SOUTH WEST AFRICA, Deutsch Südwest Afrika (German colony)

Return To Catalogue - Germany Overview - South West Africa (mandate of South Africa)

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

The first German post office was opened on 16th July 1888 in the town of Otgimbingue. This post office was moved to Windhoek on 13th October 1891.

Stamps of Germany used in South West Africa (so-called Vorläufer) in 1896 cancelled "OTJIMBINGUE" and "SWAKOPMUND"

"DEUTSCHE SEEPOST LINIE HAMBURG WESTAFRIKA" cancel in an ellipse on a 20 p stamp of Germany


1898 Stamps of Germany, overprinted "Deutsch Sudwest-Afrika" (with "-" between "Sudwest" and "Afrika")

On numeral issue:

3 c brown

  3 p brown
  5 p green

On eagle issue:

25 c orange

  10 p red
  20 p blue
  25 p orange
  50 p brown

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
3 p * *  
5 p * **  
10 p ** ***  
20 p * *  
25 p *** RR Prepared, but not sold at the post-office
50 p *** RR Prepared, but not sold at the post-office


Fournier has made forgeries of these stamps (forged overprints on forged German stamps, for distinguishing characteristics click here). In his 1914 pricelist Fournier offers them (all 6 values) for 3 Swiss Francs.

Forged overprints as taken from a Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries; the last overprint is from the next issue

Fournier forgeries of the 25 p and 50 p values (the 25 p uncancelled was sold as genuine on a prestiguous Internet auction).

Two other forgeries of the 25 c and 50 c values with "GIBEON 1/5 98" cancel, possibly Fournier products. The basic stamps are also forged.


1898 Stamps of Germany, overprinted "Deutsch Sudwestafrika" (no "-" between west and afrika)

On numeral issue:

3 p brown 5 p green

  3 p brown
  5 p green

On eagle issue:

  10 p red
  20 p blue
  25 p orange
  50 p brown

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
3 p c *  
5 p c c  
10 p c c  
20 p ** **  
25 p RR RR  
50 p ** **  


The cancels that can be found on the 1898 issues are from the towns: Bethanien, Cap Cross, Gibeon, Gobabis, Grootfontein, Gross-Barmen, aris, Hatzamas, Hohewarte, Jaklswater, Karibib, Keetmannshoop, Kasis, Kubub, Kuis, Lüderitzbucht, Maltahöhe, Marienthal, Okahandja, Okombahe, Omaruru, Otavi, Otjimbingue, Outjo, Ramansdrift, Rehoboth, Seeis, Swakopmund, Windhoek, Ukamas, Warmbad and Waterberg. See at the end of this section for more information on cancels.


(Fournier forgeries)

Fournier has made forgeries of these stamps (forged overprints on forged German stamps, for distinguishing characteristics click here). In his 1914 pricelist Fournier offers them (all 6 values) for 2 Swiss Francs. I have seen these forgeries with the cancel "RETHANIEN DEUTSCH-SÜDWESTAFRIKA * 1/5 99 *". I have also seen some Fournier forgeries with "GIBEON 1/5 98" cancel (I have seen all values except the 3 p).

Forged overprints as taken from a Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries, the first overprint is from the previous issue

Forged overprints on genuine stamps, note the wide "D" in "Deutsch".


1900 German colonies type, ship

Small size

10 p red

  3 p brown
  5 p green
  10 p red
  20 p blue
  25 p orange and black on yellow
  30 p orange and black on red
  40 p red and black
  50 p violet and black
  80 p red and black on red

Large size

1 M red

  1 M red
  2 M blue
  3 M violet
  5 M black and red

The small values have perforation 14 x 14 1/4. The Mark values have perforation 14 1/4.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
No Watermark (1900)
3 p * *  
5 p ** c  
10 p ** c  
20 p ** *  
25 p c ***  
30 p * *  
40 p c *  
50 p * *  
80 p * *  
1 M *** **  
2 M *** ***  
3 M ** ***  
5 M R R  
With watermark 'Lozenges'
3 p c c  
5 p c c  
10 p c c  
20 p c *  
30 p c ***  
1 M *** ***  
2 M ** ***  
3 M ** - Only sold in Berlin, never in South West Africa
5 M *** ***  

Other values with watermark seem to exist, but they are proofs (45 p, 50 p and 80 p).

I've seen a cut from a postal stationary in the value 10 p red.


Fournier has made forgeries of these stamps (the pfennig values only, for distinguishing characteristics click here). They are not mentioned in his 1914 pricelist. Examples:

(Fournier forgeries)

A rather primitive forgery of the 1 M value.


Some non-issued fiscal stamps exist for German South West Africa, they have the inscription "STEMPELMARKE SUDWEST AFRIKA". The values 25 p, 50 p, 1 M, 2 M, 3 M, 5 M and 10 M exist. Furthermore a surcharged stamp: 25 p on 1 M.


For stamps of South West Africa under the mandate of South Africa (after 1923), click here

Literature on fiscals etc of the German South West Africa:


A stamp of Germany with cancel "AUS WESTAFRIKA":


A railway cancel "BAHNPOST ZUG 2" on a stamp of German South West Africa

The website lists all the post offices and postal agencies for German South West Africa. The site is also very informative.

The following table was obtained from this website:

Name of town

Opening date

Closing date


Abbabis 8.8.1904 27.2.1910  
Arahoab 12.12.1908

March 1915

Aris 22.09.1907

May 1915

Aroab 5.12.1912

May 1915

Aub 6.12.1907 29.3.1914  
Aus 31.10.1906 1.4.1915  
Barby (R) 19.8.1913 31.5.1915  
Bergland (RR) 29.3.1914 31.3.1915  
Berseba 1.11.1907

April 1915

Bethanien 15.7.1899

April 1915

The forger Fournier made a forged cancel: "RETHANIEN DEUTSCH -
SÜDWESTAFRIKA * 1/5 99 *"; note the wrong spelling "R" instead of "B".
Bogenfels (R) 7.3.1914 10.9.1914  
Brackwasser 1.1.1907 6.4.1915  
Brackwater (Bz. Windhuk) 1.12.1909

May 1915

Cap Cross 5.10.1895 20.8.1903  
Chairos 1.8.1912

June 1815

Ekuja 5.7.1912 5.7.1915  
Empfängnisbucht 10.7.1910 10.11.1914  
Epukiro 27.2.1905

May 1915

Fahlgras 1.10.1910

May 1915

Fort Fogelsang (RR)       ?       ?  
Gibeon 1.10.1895

April 1915

Forged cancels "GIBEON 1/5 ??" exist, possibly made by Fournier.
Gobabis 1.8.1898 18.5.1915  
Gochaganas 6.12.1907 13.5.1913  
Gochas 6.9.1903 31.3.1915  
Grootfontein 17.10.1899 6.7.1915  
Gross - Barmen 12.3.1898 early 1914  
Gross-Witvley 1.10.1907 17.5.1915  
Gründorn (R) 12.4.1914 20.4.1915  
Guchab 1.6.1908 29.6.1915  
Haris 18.2.1900


Hasis 6.4.1900 31.12.1900  
Hasuur 31.10.1903

March 1914

Hatsamas 1.3.1900

May 1915

Hoachanas 5.1.1908

April 1915

Hohewarte 1.9.1897

May 1915

Jakalswater 29.4.1899

March 1915

Johann-Albrechtshöhe 15.1.1909 3.5.1915  
Kalkfeld 17.8.1907

June 1915

Kalkfontein 22.5.1906 14.12.1906  
Kalkfontein-Süd 14.12.1906

April 1915

Kanus 1.7.1907

April 1915

Kapenoussëu 1.10.1901 9.5.1903  
Karibib 1.7.1900 3.5.1915  
Keetmanshoop 15.10.1895 19.4.1915  
Khan 20.10.1908

August 1914

Khanrivier 10.8.1898 28.4.1899  
Klein-Nauas 1.3.1913 30.4.1915  
Koës 12.1.1909 3.4.1915  
Kolmannskuppe 21.2.1909 18.9.1914  
Kub Oct. 1905 27.4.1915  
Kubas 17.12.1900 24.3.1915  
Kubub 16.1.1900 12.10.1906  
Kuibis 20.7.1907

Mar 1915

Kuis 1.2.1900 December 1904  
Lüderitzbucht 12.11.1895 19.9.1914  
Maltahöhe 1.9.1899 29.4.1915  
Mariental 1.2.1900 27.4.1915  
Nauchas 1.11.1903

April 1915

Neudamm 1.12.1907

May 1915

Neuheusis 2.6.1912

May 1915

Okahandja 12.8.1895 3.5.1915  
Okasise 11.6.1906 4.5.1915  
Okatjomboa (RR) 9.12.1913

May 1915

Okaukwejo 1.1.1908 6.7.1915  
Okombahe 20.11.1899 20.6.1915  
Okowakuatjiwi 23.1.1907 16.8.1907  
Olukonda 5.1.1912 19.7.1915  
Omaruru 1.8.1895 20.6.1915  
Omitara (RR) 20.6.1914

May 1915

Onguati 10.6.1907 30.4.1915  
Osona 27.11.1907 6.5.1915  
Otavi 18.10.1899 30.6.1915  
Otavifontein (RR)         ?         ?  
Otjihawera 25.11.1907 10.5.1915  
Otjimbingue / Otyimbingue 16.7.1888 30.4.1915  
Otjiwarongo 20.4.1906

June 1915

Otjosazu (RR) 1.4.1914

May 1915

Otjosondu 1.1.1907 17.7.1908  
Otjosonjati 7.10.1907 8.5.1915  
Otjundaura (R) 1.10.1913 15.5.1915  
Outjo 1.8.1897 23.6.1915  


Pomonahügel 7.3.1914 10.9.1914  
Prinzenbucht 4.10.1909 10.3.1914  
Ramansdrift 21.6.1899 25.5.1914  
Rehoboth 14.12.1896

April 1915

Rethanien (should have been Bethanien) - - Forged cancel! The forger Fournier made this cancel: "RETHANIEN
DEUTSCH - SÜDWESTAFRIKA * 1/5 99 *"; note the wrong
spelling "R" instead of "B" in "RETHANIEN"
Richthofen  27.11.1907 7.2.1910  
Rössing 16.6.1898 9.8.1898  
Seeheim 25.4.1908

April 1915

Seeis 1.9.1897

May 1915

Swakopmund 30.5.1895 24.12.1914  
Tsumeb 28.11.1906 6.7.1915  
Uhabis 30.1.1896 12.10.1897  
Ukamas 11.6.1899

April 1915

Usakos 2.11.1904 30.4.1915  
Waldau 1.3.1903 3.5.1915  
Warmbad 2.1.1896 30.3.1915  
Waterberg 21.10.1899 22.6.1915  
Wilhelmstal 9.7.1907 4.5.1915  
Windhoek / Windhuk 18.10.1891 11.5.1915  

I've been told that this is a forged cancel of a Gochas 'wanderstempel' with manuscript town name on a genuine stamp (reduced size)


Mourning labels for the German colonies

Labels commemorating the loss of the German colonies exist, including for German South West Africa. They have the size of the large 'Hohenzollern' yacht issue. The stamps have a coloured center surrounded by a black design.

Reduced sizes

Websites, try also with many items for sale.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer