Return To Catalogue - Rhodesia

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Rhodesia was previously administered by the British South Africa Company, but was split up in Southern and Northern Rhodesia in 1924. Northern Rhodesia became a protectorate. Both Rhodesia's were joined with Nyasaland in 1953 to form the federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland which was dissolved in 1963. Northern Rhodesia became the independent and was renamed Zambia on 24th October 1964.

1925 King George V with giraffe and elephants

  1/2 p green
  1 p brown
  1 1/2 p red
  2 p brown
  3 p blue
  4 p violet
  6 p grey
  8 p lilac
  10 p green

Larger size

  1 Sh black and brown
  2 Sh blue and brown
  2 Sh 6 p green and black
  3 Sh blue and violet
  5 Sh violet and grey
  7 Sh 6 p black and lilac
  10 Sh black and green
  20 Sh lilac and red

2 Pounds 'REVENUE' stamp

Similar fiscal stamps exist with inscription 'REVENUE'. The values 2 Pounds brown, 5 Pounds blue, 10 Pounds violet, 30 Pounds brown and 50 Pounds grey exist.

A postcard in the same design as the postage stamps exist in the value 1 p black.


1935 King George V Silver Jubilee

The values 1 p olive and blue, 2 p blue and green, 3 p blue and brown and 6 p violet and black were issued for this occasion. They are in the same design as adopted by many other British colonies. For stamps in the same design, but for another British colony, click here


1937 George VI coronation issue

For stamps in the same design, but for another British colony, click here

A 1 1/2 p red, 2 p brown and 3 p blue were issued for this occasion. They have inscription 12th May 1937 and bear the images of the King and the Queen. The design is identical to those of many other British colonies.


1938 King George VI definitive issue

21 values were issued with King George VI facing the right and 
animals in the lower part of the design: 
  1/2 p green
  1/2 p brown
  1 p brown
  1 p green
  1 1/2 p red
  1 1/2 p brown
  2 p brown
  2 p red
  2 p lilac
  3 p blue
  3 p red
  4 p violet
  4 1/2 p blue
  6 p grey
  9 p violet
  1 Sh black and brown
  2 Sh 6 p green and black
  3 sh blue and violet
  5 Sh violet and grey
  10 Sh black and green
  20 Sh lilac and red

The shilling values are slightly larger in size.

In 1949 an airletter with a similar design was issued in the value 6 p lilac.


1946 Victory issue, view of London, inscription '8th JUNE 1946'

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  1 1/2 p orange
  2 p red


1949 Silver wedding of King George VI

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

A 1 1/2 p orange and a 20 Sh brown were issued featuring the King and Queen with inscription '1923 1948'.


1949 75th anniversaty of the UPU

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  2 p red
  3 p blue
  6 p grey
  1 Sh orange


1953 Birth centenary of Cecil Rhodes

Stamps issued: 1/2 p brown, 1 p green, 2 p grey, 4 1/2 p blue and 1 Sh orange.


1953 Rhodes centenary exhibition

A 6 p violet was issued for this occasion.


1953 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth

For stamps in a similar design, but for other British colonies, click here

  1 1/2 p orange and black


1953 Queen Elizabeth definitive issue

In 1953 a definitive Queen Elizabeth issue appeared. They are similar to the previous King George VI issue, but with the portrait of Queen Elizabeth facing the left instead. The following values exist: 1/2 p brown, 1 p green, 1 1/2 p orange, 2 p lilac, 3 p red, 4 p grey, 4 1/2 p blue, 6 p black, 9 p violet, 1 Sh black and orange, 2 Sh 6 p green and black, 5 Sh violet and grey, 10 Sh black and green and 20 Sh lilac and red.

In 1953 an airletter with a similar design was issued in the value 6 p lilac.

These stamps with overprint 'R' are fiscal stamps and were issued in 1953 (1/2 p, 1 p, 3 p, 6 p, 1 Sh, 2 Sh 6 p, 5 Sh, 10 Sh and 20 Sh).

Fiscal stamp; 1 p red with inscription 'REVENUE'

In 1955 fiscal stamps in a similar design were issued (inscription 'REVENUE'): 1/2 p brown, 1 p red, 3 p green, 6 p brown, 1 Sh lilac, 2 Sh orange, 2 Sh 6 p blue, 5 Sh green, 10 Sh grey, 20 Sh black, 30 Pounds grey, 50 Pounds grey.


1963 Arms issue

All in the same design with the arms of Northern Rhodesia.

The following values appeared:
  1/2 p violet, black, blue and yellow
  1 p light blue, black, blue and yellow
  2 p brown, black, blue and yellow
  3 p orange, black, blue and yellow
  4 p green, black, blue and yellow
  6 p light green, black, blue and yellow
  9 p orange, black, blue and yellow
  1 Sh grey, black, blue and yellow
  1 Sh 3 p lilac, black, blue and yellow

Larger size
  2 Sh orange, black, blue and yellow
  2 Sh 6 p brown, black, blue and yellow 
  5 Sh red, black, blue and yellow
  10 Sh lilac, black, blue and yellow
  20 Sh blue, black and yellow


Postage due stamps

1929 Inscription 'NORTHERN RHODESIA POSTAGE DUE' value in circle

The values 1 p, 2 p, 3 p and 4 p exist (all in black).


1963 New design, inscription 'POSTAGE DUE'

The values 1 p orange, 2 p blue, 3 p red, 4 p bleu, 6 p lilac and 1 Sh green exist.


Postal Stationary

Besides the already mentioned postal stationary above, a 1 p brown envelope with the portrait of King George V was issued in 1934.


Fiscal Stamps

Besides the already mentioned ones a cigarette tax stamp of 6 1/4 p green was issued in 1930:


Southern Rhodesia

Rhodesia was previously administered by the British South Africa Company, but was split up in Southern and Northern Rhodesia in 1924. Southern Rhodesia started issuing stamps in 1924. Both Rhodesia's were joined with Nyasaland in 1953 to form the federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland which was dissolved in 1963. Southern Rhodesia changed its name to Rhodesia in 1964. It was renamed Zimbabwe in 1979.

In the above design (George V Admirals) were issued in 1924: 1/2 p green, 1 p red, 1 1/2 p olive, 2 p grey, 3 p blue, 4 p red and black, 6 p lilac and black, 8 p green and violet, 10 p red and blue, 1 Sh blue and black, 1 Sh 6 p yellow and black, 2 Sh brown and black, 2 Sh 6 p olive and blue and 5 Sh green and blue.

Revenue stamps in similar design, 'POSTAGE & REVENUE' has been replaced with 'REVENUE'

Fiscal stamps in a similar design exist: they have the inscription 'REVENUE': 3 Sh red and brown, 7 Sh 6 p black and violet, 10 Sh green and red, 1 Pound violet and black, 5 Pounds blue, 10 Pounds violet, 20 Pounds brown and yellow, 50 Pounds orange and blue.

Postal stationery exists in the same design as the postage stamps, the values 1/2 p green (postcard) and 1 1/2 p red (postcard) exist. Also a 'Letter card' of 1 p red. In a different design (King in an ellipse) I have seen envelopes of 1/2 p green and 1 p red. A registered letter (also with the king in an ellipse) exists in the value 4 p. Wrappers (also with king in an ellipse) exist in the values 1/2 p green and 1 p red.

Envelope with elliptic design


1931 issue

1931 issue

In 1931 a new design was issued (George V Field Marshals) in the following values: 1/2 p green, 1 p red, 1 1/2 p brown, 2 p brown and black, 3 p blue, 4 p red and black, 6 p lilac and black, 8 p green and violet, 9 p green and red, 10 p red and blue, 1 Sh blue and black, 1 Sh 6 p yellow and black, 2 Sh brown and black, 2 Sh 6 p olive and blue and 5 Sh green and blue.

1 Pound revenue stamp

Fiscal stamps in a similar but larger design exist: 9 values ranging from 3 Sh to 50 Pounds: 3 Sh blue and brown, 7 Sh 6 p black and violet, 10 Sh green and red, 1 Pound lilac and black, 2 Pounds brown, 5 Pounds blue, 10 Pounds violet, 20 Pounds yellow and brown and 50 Pounds orange and blue.

Postal stationery exists in the same design as the postage stamps, the value 1/2 p green (postcard) exists. Also a 'Letter card' of 1 p red. In a different design (King in an ellipse) I have seen envelopes of 1/2 p green and 1 p red. A registered letter (also with the king in an ellipse) exists in the value 4 p.


1932 Large Falls issue

Victoria Falls 2 p brown and green

In this design were issued 2 p brown and green and 3 p blue.

Postal stationery exists in the same design as the postage stamps, the value 1 1/2 p red (postcard) exists. I have also seen a 'Active Service Letter Card' in the value 3 p blue (issued 1944) in the same design.


1935 Silver Jubilee

The Silver Jubilee of George V was celebrated with four stamps: 1 p red and green, 2 p olive and green, 3 p blue and black and 6 p lilac and black. They have inscription '1910-1935' and an image of the Victoria Falls with animals in the foreground.


1937 George VI coronation issue

This set pictures King George VI and his wife with in the background the Victoria Falls with a train. Four values were issued: 1 p, 2 p, 3 p and 6 p. For stamps in another design, issued for most other British colonies for the same occasion, click here.


1937 George VI definitive issue

This design pictures George VI in frontal view, with 'POSTAGE & REVENUE' written at the bottom. The following values were issued: 1/2 p green, 1 p red, 1 1/2 p brown, 4 p red, 6 p grey, 8 p green, 9 p blue, 10 p lilac, 1 Sh green and black, 1 Sh 6 p orange and black, 2 Sh brown and black, 2 Sh 6 p violet and blue, 5 Sh green and blue.

2 Pounds brown revenue stamp

Similar revenue stamps also exist with inscription 'REVENUE': 3 Sh green, 7 Sh 6 p black, 10 Sh green, 1 Pound lilac, 2 Pounds brown, 5 Pounds red, 10 Pounds violet, 20 Pounds red and 50 Pounds brown. A total of 9 values were issued.

Postal stamps with overprint 'E' in a circle were used for 'Excise' revenue. I have seen the value 1 p red.

Postal stationery exists in the same design as the postage stamps, the value 1/2 p green (postcard) exists. Also a 'Letter card' of 1 p red. In a different design (King in an ellipse) I have seen an envelope in the value 1 p red. A registered letter (also with the king in an ellipse) exists in the value 4 p. Several airletters exist in the value 6 p grey.


1940 British South Africa Company Jubilee, inscription '1890-1940'

The different values have different designs: 1/2 p green and violet, 1 p red and black (Hoisting the flag: Fort Salisbury), 1 1/2 p brown and black (Cecil John Rhodes), 2 p violet and green, 3 p blue and black, 4 p brown and green, 6 p green and brown and 1 Sh blue and green (Queen Victoria and King George VI).


1943 Occupation of Mashonaland (50th anniversary)

A 2 p green and brown stamp was issued at this occasion. It has the inscription '1893 MATABELELAND 1943'.


1947 Royal visit April 1947

Two stamps were issued at this occasion: 1/2 p green and black (two princesses) and 1 p red and black (image of King and Queen).


1947 Victory issue, inscription 'VICTORY ISSUE 1939-1945'

A 1 p red (Queen), 2 p black (King George VI), 3 p blue and 6 p orange (Elizabeth) were issued.


1949 75th anniversary of the UPU

A 2 p green and 3 p blue were issued.


1950 Jubilee of Southern Rhodesia

A 2 p brown and green was issued.


1953 Rhodes Centenary 1853-1953

Various designs in the values: 1/2 p brown and blue, 1 p green and brown, 2 p violet and green, 4 1/2 p blue and green and 1 Sh brown and black.


1953 Rhodes centenary exhibition

A 6 p violet stamp was issued (portrait of Queen Elizabeth at the right hand side). An airletter exist in the same design (also 6 p violet).


1953 Queen Elizabeth coronation

Queen Elizabeth: 2 Sh 6 p red.


1953 Queen Elizabeth permanent set

Various designs in the values: 
  1/2 p lilac and green (sable antilope)
  1 p brown and green (tobacco planter)
  2 p violet and brown (Rhodes grave)
  3 p red and brown (farm worker)
  4 p black, green and red (flame lily)
  4 1/2 p blue and black (Victoria Falls)
  6 p blue and green (tree)
  9 p brown and blue (lion)
  1 Sh blue and violet (Zimbabwe ruins)
  2 Sh red and violet (Birchenough bridge)
  2 Sh 6 p brown and olive (Kariba Gorge)
  5 Sh green and brown (basket maker)
  10 Sh olive and brown (balancing rocks)
  1 Pound black and red (coat of arms)

An airletter in 6 p olive exists in a similar design.


Northern Rhodesia and Southern Rhodesia were joined with Nyasaland in 1953 to form the federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland which was dissolved in 1963.


1964 Queen Elizabeth permanent set (multicoloured), inscription 'SOUTHERN RHODESIA'

  1/2 p (maize)
  1 p (buffalo)
  2 p (tobacco)
  3 p (kudu)
  4 p (citrus)
  6 p (flame lily)
  9 p (angel orchid)
  1 Sh (emeralds)
  1 Sh 3 p (aloe)
  2 Sh (Lake Kyle)
  2 Sh 6 p blue and red (tiger fish)
  5 Sh (cattle)
  10 Sh (guineafowl)
  1 Pound (arms)

All values exist with overprint 'INDEPENDENCE 11th November 1965'. Similar stamps exist with inscription 'RHODESIA'.


Southern Rhodesia was renamed 'RHODESIA' in 1965. In 1980 it became Zimbabwe.


1965 Inscription 'INDEPENDENCE 11th NOVEMBER 1965, portrait of Queen Elizabeth II and arms

  2 Sh 6 p violet, green, yellow and red


Postage Due

Some postage due stamps of Great Britain were overprinted in 1951 with 'SOUTHERN RHODESIA': 1/2 p, 1 p, 2 p, 3 p, 4 p blue, 4 p green and 1 Sh.


Fiscal Stamps

Cigarette tax (1930):

10 values were issued ranging from 3/4 p to 1 Sh 10 p.


1952 Arms issue, inscription 'REVENUE' at the bottom

17 values were issued ranging from 1 p to 50 Pounds: 1 p red and grey, 2 p red and green, 3 p violet and brown, 4 p red and blue, 6 p orange and grey, 1 Sh grey and green, 2 Sh blue and light blue, 2 Sh 6 p blue and brown, 3 Sh brown and blue, 5 Sh blue and lilac, 10 Sh red and brown, 1 Pound, 2 Pounds green and brown, 5 Pounds, 10 Pounds, 20 Pounds and 50 Pounds (the Pound values are larger).

Similar fiscal stamps were issued in 1966, but with inscription 'RHODESIA REVENUE' (7 values: 3 p lilac and brown, 6 p red and black, 1 Sh grey and green, 10 Sh red and brown, 1 Pound brown, 2 Pounds green and brown, 100 Pounds orange and blue). They were re-issued in 1970, but in new currency (cents and dollars, 13 values and one surcharge: 1 c red and black, 2 1/2 c lilac and brown, 3 c lilac and brown, 5 c orange and black, 10 c grey and green, 20 c blue, 25 c green and brown, 50 c blue and lilac, 1 $ red and green, 2 $ brown, 4 $ green and brown, 10 $ green and blue, 20 $ black and red and 3 c on 2 1/2 c lilac and brown).

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer