PAPAL STATES Forgeries of the 1851 issue (except 50 b and 1 Sc values)

Stato Pontificio, Kirchenstaat, Etats pontificaux

Return To Catalogue - Papal States, 1851 issue - 1851 issue, 50 b and 1 Sc values - 1851 issue, forgeries of the 50 b value - 1851 issue, forgeries of the 1 Sc value - 1867 issue and miscellaneous - Italy

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Postal forgeries of the Papal States, 1851 issue

In 1855, the 1 b, 5 b and 8 b values were forged in Bologna. The 5 b and 8 b even exist in two types. All postal forgeries are quite rare.

Philatelic forgeries

Much more abundant than postal forgeries are philatelic forgeries.


The above rather blur forgery can be distinguished by the fact that the white space in the 'A' of 'BAJ' is completely missing. Some parts of the central design touch the central ellipse with the pearls. The genuine stamps have double dividing lines, but in this forgery they are single. In the book 'Roman States Forgeries the Issues of 1852' by F.J. Levitsky three types of this forgery are described. The first has the 'B' of 'BAJ' intact, the second has the top serif of this word broken and the third has the 'F' and 'R' of 'FRANCO' joined by a dash. It is not known who made this forgery, although Varro Tyler attributes them to Zechmeyer.

The above forgery of the 1/2 b stamp has the 'C' of 'FRANCO' very strange. The key handles are too large and don't have pearls. Also note the weird shape of some of the other letters such as the 'M' of 'MEZZO', etc. There are many other differences when compared to a genuine stamp. The producer of this forgery is unknown.

Forgery of the 1 Baj, many differences with the genuine stamps can be found (ornaments, flowers, the '1' has no dented top, etc.), reduced size. This is the first forgery of the 1 Baj stamp mentioned in the book 'Roman States Forgeries' by F.J.Levitsky (6 forgeries are mentioned of this stamp).

There are several forgeries of the 2 Baj value (sorry, no image available yet).

I've been told that this is a forgery of the 3 b, however no mention of this forgery is made in 'Roman States Forgeries, the issue of 1852' by F.J. Levitsky

This could be the 7th forgery of the 3 Baj. It is printed very greasily.

Forgery made by the forger Behrmann in 1874 (according to Roman States Forgeries of F.J. Levitsky) with the lettering quite different from the genuine stamp. I've also seen it with a (grill) cancel.

Spiro forgery of the 4 Baj value, the '4' is different, the letters are larger, etc. (reduced size)

Zechmeyer forgery. The keys are touching the circle (left, right, top and bottom)

There are two types of postal forgeries of the 5 Baj:

Postal forgery Type I (Bologna).

Rare postal forgery of the 5 b value. Type II: The lowest part of the leaf ornament at the left hand side almost touches the frameline in this forgery. The 'O' of 'POSTALE' is placed slightly too far to the left (precisely under the 'N' of 'FRANCO' instead of under the right side of the 'N').

Forgery of the 6 b with clumsy letters and the 'A' and 'J' connected in 'BAJ'. The cancel appears to be printed at the same time as the stamp, since I've seen another similar forgery with the cancel in exactly the same position.

Forgery with different '6' placed too low, also a line on top of the 'C' of 'FRANCO'

According to the book 'Roman States Forgeries, the issue of 1852' by F.J. Levitsky, this forgery of the 6 b value was made by Spiro

Forgery with the 'N' of 'FRANCO' touching the frameline above it. The small pearls at the bottom of the round key-handles are missing. The '.' between 'BAJ' and '7' is too low. This forgery is also listed in Levitsky's book.

Primitive forgery made by Senf according to Levitsky's book.

Fournier forgery

The above stamp is a forgery, it was offered by Fournier. The above stamp has the top left of the '7' damaged and there is a bulb at the right hand side of the 'A' of 'BAJ'. The 'S' of 'POSTALE' does not have any serifs in this forgery. In 'The Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries' a block of similar stamps can be found (even with tete-beche included), with the same default on every stamp (see image below). I've seen this forgery with a certificate of genuineness of the 'Briefmarkenprufstelle Basel'..... Next to it is a bogus 7 b blue stamp (instead of black on blue) with the same distinguishing characteristics as the Fournier forgery. This blue forgery is not even mentioned in the Levitsky book on forgeries of the Papal States.

(Whole sheet of Fournier forgeries, reduced size)

Tete-beche 7 baj Fournier forgeries

Page from a 'Fournier Album of Philatelic forgeries'. The 5 Baj forgeries are printed on both sides (to imitate a rare misprint).

5 Baj, printed in front and back. This might be a Fournier forgery (always with the paper too pinkish). In some copies (such as the one here), the 'A' has a missing bottom left part. Others have some breaks in the inner frameline in the upper left or lower left corners.

The following forged cancels can be found in the Fournier album 'BORGO 6 FEBR 59' in a single circle, 'FOLIGNO 20 DIC 68' in a double circle (probably used on the next issue) and the typical Papal States grid cancel.

Page of a 'Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries' with some Fournier cancels, reduced sizes, 'BORGO 6 FEBR 59', mute cancel and 'FOLIGNO 20 DIC 68' (I have seen the last Foligno cancel on forgeries of the first issue of Italy)

Other cancels of Fournier that were used on forged stamps of the Papal States and Romagna are:
'* ROMA * 1 DEC 68' in two concentric circles
'ROMA 17 AUG 66' in two concentric circles
'ROMA 18 APR. 66' in two concentric circles
'VITERBO 6 DEC 67' in two concentric circles
'CIVITAVECCHIA 10 NOV 67' in two concentric circles
'BOLOGNA 21 GEN 59' in two concentric circles
'MEDICINA' in large letters in a straight line
'MASSA' in large letters in a straight line

Some of the above mentioned forged Fournier cancels as listed under Romagna in 'The Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries'

(Forged Fournier cancels of Italy, taken from a Fournier Album; reduced sizes)

Spiro forgery of the 7 b value

(Lithograped forgery of the 7 b)

According to 'Roman States Forgeries' by F.J. Levitsky, the above forgery was made by Spiro in 1866. The easiest way to spot this forgery is the dot between 'BAJ' and '7' which is placed far too low. There are many other differences when compared to a genuine stamp.

Another primitive forgery of the 7 B also listed in Levitsky; it has a dot below the lowest 'V'-shaped ornament in the left. Also the lowest 'V'-shaped ornament at the right is connected to the '7'.

The letters in 'BAJ' are different, there is no dot behind this word in the above forgery. There are other differences, for example the '8' is joined to the key above it. According to 'Roman States Forgeries the Issues of 1852' by F.J. Levitsky it was made by the forger Senf in 1875.

Other forgery of the 8 b stamp:

(Same forgery, reduced size)

The 'J' of 'BAJ' has a very large bottom loop in the above stamp. Also the '8' has a smaller upper loop, in the genuine the upper and lower loop are of equal size. There are several other differences. This forgery is listed n the book 'Roman States Forgeries the Issues of 1852' by F.J. Levitsky.

A Zechmeyer forgery of the 8 Baj value. The design is rather badly done.

Bogus issue

A bogus(?) issue of 20 BAI yellow

Stamps - Francobolli - Timbres-Poste - Briefmarken

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer