URUGUAY 1856 Diligencia Issue, forgeries

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Genuine stamps:

Certified genuine Certified genuine Second type, genuine.


All these stamps are quite rare and forgeries exist, examples:

The '60' is placed too far to the left in this forgery. It is presumably Forgery 'B' of Hoffmann's book.

Forgery with the '60' too far to the left and the 'S' of 'CENTAVOS' too far to the right. Also, this letter is slanting forwards. The pattern at the left hand side starts wrongly at the bottom. This could be forgery 'C' of the 60 c value according to Hoffmann's book.

Forgery 'D' of the 60 c value according to Hoffmann's book, the 'S' of 'CENTAVOS' is slanting and the 'E' of 'DILIGENCIA' is too thick in the center.

Two forgeries apparently made by the same forger.The side patterns are too thick and the face has the same expression in both forgeries. The 'C' of 'DILIGENCIA' is too narrow, the 60 c has a dot in front of the '60'. Note that they all have openings between the vertical and horizontal lines of the central rectangle. The 1 R has a dot in front and a dot behind the '1'. The 60 c is listed as forgery 'E' in Hoffmann's book. The 80 c and 1 R are listed as forgery 'A' in Hoffmann.

'S' of 'CENTAVOS' very strange. Probably forgery type F of the 60 c value. Apparently printed in sheetlets with 2 colums of 8 stamps.

Another primitive forgery.

Some very crudely printed forgeries

Two forgeries of the second type of the 60 c value. The two forgeries differ from each other.

Senf forgery of the 60 c value, with 'Facsimile.' incorporated in the design:

Left with 'Facsimile' inscription. On the right this inscription has been erased, making it a much more dangerous forgery!.

Some forgeries with the side ornaments too coarse:

Forgeries printed in the wrong colours, 60 c red and 1 R green:

Forgery of the (non-existing) second type 1 Real value.

Three forgeries (one of each value), made by the same forger.

Forgery of the 60 c with a wavy pattern at the sides.

Forgery with very wide white outer frameline and 'normal' cancel.

(Rather primitive forgery)

Forgery with 'normal' cancel and bad lettering. All the rays of the sun have equal length.

Fournier forgeries (from the Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries):

80 c Fournier forgeries. The color is too yellowish. This is most likely forgery B of the 80 c value in Hoffmann's book.

1 Real Fournier forgeries, the inscription reads 'RFAL' There is a break in the inner circle at the left hand side. The ornaments at the left hand side go too far down. It is most likely forgery type C of Hoffmann's book. It is said there that it exists with forged cancel Mensagerias Mercedes (is this one of the cancels shown below?).

Could be a forgery
Most likely Fournier forgeries as well.

Sperati forgeries:

Sperati made several forgeries of these stamps, three of the 60 c, two of the 80 c and three of the 1 r values. They are quite valuable and exist in different color shades. Sperati liked the stamps of Uruguay so much, he even made applied the sun-symbol at the back of many of his 'Reproductions'. Sperati used manuscript cancels on his forgeries of this set.

Reproduction 'A'; there is a white line joining the 'D' of 'DILIGENCIA' to the white frameline above it. Image obtained from Richard Frajola's website: http://www.seymourfamily.com/rfrajola/Sperati/speratiindex.htm. I've seen it with manuscript cancels 'No 6' and others:

Reproduction 'A' with cancels and color shades.

Sperati's Reproduction 'B' of the 60 c value; there is a blue dot in the white line above the 'V' of 'CENTAVOS'.

Sperati's Reproduction 'C' of the 60 c value. This is very similar to Reproduction 'B' except that the left frameline has been redrawn.

Sperati forgery (blackprint and normal stamp) of the type II of the 60 c value. The genuine stamps are so rare that even the BPA is not certain how these forgeries differ from the genuine stamps, but based on the above two stamps, it is highly likely that the same dots and spots can be found in all Sperati's forgeries.

(Image obtained from Richard Frajola's website: http://www.seymourfamily.com/rfrajola/Sperati/speratiindex.htm); presumably 'Reproduction A'. The left outer frameline is missing. There is a break in the lower left hand side of the central circle above the '80'. I've seen this forgery with a manuscript cancel.

(Sperati's type B forgery, there is a blotch of ink below the '0' of '80' and a spot in the frame above the 'N' of 'DILIGENCIA', probably corresponding to one of the types he copied)

Reproduction 'B' Reproduction 'C'
Sperati's reproduction 'B' (white spots in front of the 'D' of 'DILIGENCIA') and reproduction 'C' of the 1 r value

Image obtained from a Sotheby auction
I presume this is 'Reproduction A'

Sperati also made a 'Reproduction D' of the 1 r value (very similar to 'Reproduction C', but with a dot in the left part of the 'D' of 'DILIGENCIA').

More pictures of Sperati's forgeries can be found at the above mentioned website. Sperati only used manuscript cancels (if any) on the forgeries of this issue.


'Estudio de las Falsificaciones de los Sellos Postales del Uruguay' Robert Hoffmann 1948, 115 pages. Can be downloaded from http://www.clubfilatelicodeluruguay.com/FalsosUy.html.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer