BRAZIL 1844 Numeral issue

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Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

For the earlier 'Bull's Eyes' issue or Brazil 1843 issue, click here.


1844 Numeral in italic figures; 'goat's eyes' or 'snake's eyes' or 'inclinado'

Probably genuine Probably genuine Probably genuine Probably genuine Certified genuine Genuine, image obtained from Bill Claghorn's forgery site Genuine, image obtained from Bill Claghorn's forgery site Genuine, image obtained from Bill Claghorn's forgery site

  10 r black
  30 r black
  60 r black
  90 r black
  180 r black
  300 r black
  600 r black

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
10 r R ***  
30 r R R  
60 r R ***  
90 r RR RR  
180 r RRR RRR  
300 r RRR RRR  
600 r RRR RRR  

With green cancel "DIAMANTINA"?

Forgeries, examples:

Image obtained from Bill Claghorn's site

(Reduced size)

Note that the numbers are different from the genuine stamps in the above forgeries. Also note the typical 'Spiro' cancels.

The forger Fournier offers the three values 180 r, 300 r and 600 r in his 1914 pricelist for 3 Swiss Francs. He sold them as first choice forgeries. I have no pictures of those available right now. He also sold the whole serie (7 values) as second choice forgeries for 2 Swiss Francs, possibly he sold the above shown forgeries.

Other forgeries:

(Forgeries of the 30 r and 90 r)

Image obtained from Bill Claghorn's site
Two different forgeries of the 600 r value

Forgeries of the 30 r and 300 r; made by the same forger? There is no loop in the center of the '3's.

Image obtained from Bill Claghorn's site Image obtained from Bill Claghorn's site Image obtained from Bill Claghorn's site Image obtained from Bill Claghorn's site
A set apparently made by the same forger. Note the straight white line in the center of the 60 r forgery (first forgery listed in Album Weeds).

Image obtained from Bill Claghorn's site Image obtained from Bill Claghorn's site Image obtained thanks to Bill Claghorn's forgery site Image obtained thanks to Bill Claghorn's forgery site Image obtained thanks to Bill Claghorn's forgery site Image obtained thanks to Bill Claghorn's forgery site Image obtained thanks to Bill Claghorn's forgery site
Another set apparently made by the same forger

Image obtained from Bill Claghorn's forgery site Image obtained from Bill Claghorn's forgery site
And another set of forgeries

And two forgeries of the 300 r and 600 r value made by the same forger

Mercier forgery.

Engraved forgery in the wrong color red of the 300 r stamp.

Forgeries, also in bogus colors. All forgeries have dots in the numbers. Other colors exist.


For issues of Brazil from 1850-1865 click here.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer