Return To Catalogue - Queen Isabella, 1850-1859 - Spain 1865 Queen Isabella issue - Spain overview

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

1860 Inscription "CORREOS"

Certified genuine

2 c green on green Certified genuine 12 c red on brown Image obtained from a Sandafayre auction 1 r blue 2 R lilac Certified genuine

  2 c green on green
  4 c orange on green
  12 c red on brown
  19 c brown on red
  1 r blue
  2 r lilac

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 c R ***  
4 c *** c  
12 c R **  
19 c RRR RRR  
1 r R ***  
2 r R ***  

Typical cancellations:

An essay of the 2 c in red?

For forgeries click here.

A similar stamp was issued for Spanish Antilles (1/4. Rl. Pta F. black).


1862 Queen Isabella II, facing the left, in an ellipse with pearls

2 c blue 4 c brown 19 Cs red 1 Rl brown 2 Rs green on red

  2 Cs blue
  4 Cs brown
  12 Cs blue on red
  19 Cs red
  1 Rl brown
  2 Rs green on red

For the specialist: the 4 Cs is the most common stamp, the 19 Cs the rarest.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 c *** ***  
4 c * c  
12 c *** **  
19 c RR RR  
1 r *** ***  
2 r *** ***  

Cancelled to order (sold to a stamp dealer): three horizontal bars:

1 Rl brown

Forgeries, examples:

Two different postal forgeries of the 4 c value. Note the shape of the lion in the upper right hand corner.

12 c red, forgery!
The colour of the above stamp is wrong (red instead of blue) and the number of pearls in the ellipse is much less than in the genuine stamps. Also note the very strange cancel consisting of some kind of square. I've also seen this forgery in the colour light green with the same cancel.

Other forgeries:

Image obtained from the forgeries idenfication site of Bill Claghorn.

Two different forgeries of the 2 c value

(a forgery of the rare 19 c made by Segui)

Forgery of the 2 R stamp


1864 Queen Isabella II, inscription 'CORREOS' on top and value and '1864' below

4 Ctos red 19 c lilac 2 Rs blue

  2 c blue
  4 c red on lilac
  12 c green on lilac
  19 c lilac
  1 Rl brown on green
  2 Rs blue

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 c *** ***  
4 c * c  
12 c *** **  
19 c RR RR  
1 r R R  
2 r *** ***  

Postal forgeries

Postal forgery of the 4 c value, note the badly done star ornaments in the upper left and right. Also the lettering is slightly different

Two postal forgeries of the 1 Rl value used in Barcelona.

Postal forgery of the 2 Rs value (used in Barcelona).

Postal forgeries exist of the values 4 c, 12 c, 1 r and 2 r. The 4 c was used in Barcelona and Madrid. The 12 c, 1 r and 2 r forgeries only in Barcelona. They are fully described in the book 'Postal Forgeries of the World' by H.G.L. Fletcher.

Philatelic forgeries

Forgeries of these stamps exist (images obtained from the forgeries idenfication site of Bill Claghorn):

Forgeries with chin of the Queen different, with cancel 'ZEITUNGS EXPEDITION'?

Another primitive forgery of the 2 c value. Next to it a 1866 perforated 20 c forgery of the same forger.

Forgery of the 2 c value, 'C' of 'CTOS' not slanting enough to the right

More dangerous forgeries also exist, example:

(Forgery, Segui perhaps?)

A Sperati forgery of the 19 c value. There is a white dot in the lower frameline below the 'O' of 'CTOS'. There is also a break in the upper curved line above the first 'R' of 'CORREOS'. Apparently two reproductions exists with the same distinguishing characteristics according to the handbook of the BPA. The cancels on these stamps are genuine (Sperati removed the design from a cheaper stamp, leaving the cancel intact).

A Fournier forgery taken from a Fournier Album. The right hand side of the '4' of '1864' does not end vertically as in the genuine stamps. According to the Serrane guide, the cancel 'SALAS DE LOS INFANTES 7 FEB 65 BURGOS' was used on these stamps (the word 'SALAS' looks more like 'CALAC').

Fournier forged cancels.

Similar stamps were issued for Philippines and Spanish West Indies.


For stamps of Spain issued in 1865 with the image of Queen Isabella, click here.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer