EL SALVADOR Miscellaneous

Return To Catalogue - Salvador 1867-1896

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Postage Due Stamps

1895 Inscription 'FRANQUEO DEFICIENTE'

1 c red and 2 c red imperforate, usually these stamps are perforated

1895 Colour olive
  1 c
  2 c
  3 c
  5 c
  10 c
  15 c
  25 c
  50 c

1896 Colour red
  1 c
  2 c
  3 c
  5 c
  10 c
  15 c
  25 c
  50 c

1897 Colour blue
  1 c
  2 c
  3 c
  5 c
  10 c
  15 c
  25 c
  50 c

1898 Colour violet
  1 c
  2 c
  3 c
  5 c
  10 c
  15 c
  25 c
  50 c

1899 Colour orange (without wheel overprint)
  1 c
  2 c
  3 c
  5 c
  10 c
  15 c
  25 c
  50 c

1899 Colour orange (with wheel overprint)
  1 c
  2 c
  3 c
  5 c
  10 c
  15 c
  25 c
  50 c

I've been told that these stamps are forgeries, I have no further information.

Another lithographed forgery of th 2 c orange stamp.


1900 Postage due stamps of 1899 (orange colour, with wheel overprint), overprinted 'FRANQUEO OFICIAL' in black or violet (official stamp)

Without sun overprint
  1 c
  2 c
  3 c
  5 c
  10 c
  15 c
  25 c
  50 c

With additional sun overprint in violet
  1 c
  2 c
  3 c


1904 Statue, inscription 'FRANQUEO DEFICIENTE'

  1 c green
  2 c red
  3 c orange
  5 c blue
  10 c brown
  25 c green


1908 Postage stamps of 1907, overprinted 'Deficiencia de franqueo'

  1 c green and black
  2 c red and black
  3 c yellow and black
  5 c blue and black
  10 c violet and black


1908 Postage stamps of 1907, overprinted 'DEFICIENCIA DE FRANQUEO'

  1 c green and black
  2 c red and black
  5 c blue and black
  10 c violet and black


1908 Official stamp of 1907 ('FRANQUEO OFICIAL'), overprinted 'DEFICIENCIA DE FRANQUEO'

  3 c yellow and black


1910 As postage stamps of 1910, but with inscription 'FRANQUEO DEFICIENTE'

  1 c brown and black
  2 c green and black
  3 c orange and black
  4 c red and black
  5 c violet and black
  12 c blue and black
  24 c brown and black

Registered Letter Stamps

1897 Inscription 'CERTIFICADO'

  10 c blue
  10 c brown
Overprinted 'FRANQUEO OFICIAL' in ellipse (official stamp)

  10 c blue (red overprint)
  10 c brown


1897 Inscription 'AVISO DE RECEPTION'

  5 c green



Envelope of 1894

Reduced sizes

Reduced size, in this design (Columbus, issued 1892) I have seen: 1 c green, 2 c brown on blue, 5 c grey on blue, 10 c red, 10 c brown on red, 20 c orange, 22 c blue on red.

Similar central design as the 1891 postage stamps on an envelope issued in 1891 (however, the outer design is elliptic); I've seen the values 2 c red, 10 c green and 22 c brown.

Official Stamps

Besides the postage stamps overprinted with 'FRANQUEO OFICIAL' etc and the postage due stamps strongly resembling postage stamps (see there), also some other postage due stamps were issued. They are listed here.

1914 Inscription 'CORREOS DES SALVADOR' in green, sun in black

  2 c brown
  3 c yellow
  5 c blue
  10 c red
  12 c green
  17 c violet
  50 c brown
  100 c lilac


1915 Arms in a triangle

  2 c green
  3 c orange

Stamps for Mandates

1895 Inscription 'GIRO TASA'

1 c green, 2 c brown, 3 c red, 7 c blue, 10 c orange, 25 c brown, 50 c grey, 100 c green, 200 c violet


1905 New type, inscription 'GIRO TASA'

1 c green, 2 c red, 3 c orange, 10 c brown, 25 c green

Fiscal stamps


(Reduced sizes)

In the above design (inscription '1899') I have seen:
Without overprint: 1 c black
With '1901' overprint: 1 c black, 10 c orange, 25 c blue,
With '1902' overprint: 50 c green
With '1903' overprint: 50 c green.

In the above design (inscription '1904') I have seen:
1 c black on grey ('Timbre para operaciones y documentos diversos')
1 c black on yellow, 50 c black on yellow ('Timbre para cobro de premios y de seguros')
5 c black on blue, 25 c black on blue ('Timbre para cancelacion de contratos')
5 c black on lilac, 1 P green on lilac, 5 P blue on lilac ('Timbre para venta de mercaderias extranjeras')
5 c black on yellow ('Timbre para venta de aguardiente del pais')

'TIMBRE MUNICIPAL' with overprint '1918':

I have seen similr 'TIMBRE MUNCIPAL' stamps with the year 1909: 5 c red ('1909' placed higher); 1910: 5 c red ('1910' placed higher); 1918: 1 c, 5 c, 10 c, 25 c, 50 c, 1 P.

Telegraph stamps


(Reduced size)

Exist in the values 1 r green, 2 r violet and 4 r red.

For postage stamps with overprint 'CONTRASELLO' in a circle, used as telegraph stamps, see under postage stamps.

In 1896 some large telegraph stamps with inscription 'TIMBRES PARA TELEGRAMAS' with arms were issued. The following values exist: 1 c red, 5 c green (two types), 10 c black on red, 10 c grey (2 types), 1 P blue and 10 p brown.

Parcel stamps

Some parcel stamps were issued in 1896. They have the inscription 'FAROOS POSTALES' and a picture of Mercury in the center. The values 5 c orange, 10 c blue, 15 c red, 20 c orange and 50 c green exist. Sorry, no picture available yet.

Fournier forged cancels

Some forged cancels made by the forger Fournier as they can be found in 'The Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries'. I don't know on which forgeries these forged cancels were used.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer