Haut-Sénégal et Niger

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Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

1906 General Faidherbe, Dr. Ballay and palm trees

General Faidherbe 

  1 c grey
  2 c brown
  4 c brown on grey
  5 c green
  10 c red
  15 c violet

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c c c  
2 c c c  
4 c * *  
5 c * c  
10 c * c  
Palm trees

(reduced size)

  20 c black on grey
  25 c blue
  30 c brown
  35 c black on yellow
  40 c red on blue
  45 c brown on green
  50 c black
  75 c blue on orange

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
20 c ** **  
25 c R ***  
30 c *** ***  
35 c ** **  
40 c ** **  
45 c *** ***  
50 c *** ***  
75 c *** ***  
Dr. Ballay

  1 F black on grey
  2 F blue on red
  5 F red on yellow

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 F *** R  
2 F R R  
5 F RR RR  

I've seen forgeries of the 5F value for other colonies. I haven't seen such a forgery of this country yet, but it might exist.


1914 Man riding camel

  1 c lilac and violet
  2 c grey and lilac
  4 c black and blue
  5 c green
  10 c red 
  15 c brown and orange
  20 c lilac and black
  25 c blue
  30 c brown
  35 c red and violet
  40 c grey and red
  45 c blue and brown
  50 c black and green
  75 c orange and brown
  1 F brown and lilac
  2 F green and blue
  5 F violet and black

  '+ 5 c' (red cross issue) on 10 c red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c c c  
2 c c c  
4 c c c  
5 c c c  
10 c * *  
15 c * *  
20 c *** ***  
25 c ** **  
30 c ** ** Olive and brown: RR
35 c ** **  
40 c ** **  
45 c ** **  
50 c ** **  
75 c ** ***  
1 F *** ***  
2 F *** ***  
5 F R R  
5 c on 10 c * * Red cross issue


These stamps were replaced by those of French Sudan in 1921.

Postage due stamps

1906 Inscription 'HT SENEGAL NIGER'

  5 c green
  10 c brown
  15 c blue
  20 c black on yellow
  50 c lilac
  60 c black on brown
  1 F black on red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c * *  
10 c ** **  
15 c ** **  
20 c ** **  
50 c *** ***  
60 c *** ***  
1 F *** ***  

Similar stamps were issued for Dahomey, French Guinea, Senegal and Mauritania.


1915 Value in circle, inscription 'CHIFFRE TAXE A PERCEVOIR'

  5 c green
  10 c red
  15 c grey
  20 c brown
  30 c blue
  50 c black
  60 c orange
  1 F violet

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c * *  
10 c * *  
15 c * *  
20 c ** **  
30 c ** **  
50 c ** **  
60 c *** ***  
1 F *** ***  

Similar stamps were issued for Dahomey, French Guinea, Senegal and Mauritania


1921 Stamps of Upper Senegal overprinted 'TERRITOIRE DU NIGER'

  1 c lilac and violet
  2 c grey and lilac
  4 c black and blue
  5 c brown
  10 c green
  10 c lilac on blue
  15 c red and yellow
  20 c lilac and black
  25 c black and green
  30 c orange and red
  30 c green and orange
  35 c red and violet
  40 c grey and red
  45 c blue and brown
  50 c blue
  50 c brown and violet
  60 c red
  75 c orange and brown
  1 F brown and lilac
  2 F green and blue
  5 F violet and black

  25 c on 15 c red and yellow
  25 c on 2 F green and blue
  25 c on 5 F violet and black
  60 on 75 c violet on red
  65 on 45 c blue and brown
  85 on 75 c yellow and brown
  1f25 (red) on 1 F blue 

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c c c  
2 c c c  
4 c c c  
5 c c c Exists without 'TERRITOIRE DU NIGER' overprint
10 c green * *  
10 c lilac on blue c c  
15 c * *  
20 c * *  
25 c * *  
30 c orange and red *** ***  
30 c green and orange * *  
35 c * *  
40 c * *  
45 c * *  
50 c blue ** **  
50 c brown and violet * *  
60 c * *  
75 c ** **  
1 F ** **  
2 F *** ***  
5 F *** ***  
25 c on 15 c * *  
25 c on 2 F * *  
25 c on 5 F * *  
60 c on 75 c * *  
65 c on 45 c * *  
85 c on 75 c ** **  
1.25 F on 1 F * *  


1926 Waterwell (1 c to 15 c), boat on a river (20 c to 90 c) and fortress (1 F to 20 F)

  1 c red and olive
  2 c grey and red
  4 c brown and black
  5 c red and green
  10 c blue (two shades on one stamp)
  15 c green (two shades on one stamp)
  15 c violet and red (1928)

Boat on a river
  20 c green and brown
  25 c black and brown
  30 c green (two shades on one stamp)
  35 c orange and blue on blue
  40 c brown and black
  45 c orange and violet
  50 c red and green on green
  65 c green and lilac
  75 c green and violet on red
  90 c red (two shades on one stamp)

  1 F red and green
  1.10 F brown and green
  1.25 F green and red (1933)
  1.50 F blue (two shades on one stamp)
  1.75 F blue (two shades on one stamp)
  1.75 F lilac and brown (1933)
  2 F orange and brown
  2.50 F brown
  3 F violet and grey
  5 F brown and black on red
  10 F violet and lilac
  20 F green and orange

Overprinted 'SECOURS NATIONAL' and surcharged (1941)

  1 F on 50 c red and green
  2 F on 80 c brown and green
  2 F on 1.50 F blue
  3 F on 2 F orange and brown


1931 'EXPOSITION COLONIALE INTERNATIONALE PARIS 1931', various designs (designs identical to many other French colonies)

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  40 c green and black
  50 c lilac and black
  90 c red and black
  1.50 F blue and black


1937 'EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE PARIS 1937', various designs, designs identical to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  20 c violet
  30 c green
  40 c lilac
  50 c brown and black
  90 c red
  1.50 F blue


1938 Pierre and Marie Curie, design identical to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  1.75 F + 50 c blue


1939 'EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE NEW YORK 1939', design identical to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  1.25 F red
  2.25 F blue


1939 French revolution commemoration, Bastille, design identical to many other French colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  45 c + 25 c green and black
  70 c + 30 c brown and black
  90 c + 35 c orange and black
  1.25 F + 1 F lilac and black
  2.25 F + 2 F blue and black


1941 Soldiers issue, (so-called 'DEFENSE DE L'EMPIRE' set), similar designs were issued for other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  1 F + 1 F red
  1.50 F + 3 F brown
  2.50 F + 1 F blue (soldier on horse)

Postage due stamps (NIGER)

1921 Postage due stamps of Upper Senegal overprinted 'TERRITOIRE DU NIGER'

  5 c green
  10 c red
  15 c grey
  20 c brown
  30 c blue
  50 c black
  60 c orange
  1 F violet

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c vc c  
10 c c c  
15 c c *  
20 c * *  
30 c * *  
50 c * *  
60 c * *  
1 F ** **  


1927 (13 values ranging from 2 c to 3 F), desert scene with a camel, inscription 'NIGER AFRIQUE OCCIDENTALE FRANCAISE POSTES CHIFFRE TAXE'

  2 c blue and brown
  4 c red and black
  5 c yellow and violet
  10 c brown and grey
  15 c green and orange
  20 c red and brown
  25 c black and brown
  30 c violet and ?
  50 c red on green
  60 c violet and orange on blue
  1 F blue (two shades on one stamp) on blue
  2 F red and violet
  3 F brown and blue

Air Mail (NIGER)

1940 Inscription 'AFRIQUE OCCIDle FRANCAISE NIGER', aeroplane and palm trees landscape

  1.90 F violet
  2.90 F red
  4.50 F green
  4.90 F olive
  6.90 F orange

Similar stamps were issued for Dahomey, Mauritania, Ivory Coast and French Guinea.

Similar stamp of Mauritania



  50 c red and blue
  1 F (?)
  2 F green and brown
  3 F blue and red
  5 F violet and red

Similar stamps were issued for Dahomey, Mauritania, Ivory Coast and French Guinea.

Similar stamp of French Guinea.



  1.20 F + 1.80 F blue and red ('Quinzaine')
  3 F + 9 F red ('protection')

Stamps - Timbres-poste - Briefmarken

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer