INDIAN STATES, CASHMIR (Kashmir), 1866 'Old Rectangular' issues

Jammu and Cashmir - Jummo et Cachemire

Return To Catalogue - India - Jammu and Kashmir (India), circular issues - Jammu and Kashmir 1878, 'new rectangular' issues

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Many forgeries exist: see the excellent site for more information. Also Very dangerous forgeries are known to exist.

For Jammu and Kashmir (India), circular issues, click here or Jammu and Kashmir 1878, 'new rectangular' issues, click here.


1866 Rectangular stamp with native inscription, so-called 'old rectangulars'

Small sun in the upper part of the stamp
  1/4 a black

With larger sun (1866-67)

1/4 a black 1/4 a black 1 anna black 1 anna 1 anna 8 a red 8 anna

Most likely a forgery...

  1/4 a black
  1/2 a black
  1/2 a blue
  1 a black
  1 a blue
  1 a orange
  2 a yellow
  4 a green
  8 a red
Design changed slightly (larger central part, circle with text changed, 1867)

Recontructed plates of four stamps, three 1/2 a stamps and a 1 a stamp in the bottom left. I believe the cancelled stamps on the right have the 'iron-mine' seal as cancel.

1/2 a red watercolor print 1/2 anna blue, with red cancel 1/2 a blue
Watercolor print

  1/2 a blue
  1/2 a black
  1/2 a red (1868)
  1/2 a green (1876)
  1 a blue
  1 a black
  1 a red (1868)
  1 a green (1876)

The 1866-67 1/2 a stamps exists in 20 types (20 stamps on the sheet), while the 1/4, 1 a and 2 a have 5 types each. The 1867 stamps were printed in sheets of 4 stamps without margins between the stamps. Three stamps of 1/2 anna and one of 1 anna (in the lower left corner) can be found on one sheet.

Certified genuine
1/2 anna with red seal cancel (Jammu-seal of Srinagar).

I believe these are reprints of the 2 a black value.

I think the next stamps are forgeries:

First forgery (modern product, 1980's? based on illustrations of the Stanley Gibbons catalogue):

A whole bunch of forgeries of different states, all made by the same forger, I presume. The Jammu and Kasmir forgeries of this issue are at the third row, stamp 2 and 3. I believe that they are the same forgeries as the ones shown above.

Other modern forgeries.

A forgery based on an illustration of the Stanley Gibbons catalogue.

Other forgeries:

Forgery sold by the forger Fournier (reduced size); image found in a 'Fournier Album'

Forgery sold by the forger Fournier (reduced size); image found in a 'Fournier Album'

The same forgery (except the 6th stamp) with the same forged cancel. This forgery appears to have been inspired by an illustration from a Scott catalogue. The character that looks like a "9" in the lower left corner has a hook.

Very dubious blue item, probably a forgery.

Other forgeries with a small sun and missing dots.

A forgery with a cancel.

I've been told that these are reprints.


'The Stamps of Jammu & Kashmir' by Frits Staal, 1983 (286 pages); covers history, stamps, postal stationary, essays, proofs, reprints and forgeries, telegraphs, fiscals and postmarks. I haven't read this book myself.

Stamps - Timbres-Poste - Briefmarken

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer