Saint-Christophe - St.Christoph

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1870 Queen Victoria

1/2 p green 1 p lilac 1 p red 2 1/2 p blue 2 1/2 p brown 4 p blue 4 p grey 6 p green 6 p olive 1 Sh lilac

  1/2 p green
  1 p lilac
  1 p red
  2 1/2 p brown
  2 1/2 p blue
  4 p blue
  4 p grey
  6 p green
  6 p olive (1890)
  1 Sh lilac

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
Watermark 'CC Crown' (1870)
this watermark also seems to exist rotated 90 degrees
1 p lilac *** *** Perforated 12 1/2 or 14,
Fiscally used: *
2 1/2 p brown R R Perforated 12 1/2
4 p blue R *** Perforated 12 1/2
6 p green *** ** Perforated 12 1/2 or 14
Watermark 'CA Crown' (1882), perforation 14
1/2 p * *  
1 p lilac RR *** Fiscally used: **
1 p red * * 1884?
2 1/2 p brown R ***  
2 1/2 p blue * * 1884?
4 p blue RR ***  
4 p grey * * 1884?
6 p olive *** *** 1890
1 Sh *** *** 1887

'ONE PENNY.' on 6 p green

  'Halfpenny' on 1 p bisected red (1885)
  'ONE PENNY' and bar on 1/2 p green (1886)
  'ONE PENNY' and bar on 2 1/2 p blue (1888)
  'ONE PENNY' and bar on 6 p green (1886)
  'FOUR PENCE' on 6 p green
  '4 d.' and bar on 6 p green

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1/2 p on bisected 1 p *** *** Not yet bisected: R
1 p on 1/2 p *** *** Exists without dot behind 'Y': RR
1 p on 2 1/2 p *** *** Second type 'Penny' shorter: RRR
1 p on 6 p ** **  
'FOUR PENCE' on 6 p *** *** Exists with dot behind 'PENCE': R
'4 d.' on 6 p R R Exists without dots behind 'd': RR

Some varieties of the overprints exist:

Not yet bisected With '.' behind 'PENCE' Misprint, forgery? Bar below is very weak!

The first stamp is not yet bisected, the second one has a '.' behind 'PENCE'. The third stamp could be a misprint or a forgery; the bar below is very weak! I have seen forgeries of some overprints.


1 p red Circular cancel
(Typical cancellation "A12" (2x), circular cancel and bar in circle?)

Fiscal stamps:

3 p violet 6 p brown
(Fiscal stamps; as postage stamps design, overprinted "SAINT KITTS NEVIS REVENUE")

The values 1 p red, 3 p lilac, 6 p brown, 1 Sh green and 5 Sh yellowish-brown exist with this "REVENUE" overprint.

Different type of overprint on the 6 p green stamp, lettering different size

Forgeries, examples:

Two forgeries made by Spiro

Note, that in the 6 p Spiro forgery, the label containing "SIX PENCE", does not match perfectly at the right hand side. In other words, there is a discontinuity in the outer right frame line, where this label is attached to the main part of the stamp.

Blotchy forgery of the 1 p red

With part of 'pence' missing.
In the above forgeries, the Queen has a very hooked nose and looks very 'sour'. Also the inscription in the 3 p reads 'Three Pence' instead of "THREEPENCE" as in the above fiscal stamps with overprint (the overprint is missing in this forgery). Note that the word "SIX PENCE" in the green and brown forgery are written much larger than in the orange ones.

I've only seen the 6 p green of this particular forgery, the 'S' of 'SIX' is quite flat, the only cancel I've seen is a numeral cancel '905'. Next to it a forgery of Sierra Leone with the same forged cancel. I've also seen a forgery of Sicily with this cancel.

Panelli/Oneglia forgery, there is an outline in front of the face in this forgery. Some letters are also slightly different. For example, the "ST" of "POSTAGE" which is squeezed and the "S" of "SAINT" which has its top part extending too far to the "A" of this word. The eye of the Queen appears to be too white.

I've been told that this is a Sperati forgery of the 6 p olive. The stamp does have the 'Sperati' signature at the back. I have no further information.

A bogus issue in a totally different design, resembling the St.Lucia design.

Forged overprints, example:

(left, forged overprint: it is too big, right: genuine stamp, images obtained thanks to the forgery site of Bill Claghorn)

Very dubious surcharges of the 'ONE PENNY' on 2 1/2 p stamps.

Genuine 1 p stamp, used with a fiscal cancel. However, the fiscal cancel was removed and a forged 'postal cancel' was applied afterwards.

The forger Treherne made forgeries of this issue (source: "Philatelic Forgers, their Lives and Works" by V.E.Tyler).


1890 Stamp of Antigua used in St.Christopher

A12 St.Christopher cancel
('A12' St.Christopher cancel)

This stamp can be recognized by the 'A12' cancel of St.Christopher. The One Penny stamp of Antigua was used during a shortage of 1d. stamps in 1890.


Seperate issues for Nevis existed before.


1903 Columbus discovering America

2 Sh 6 p violet and black

  1/2 p green and lilac
  1/2 p green
  2 p brown and lilac
  2 1/2 p blue and black
  2 1/2 p blue
  6 p lilac and black
  1 Sh orange and green
  2 Sh 6 p violet and black

These stamps have perforation 14.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
Watermark 'CA Crown' (1903)
1/2 p green and lilac c c  
2 p ** **  
2 1/2 p blue and black ** ***  
6 p ** **  
1 Sh ** ***  
2 Sh 6 p ** ***  
Watermark 'Multiple CA Crown' (1905)
1/2 p green and lilac *** ***  
1/2 p green c c 1907
2 p * *  
2 1/2 p blue and black *** ***  
2 1/2 p blue * *  
6 p * ***  
1 Sh ** **  
Overprinted 'WAR TAX'

Image obtained thanks to Peter Elias Image obtained thanks to Peter Elias

  1/2 p green (1916)
  1 1/2 p orange (1918)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
Watermark 'Multiple CA Crown'
1/2 p c c  
1 1/2 p c c  

Registration envelope cut in the same design:

There is something funny with these stamps; we see Christopher Columbus with a field-glass. This optical instrument was invented in 1608, more than a century after Colombus' discovery of America..... (for more details see:, site of Jean-Michel Urvoy).


1903 Medicinal spring (arms of Nevis)

Image obtained thanks to Peter Elias

  1 p red and black
  1 p red
  3 p orange and green
  2 Sh black and green
  5 Sh green and lilac

These stamps have perforation 14.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
Watermark 'CA Crown' (1903)
1 p red and black c c  
3 p ** **  
2 Sh ** ***  
5 Sh *** ***  
Watermark 'Multiple CA Crown' (1905)
1 p red and black * *  
1 p red c c 1907
3 p * *  
5 Sh *** R 1918


1920 King George with Columbus or with arms of Nevis

2 Sh blue and lilac on blue

  1/2 p green
  1 p red
  1 p violet (1922)
  1 1/2 p orange
  1 1/2 p red
  1 1/2 p brown (1928)
  2 p grey
  2 1/2 p blue
  2 1/2 p brown (1922)
  3 p lilac on yellow
  3 p blue (1922)
  6 p red and lilac
  1 Sh grey and black on green
  2 Sh blue and lilac on blue
  2 Sh 6 p red and black on blue
  5 Sh red and green on yellow
  10 Sh red and green on green
  1 Pound black and lilac on red

These stamps have perforation 14.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
Watermark 'Multiple CA Crown' (1920)
1/2 p c c  
1 p red c c  
1 1/2 p orange c c  
2 p * *  
2 1/2 p blue * *  
3 p lilac on yellow * *  
6 p * *  
1 Sh * *  
2 Sh ** **  
2 Sh 6 p *** ***  
5 Sh *** ***  
10 Sh *** ***  
1 Pound RR RR  
Watermark 'Multiple Script CA Crown' (1921)
1/2 p vc c  
1 p red c c  
1 p violet c c  
1 1/2 p red * *  
1 1/2 p brown c c  
2 p c c  
2 1/2 p blue c c  
2 1/2 p brown * *  
3 p lilac on yellow c c  
3 p blue * *  
6 p * *  
1 Sh * *  
2 Sh *** ***  
2 Sh 6 p ** *  
5 Sh *** ***  


1923 The founding of the colony of St.Kitts 1623, bay with ship

1 p violet and black, 'A 12' cancel Image reproduced with permission from:

  1/2 p green and black
  1 p violet and black
  1 1/2 p red and black
  2 p grey and black
  2 1/2 p brown and black
  3 p blue and black
  6 p lilac and lback
  1 Sh green and black
  2 Sh blue and black on blue
  2 Sh 6 p red and black on blue
  5 Sh red and black on yellow
  10 Sh red and black on green
  1 Pound lilac and black on red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
Watermark 'Multiple CA Crown' (1920)
1/2 p * *  
1 p * *  
1 1/2 p * *  
2 p * *  
2 1/2 p ** **  
3 p * *  
6 p ** **  
1 Sh *** ***  
2 Sh *** ***  
2 Sh 6 p *** ***  
5 Sh R R  
10 Sh RR RR  
1 Pound RR RR  


1935 Silver Jubilee of King George V, inscription '1910-1935'

For stamps in the same design, but for another British colony, click here

A 1 p red and blue, 1 1/2 p grey and blue, 2 1/2 p blue and brown and 1 Sh lilac and black were issued in a design identical to many other British colonies (Windsor castle).


1937 Inscription '12th MAY 1937' portrait of King and Queen, inscription 'ST.CHRISTOPHER AND NEVIS'

For stamps in the same design, but for another British colony, click here

The values 1 p red, 1 1/2 p brown and 2 1/2 p blue were issued (design identical to that of many other British colonies).


1938? King George VI, small sized stamps

1/2 p green, 1 p red, 1 1/2 p orange, 2 1/2 p blue.

Overprinted 'ANGUILLA TERCENTENARY 1650-1950'
1 p red, 1 1/2 p orange, 2 1/2 p blue


1938 King George VI as 1920 design, but slightly smaller

2 p grey and red, 3 p red and lilac, 6 p lilac and grey, 1 Sh green and black, 2 Sh 6 p red and black, 5 Sh red and green.

Overprinted 'ANGUILLA TERCENTENARY 1650-1950'
3 p red and lilac, 6 p lilac and grey, 1 Sh green and black (overprint in red).


1938 King George VI facing the right, map

10 Sh blue and black, 1 Pound brown and black.


1946 Victory issue, identical to sets issued in many other British colonies, inscription '8th JUNE 1946 ST.KITTS NEVIS'

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  1 1/2 p orange
  3 p red


1949 Royal Silver wedding, identical to sets issued in many other British colonies, inscription '1923-1948', image of King and Queen, inscription' ST.KITTS-NEVIS'

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  2 1/2 p blue (smaller size)
  5 Sh red


1949 UPU issue (design similar to many other British colonies), inscription 'ST.KITTS-NEVIS'

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

2 1/2 p blue, 3 p red, 6 p red and 1 Sh green.


1951 University College of the West Indies, inscription 'ST.KITTS NEVIS'

For stamps in the same design, but issued for another British colony, click here

Two different designs: 3 c yellow and black and 12 c lilac and green.


1952 King George VI definitive set, various designs, inscription 'SAINT CHRISTOPHER NEVIS ANGUILLA'

  1 c orange and green (bath house and spa, Nevis)
  2 c green (Warner Park St.Kitts)
  3 c violet and red (map)
  4 c red
  5 c grey and blue
  6 c blue
  12 c brown and blue
  24 c red and black
  48 c brown and olive
  60 c green and orange
  1.20 $ blue and green
  4.80 $ red and green 


1953 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth, inscription 'CORONATION JUNE 1953'

For stamps in a similar design, but for other British colonies, click here

  2 c green and black


1954 Queen Elizabeth II facing the left, various designs similar to 1952 issue, inscription 'SAINT CHRISTOPHER NEVIS ANGUILLA'

  1/2 c green (salt pond, Anguilla)
  1 c orange and green (bath house and spa Nevis)
  2 c green (Warner Park St.Kitts)
  3 c violet and red (map)
  4 c red (on Brimstone hill, St.Kitts)
  5 c black and blue (Nevis from the sea, north)
  6 c blue (Pinney's beach, Nevis)
  8 c black (Sombrero lighthouse)
  12 c brown and blue (Sir Thomas Warner's tomb St.Kitts governor 1625)
  24 c red and black (old road bay, St.Kitts)
  48 c brown and olive (sea island cotton, Nevis)
  60 c green and orange (the treasury, St.Kitts)
  1.20 $ blue and green (salt pond, Anguilla)
  2.40 $ orange and black (map)
  4.80 $ red and green (sugar factory, St.Kitts)



1958 The West Indies Federation, inscription 'ST.CHRISTOPHER NEVIS ANGUILLA'

  3 c green
  6 c blue
  12 c red

For stamps in the same design, but issued for other British colonies, click here


1963 Red Cross issue, inscription 'ST.CHRISTOPHER NEVIS ANGUILLA'

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  3 c black and red
  12 c blue and red


1965 ITU issue, inscription 'ST.CHRISTOPHER NEVIS ANGUILLA'

For stamps in the same design, but for another British colony, click here

  2 c red and orange
  50 c green and blue


1965 International Collaboration Year, inscription 'St.CHRISTOPHER NEVIS ANGUILLA'

For stamps in the same design, but for another British colony, click here

  2 c blue and brown
  25 c violet and green


1966 Churchill issue, inscription 'ST.CHRISTOPHER NEVIS ANGUILLA'

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  1/2 c blue, black, gold and red
  3 c green, black, gold and red
  15 c brown, black, gold and red 
  25 c violet, black, gold and red


1966 Royal visit to the Caribbean

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  3 c blue and black
  25 c red and black


1966 World Cup Championship England 1966

For stamps in a similar design, but for other British colonies, click here

  6 c lilac, violet, orange and green
  25 c lilac, grey, orange and blue


1966 WHO new headquarters building

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  3 c green, blue and black
  40 c lilac, orange and black


1966 20th anniversary of Unesco

For stamps in a similar design, but for another British colony, click here

  3 c grey, orange and red
  6 c olive, orange and blue
  40 c lilac, black and orange

Stamps - Timbres-Poste - Briefmarken

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer