URUGUAY 1856 Diligencia Issue

Return To Catalogue - Uruguay 1856 forgeries - 1858 'Sun' issue - 1859 'Sun' issue - 1859-60 'Sun' issue, forgeries by Fournier - 1859-60 'Sun' issue, forgeries by Sperati - 1864-1876 - 1877-1920 - Miscellaneous

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1856 Sun, inscription 'DILIGENCIA' (='stagecoach')

Image reproduced with permission from: http://www.sandafayre.com Probably genuine Certified genuine Certified genuine Probably genuine Probably genuine

Stamps certified genuine by Rocha.

  60 c blue
  80 c green
  1 real red

The word 'DILIGENCIA' refers to the coaches used to transport mail in those days.

For the specialist: the 80 c values were made from the 35 stones of the 60 c by removing the '60', this gives rise to 35 different minor varieties of the 80 c (there is usually some trace of the value being re-inserted). The 1 real stamp was also made in this way, except that the whole bottom label was removed and replaced by the 1 real text, this also gives rise to 35 minor varieties. A very rare second printing of the 60 c (larger letters and less rays around the sun, 67 instead of 105, see next image) exists, but it is very rare (only 40 stamps known off cover). These stamps were issued for inland use.

Second type, genuine.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
60 c RRR RRR First printing, 105 rays
60 c RRR RRR Second printing, 67 rays
80 c RR RR  
1 R RR RR  

Plate reconstruction:

The 35 types of each value:

Type 2 on letter, from the Ex-Ferrari collection.


All(?) genuinely used stamps bear pencancels. Any stamps with cancels other than pencancels are most likely forgeries. Only a few extremely rare genuine stamps were accidentally cancelled with a 'normal' cancelling device during the first days of usage.

Forgeries: For Uruguay 1856 forgeries, click here.


Commemorative sheet issued in 1931 with four 8 Centesimos stamps in a similar design inscription 'REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY EXPOSICION FILATELICA DEL CENTENARIO 11-15 DE ABRIL DE 1931 MONTEVIDEO'

Four other stamps of this 1931 Philatelic Exhibition; 2 Centesimos blue, 8 Centesimos red, 15 Centesimos blue and 5 Centesimos green.

A non-issued stamp in the 'sun-design', prepared in 1858, since the text 'DILIGENCIA' was not appropriate (it was supposed to have been used on the diligencia to Argentina, but this was not possible since the mail was going by sea). These stamps were later re-issued with the text 'MONTEVIDEO' and 'CORREO' at both sides. A 240 c red was also prepared in the same design.

For Uruguay 1858 'Sun' issue, click here.

'Estudio de las Falsificaciones de los Sellos Postales del Uruguay' Robert Hoffmann 1948, 115 pages. Can be downloaded from http://www.clubfilatelicodeluruguay.com/FalsosUy.html.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer