TOGO (Anglo-French occupation

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For Togo (German colony) and overprints on German colony stamps, click here.

1915 Stamps of Goldcoast overprinted "Togo Anglo-French Occupation"

1/2 p green 2 Sh 6 p black and red on blue

2 Sh lilac and blue on blue 5 Sh green and red on yellow 10 Sh green and red on green

  1/2 p green
  1 p red
  2 p grey
  2 1/2 p blue
  3 p lilac on yellow
  6 p lilac
  1 Sh black on green
  2 Sh lilac and blue on blue
  2 Sh 6 p black and red on blue
  5 Sh green and red on yellow
  10 Sh green and red on green
  20 Sh lilac and black on red

Specialists distinguish between locally overprinted stamps and overprints made in London.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1/2 p * *  
1 p * *  
2 p * *  
2 1/2 p ** **  
3 p ** **  
6 p ** **  
1 Sh *** ***  
2 Sh *** ***  
2 Sh 6 p *** ***  
5 Sh R R  
10 Sh R R  
20 Sh RR RR  

Before the introduction of these stamps, during a short period, non overprinted stamps of Goldcoast were used (recognizable by the German Togo cancels).


1914 Stamps of Dahomey overprinted "TOGO Occupation franco-anglaise"

  1 c violet and black
  2 c brown and red
  4 c black and brown
  5 c green
  10 c orange and red
  15 c red and brown
  20 c grey and brown
  25 c blue
  30 c lilac and violet
  35 c brown and black
  40 c black and orange
  45 c grey and blue
  50 c brown
  75 c blue and violet
  1 F green and black
  2 F orange and brown
  5 F violet and blue

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c vc vc  
2 c vc vc  
4 c vc vc  
5 c vc c  
10 c c c  
15 c ** **  
20 c * *  
25 c ** **  
30 c * *  
35 c * *  
40 c * *  
45 c * *  
50 c * *  
75 c ** **  
1 F ** **  
2 F *** ***  
5 F *** ***  


French Mandate

1920 Stamps of Dahomey overprinted "TOGO"

  1 c grey and green
  2 c blue and orange
  4 c olive and orange
  5 c red and black
  10 c green
  15 c brown and red
  20 c green and orange
  25 c black and orange
  30 c red
  35 c brown and green
  40 c green and brown
  45 c brown
  50 c blue
  75 c red and blue
  1 F grey and blue
  2 F olive and red
  5 F yellow and black


  25 c on 15 c brown and red (1925)
  25 c on 2 F olive and red (1924)
  25 c on 5 F yellow and black (1924)
  '60= 60=' on 75 c violet on red (1923)
  '65= 65=' on 45 c brown
  '85= 85=' on 75 c red and blue

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c vc vc  
2 c vc vc  
4 c vc vc  
5 c vc vc  
10 c c c  
15 c c c  
20 c c c  
25 c c c  
30 c c c  
35 c c c  
40 c c c  
45 c c c  
50 c c c  
1 F * *  
2 F *** ***  
5 F ** **  
25 c on 15 c c c  
25 c on 2 F * *  
25 c on 5 F * *  
60 c on 75 c * *  
65 c on 45 c * *  
85 c on 75 c * *  


1924 Local views

'Le Cocotier' (coconut palms)

(1924: 2 c red and black 'RF POSTES TOGO LE COCOTIER')

  1 c yellow and grey
  2 c red and grey
  4 c blue and grey
  5 c orange and grey
  10 c lilac and grey
  15 c green and grey

'Le Cacaoyer' (cocoa trees)

  20 c grey and black
  25 c green and grey on yellow
  30 c green and grey
  30 c green (two shades of green on same stamp, 1927)
  35 c brown and grey
  35 c black and grey (1937?)
  40 c orange and grey
  45 c red and grey
  50 c brown and grey on blue
  55 c blue and red (1937?)
  60 c red and grey on red
  60 c red (1926)
  65 c violet and brown
  75 c blue and grey
  80 c blue and violet (1937?)
  85 c orange and brown (1937?)
  90 c red and lilac (1927)

'Le Palmiste' (oil palms)
  1 F brown and grey on blue
  1 F grey and blue (1926)
  1 F violet and green (1928)
  1 F red and orange (1937?)
  1.10 F violet and brown (1928)
  1.25 F lilac and red (1933)
  1.50 F blue (1927)
  1.75 F brown and red (1933)
  1.75 F blue
  2 F blue and grey on blue
  3 F green and orange (1927)
  5 F orange and grey on blue
  10 F brown and red (1926)
  20 F red and black on yellow (1926)

  '= 1f25' (red) on 1 F blue (1926)
  '1 fr.50' on 55 c blue and red (1943?)
  '1 fr.50' on 90 c red (1943?)

Fiscal stamp of 1941; postage stamp of 1 c overprinted 'FISC 0.10' in lilac.

Stamps with inscription 'LE COTONNIER' in a similar design are postage due stamps.


1931 "EXPOSITION COLONIALE INTERNATIONALE PARIS 1931", various designs (designs identical to many other French colonies)

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  40 c green and black
  50 c lilac and black
  90 c red and black
  1.50 F blue and black


1937 "EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE PARIS 1937", various designs, designs identical to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  20 c violet
  30 c green
  40 c lilac
  50 c brown and black
  90 c red
  1.50 F blue

A minisheet also exists with one imperforate 3 F blue stamp, inscription above and below the stamp "EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE ARTS ET TECHNIQUES 1937".


1938 Pierre and Marie Curie, design identical to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  1.75 F + 50 c blue


1939 "CENTENAIRE DE RENE CAILLIE 1799-1938", similar stamps were issued for other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  90 c orange
  2 F lilac
  2.25 F blue


1939 "EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE NEW YORK 1939", design identical to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  1.25 F red
  2.25 F blue


1941 Local view, with portrait of Petain in upper right corner

  1 F green
  2.50 F blue

Overprinted "OEUVRES COLONIALES" (1944)
  50 c + 1.50 F on 2.50 F (overprint and surcharge in red)
  1 F + 2.50 F green


1941 Soldiers, various designs, similar designs were issued for other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  1 F + 1 F red
  1.50 F + 3 F brown
  2.50 F + 1 F blue


1941 Permanent set

Women pounding
  2 c brown
  3 c green
  4 c black
  5 c red
  10 c blue
  15 c brown

Harbour view
  20 c lilac
  25 c blue
  30 c dark brown
  40 c red
  45 c green
  50 c brown
  60 c lilac

Hunting men
  70 c black
  90 c violet
  1 F green
  1.25 F red
  1.40 F brown
  1.60 F orange
  2 F blue

Local woman's face
  2.25 F blue
  2.50 F red
  3 F brown
  5 F orange
  10 F violet
  20 F black

  '3fr.50' on 90 c violet
  '4 fr.' (red) on 90 c violet
  '5 fr.' (blue) on 90 c violet
  '6 fr.50' (brown) on 90 c violet
  '10 fr.' (green) on 90 c violet
  '20 fr.' (red) on 90 c violet


1950 "OEUVRES SOCIALES F.O.M", design identical to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  10 F + 2 F black and blue


Stamps after the independence have inscription "REPUBLIQUE DU TOGO" or "REPUBLIQUE TOGOLAISE".

Postage Due Stamps

1921 Postage due stamps of Dahomey, overprinted "TOGO"

  5 c green
  10 c red
  15 c grey
  20 c brown
  30 c blue
  50 c black
  60 c red
  1 F violet

Surcharged (1927)
  '2F' on 1 F lilac
  '3F' on 1 F brown


1925 Cotton plantation, "LE COTONNIER"

  2 c blue and black
  4 c orange and black
  5 c green and black
  10 c red and black
  15 c orange and black
  20 c lilac and black
  25 c grey and black
  30 c yellow and black on blue
  50 c brown and black
  60 c green and black
  1 F violet and black

  '2 f' on 1 F red and violet
  '3 f' on 1 F red and blue


1940 Masq, inscription "CHIFFRE-TAXE"

  5 c black
  10 c green
  15 c red
  20 c blue
  50 c brown
  60 c violet
  1 F blue
  2 F orange
  5 F lilac


1947 Two statues, inscription "TOGO RF TIMBRE TAXE"

  10 c blue
  30 c orange
  50 c green
  1 F brown
  2 F red
  3 F
  4 F

Air Mail

1940 Inscription "AFRIQUE OCCIDle FRANCAISE TOGO", aeroplane and palm trees landscape

  1.90 F violet
  2.90 F red
  4.50 F green
  4.90 F olive
  6.90 F orange

Similar stamps were issued for many other French colonies, example:

Similar stamp of Mauritania



  1.20 F + 1.80 F blue and red ('Quinzaine')
  2 F + 6 F brown ('protection')


1942 Inscription "TOGO POSTE AERIENNE"

  50 c red and blue
  1 F brown and blue
  2 F green and brown
  3 F blue and red
  5 F violet and red

Similar stamp of Guinea, in the Togo stamps the word 'AOF' is replaced by 'TOGO'


1942 Inscription "AFRIQUE OCCIDle FRANCAISE TOGO", camels and aeroplane

  10 F blue and orange
  20 F red and black
  50 F green and blue

Similar stamps were issued for many other French colonies, example:

Similar stamp for Mauritania


1947 Various designs

  40 F blue (elephants and aeroplane)
  100 F brown and green (aeroplane)
  200 F lilac (local messenger and aeroplane)


1949 75 anniversary of UPU, inscription "POSTE AERIENNE", design identical to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here

  10 F blue, green, brown and red

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer