BRAZIL 1850-1865 Numeral issues

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Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

For the earlier 'Inclinado' issue see Brazil 1844 issue


1850 Numeral 'cat's eyes', imperforate or perforated (1866)


10 r black

  10 r black
  10 r blue (1854)
  20 r black
  30 r black
  30 r blue (1854)
  60 r black
  90 r black
  180 r black
  280 r red (1861)
  300 r black
  430 r yellow (1861)
  600 r black

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
Imperforate (1850)
10 r black R ***  
10 r blue *** *** 1854
20 r RR RR  
30 r black *** *  
30 r blue RR RR 1854
60 r *** *  
90 r R ***  
180 r RR RR  
280 r RR RR 1861
300 r RR RR  
430 r RR RR 1861
600 r RR RR  
Perforated 13 1/2 (private perforation in Rio de Janeiro, 1866)
All values RR R (60 r) to RR  

Imperforate reprints were made of all the black values in Januray 1910 on thick paper.

Forgeries of these stamps made by Spiro, examples:

430 r yellow, I suspect this to be a forgery too
(Reduced sizes)

The above forgeries are cancelled with a cancel as in the above 30 r and 240 r, dots or 4 concentric circles; the typical Spiro cancels.

The forger Fournier offers the two values 280 r and 430 r in his 1914 pricelist for 2 Swiss Francs. He sold them as first choice forgeries. I have no pictures of those available right now.

Fournier also offers second choice forgeries: all black values (8) for 2 Swiss Francs, or all values (12) for 2.50 Swiss Francs. Pictures of those can be found in 'The Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries'. They must be the same forgeries offered by Spiro (as shown above). However, I've been told that the next forgeries are also Fournier forgeries:

Reduced sizes

Sheet of Fournier forgeries.

The above 300 r Fournier forgery with forged cancel.

A forged Fournier cancel as can be found in 'The Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries', 'CORREIO GERADACORTE 12(?) 18(?) 8 44'. Note that there is no 'L' in 'GERADACORTE' (it should be 'GERALDACORTE'). This cancel was applied to the above 30 r forgery. Note that the year 1844 is impossible.


Mercier forgeries.

The above forgery is a cut from the special souvenir card produced for Clube Filatelico do Brasil in 1951. It is printed on very thick paper and the design has been changed slightly. This item has a coarse perforation very different from the genuine stamp. The cancel appears to be 'CORREIO GERALDACORTE'?

Part of the reprint sheet made for the 'CLUBE FILATELICO DO BRASIL Vigesimo Aniversario 18-XII-1931 - 18-XII-1951' from which the above forgery was made.

Possibly cut outs from the above reprints sheet.

Second forgery of the 280 r of Album Weeds.

Other forgeries:

The '10' is placed too low in this forgery of the 10 r. The 20 r forgery next to it, is likely made by the same forger.

The '9' in this 90 r forgery does not have proper shading at the bottom part. '90' is placed too far to the right (this is the second forgery of the 90 r value listed in Album Weeds).

Forgeries of the 180 r, 300 r and 600 r with the '0's very squeezed in the center.

Forgeries in bogus colors.

Probably also forgeries


For issues of Brazil from 1866 to 1920, click here.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer