moreover, forged cancels exist.

(Forgery of the1 r, image obtained thanks to Bill Wagner, note the weird cancel)

2 c forgery with the same cancel.

Forgery of the 1/2 r value. I've also seen it with part of a numeral cancel ('8'?) in a pattern of horizontal lines.

Forgery of the 2 c value

Forgery of the 1 c value.

Information on forged "CONTRA SELLO" handstamps can be found at: http://www.seymourfamily.com/ElSalvadorHandbook/c3-b.pdf. Apparently, the stamp dealer David Cohn (Berlin, Germany) applied 'remainder' handstamps, which differ slightly from the genuine "CONTRA SELLO" marks. In turn, these remainder handstamps were forged again by Raoul de Thuin.


1879 Mountain

Image obtained thanks to Christer Bergstrom

  1 c green
  2 c red
  5 c blue
  10 c black
  20 c lilac

Overprinted '1889' (2 types, with/without dot) 

Sorry, no image available yet

  1 c green 
  2 c red (overprint in violet)
  20 c lilac 

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c ** *  
2 c ** **  
5 c *** ***  
10 c *** ***  
20 c *** ***  
1 c ? ?  
2 c ? ?  
20 c ? ?  

Telegraph stamps; postage stamps with overprint 'CONTRA SELLO', examples:

(Reduced sizes)

Two clearly different types of the 1 c: See the '1' and 'C' in the corners for example, or the height at which the horizon cuts the word 'SALVADOR'. There are 15 types of the 1 c and 2 c stamps and 25 types of the 5 c stamps. The other values (10 c and 20 c) exist in 5 types.

(Senf forgeries, with red overprint 'Facsimile')

Senf made forgeries of a whole sheet of 5 c blue stamps of the 1879 issue; all types are reproduced. The individual stamps always have a red overprint 'Facsimile'. On top of the sheet is written 'Kunstbeigabe', they were distributed as an 'art supplement' with the 'Illustriertem Briefmarken Journal' (a stamp journal Senf issued) of 2 November 1889.

Imperforate 5 c value.

The next forgeries of Serbia are printed on the backside of some 5 c stamps of this issue:


1887 Woman with flag in hand

Image obtained from http://www.seymourfamily.com/Stamp_Collecting.htm

Image obtained thanks to Christer Bergstrom Image obtained from http://www.seymourfamily.com/Stamp_Collecting.htm

  1 c green (with black bar, 1889)
  2 c red (with black bar, 1889)
  3 c brown
  5 c blue (rouletted)

Surcharged (1888)

Image obtained from http://www.seymourfamily.com/Stamp_Collecting.htm

  '1 centavo' on 3 c brown

Surcharged and overprinted '1889' (2 types, with/without dot)
  1 c green (with black bar on top)
  3 c brown
  5 c blue

Surcharged and overprinted '1889' (2 types, with/without dot)
  '1 centavo' on 3 c brown

Image obtained from http://www.seymourfamily.com/Stamp_Collecting.htm
Unissued 2 c stamp

A 2 c red (without black bar) was unissued as well as a 1 c green (without black bar).

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c * * Without black bar: c
2 c * * Without black bar: c
3 c * *  
5 c * *  
20 c *** ***  
1 c on 3 c * *  
Overprinted '1889'
1 c on 3 c RR RR  
1 c R R With black bar
Also exists with violet overprint: R
3 c *** *** Also exists with violet overprint: ***
5 c *** *** Also exists with violet overprint: ***


1887 Volcano

  10 c orange

Overprinted '1889'

(Sorry, no image available yet)

  10 c orange

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
10 c *** **  
10 c R R With 1889 overprint
Also exists with violet '1889' overprint: R

Mute cancels: 'concentric rings' and 'violet star'


1890 Woman with flag in right hand, inscription '1890' at the bottom

Image obtained from http://www.seymourfamily.com/Stamp_Collecting.htm

  1 c green
  2 c brown
  3 c yellow
  5 c blue
  10 c violet
  20 c orange
  25 c red
  50 c red
  1 P red

These stamps have perforation 12.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c c *  
2 c c *  
3 c c *  
5 c c *  
10 c c *  
20 c c *  
25 c c *  
50 c c *  
1 P ** ***  

These stamps were printed by Seebeck, who made a large number of reprints. From 1890 to 1899, Seebeck produced for El Salvador 166 postage stamps, 152 Official stamps, 56 postage due stamps, five parcel post stamps, two acknowledgement of receipt stamps, and four registered mail stamps. (source: http://www.linns.com/howto/refresher/seebeck_20050613/refreshercourse.asp?uID= ).


1891 Volcano in circle, 'CORREOS SALVADOR' on top, train and ship in foreground

Image obtained from http://www.seymourfamily.com/Stamp_Collecting.htm

  1 c orange
  2 c green
  3 c violet
  5 c red
  10 c blue
  11 c violet
  20 c green
  25 c brown
  50 c blue
  1 P brown


  'UN CENTAVO' on 2 c green
  '1 centavo' on 2 c green
  '5 CENTAVOS' on 3 c violet

These stamps have perforation 12. I have also seen the 2 c value with a very rough perforation.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c c c  
2 c c c  
3 c c c  
5 c c c  
10 c c c  
11 c c *  
20 c * *  
25 c * *  
50 c * *  
1 P c **  
'UN CENTAVO' on 2 c *** ***  
'1 centavo' on 2 c *** ***  
5 c on 3 c *** ***  

A nice site dealing with this set of stamps can be found at: http://www3.mistral.co.uk/paper.heritage/articles/El-Salv-1891.html. These stamps were printed by Seebeck, who made a large number of reprints. According to the above mentioned website, it is not certain if the surcharged stamps were also reprinted or not by Seebeck.

Similar central design on an envelope issued in 1891 (however, the outer design is elliptic); I've seen the values 2 c red, 10 c green and 22 c brown.


1892 Landing of Columbus

Image obtained from http://www.seymourfamily.com/Stamp_Collecting.htm

  1 c green
  2 c brown
  3 c blue
  5 c grey
  10 c orange
  11 c brown
  20 c orange
  25 c red
  50 c yellow
  1 P red


Images obtained from http://www.seymourfamily.com/Stamp_Collecting.htm

  'UN CENTAVO' (red or black) on 5 c grey
  'UN CENTAVO' on 20 c orange
  'UN centavo' (yellow or blue) on 25 c red
     (The blue surcharge might be an essay!)

These stamps have perforation 12.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c c *  
2 c c *  
3 c c *  
5 c c *  
10 c c *  
11 c c *  
20 c c *  
25 c c *  
50 c c *  
1 P * **  
1 c on 5 c ** ** Red surcharge: ***
1 c on 20 c *** ***  
1 c on 25 c *** ***  

I've seen a postcard in a similar design (1 c blue).


1893 General Ezeta

1 c blue

  1 c blue
  2 c red
  3 c violet
  5 c brown
  10 c brown
  11 c orange
  20 c green
  25 c black
  50 c orange
  1 P black


Image obtained from http://www.seymourfamily.com/Stamp_Collecting.htm

  'UN CENTAVO' on 2 c red

These stamps have perforation 12.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c c c  
2 c c c  
3 c c c  
5 c c c  
10 c c c  
11 c c c  
20 c * c  
25 c c c  
50 c c c  
1 P c *  
1 c on 2 c * **  


1893 Larger commemorative stamps

(Reduced sizes)

  2 P green
  5 P violet
  10 P orange

These stamps have perforation 12.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 P * **  
5 P * ***  
10 P * ***  


1894 Woman facing the right

Image obtained from http://www.seymourfamily.com/Stamp_Collecting.htm

  1 c brown
  2 c blue
  3 c red
  5 c brown
  10 c violet
  11 c red
  20 c blue
  25 c orange
  50 c black
  1 P blue


Image obtained from http://www.seymourfamily.com/Stamp_Collecting.htm

  '1 Centavo' on 11 c red

These stamps have perforation 12.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c c c  
2 c c c  
3 c c c  
5 c c c  
10 c * c  
11 c * c  
20 c c c  
25 c * c  
50 c * c  
1 P * *  
1 c on 11 c *** *  


1894 Large stamps with Columbus, various designs

Images obtained from http://www.seymourfamily.com/Stamp_Collecting.htm

  2 P blue
  5 P red
  10 P brown

These stamps have perforation 12.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 P * *  
5 P * *  
10 P * *  


1895 Mr. Erzeta, overprinted with arms

Image obtained from http://www.seymourfamily.com/Stamp_Collecting.htm

Image obtained thanks to Christer Bergstrom

  1 c olive (arms green)
  2 c green (arms blue)
  3 c brown (arms brown)
  5 c blue (arms brown)
  10 c orange (arms brown)
  12 c red (arms brown)
  15 c orange (arms red)
  20 c yellow (arms brown)
  24 c violet (arms black)
  30 c blue (arms blue)
  50 c red (arms brown)
  1 P brown (arms brown)

The values 3 c, 10 c and 30 c also exist without overprint:

Image obtained from http://www.seymourfamily.com/Stamp_Collecting.htm

These stamps have perforation 12.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c c *  
2 c c *  
3 c c * Without overprint: *
5 c c *  
10 c * ** Without overprint: *
12 c c **  
15 c c **  
20 c c **  
24 c * ***  
30 c * *** Without overprint: *
50 c c ***  
1 P * ***  


1895 Arms, inscription 'U.P.U. 1895'

  1 c olive
  2 c green
  3 c brown
  5 c blue
  10 c orange
  12 c red
  15 c orange
  20 c green
  24 c violet
  30 c blue
  50 c red
  1 P black


Images obtained from http://www.seymourfamily.com/Stamp_Collecting.htm

  'UN centavo' on 12 c red
  'UN centavo' (red) on 24 c violet
  'UN centavo' (red) on 30 c blue
  'DOS centavos' (red) on 20 c green
  'TRES centavos' (red) on 30 c blue

These stamps have perforation 12.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c * *  
2 c c *  
3 c * *  
5 c c c  
10 c c *  
12 c c **  
15 c c *  
20 c * *  
24 c c *  
30 c c **  
50 c c ***  
1 P c ***  
1 c on 12 c *** ***  
1 c on 24 c *** *  
1 c on 30 c *** ***  
2 c on 20 c ** **  
3 c on 30 c *** ***  


1895 Small stamps, inscription 'GIROS TASA'

  1 c green
  2 c brown
  3 c orange
  7 c blue
  10 c orange
  25 c brown
  50 c grey
  100 c green
  200 c violet


1895 Parcel stamps, Mercury in a diamond

(Sorry, no picture available yet)

  5 c orange
  10 c bleu
  15 c orange
  20 c orange
  50 c green


1896 Woman facing the left

  1 c blue
  2 c brown
  3 c green
  5 c olive
  10 c yellow
  12 c blue
  15 c violet
  20 c red
  24 c orange
  30 c orange
  50 c brown
  1 P red

black or violet (official stamps)
  1 c blue
  2 c brown
  3 c green
  5 c olive
  10 c yellow
  12 c blue
  15 c violet
  20 c red
  24 c orange
  30 c orange
  50 c brown
  1 P red

With overprint 'FRANQUEO OFICIAL' in an ellipse (official stamps)
  1 c blue
  2 c brown
  3 c green
  5 c olive
  10 c yellow
  12 c blue
  15 c violet
  20 c red
  24 c orange
  30 c orange
  50 c brown
  1 P red


1896 Various designs, inscription 'U.P.U. 1896'

1 c green

  1 c green (arms)
  1 c orange (arms)
  2 c red (building)
  2 c green (building)
  3 c brown (train, 2 shades)
  5 c blue (volcano)
  5 c orange (volcano)
  10 c brown (ship)
  10 c green (ship)
  12 c violet (ship)
  12 c blue (ship)
  15 c green (building)
  15 c black (building)
  20 c red
  20 c grey
  24 c violet (waterfall)
  24 c yellow (waterfall)
  30 c green (arms)
  30 c red (arms)
  50 c orange (arms)
  50 c violet (arms)
  100 c blue (Columbus)
  100 c brown (Columbus)


  'TRECE centavos' (red) on 24 c yellow
  'TRECE centavos' on 30 c red
  'TRECE centavos' on 50 c violet
  'TRECE centavos' on 100 c brown
  'Quince centavos' on 24 c violet

black or violet (official stamps)

I've been told that these overprints are forged

  1 c green (arms)
  1 c orange (arms)
  2 c red (building)
  2 c green (building)
  3 c brown (train, 2 shades)
  5 c blue (volcano)
  5 c orange (volcano)
  10 c brown (ship)
  10 c green (ship)
  12 c violet (ship)
  12 c blue (ship)
  15 c green (building)
  15 c black (building)
  20 c red
  20 c grey
  24 c violet (waterfall)
  24 c yellow (waterfall)
  30 c green (arms)
  30 c red (arms)
  50 c orange (arms)
  50 c violet (arms)
  100 c blue (Columbus)
  100 c brown (Columbus)

With overprint 'FRANQUEO OFICIAL' in an ellipse (official stamps)

  1 c green (arms)
  1 c orange (arms)
  2 c red (building)
  2 c green (building)
  3 c brown (train, 2 shades)
  5 c blue (volcano)
  5 c orange (volcano)
  10 c brown (ship)
  10 c green (ship)
  12 c violet (ship)
  12 c blue (ship)
  15 c green (building)
  15 c black (building)
  20 c red
  20 c grey
  24 c violet (waterfall)
  24 c yellow (waterfall)
  30 c green (arms)
  30 c red (arms)
  50 c orange (arms)
  50 c violet (arms)
  100 c blue (Columbus)
  100 c brown (Columbus)

Left: an imperforate 5 c stamp. Right: a rather crude forgery of an imperforate 5 c stamp


For issues of Salvador from 1897 to 1920, click here.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer