WURTTEMBERG 1857-1865 Forgeries and Reprints

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Wurttemberg 1857-1865


Reprints exist of the imperforate stamps (except the 70 k value), if I'm well informed they were made in 1875.
Reprints of the stamps with silk thread:
The reprints with silk thread have red silk thread instead of orange. The 6 k also seems to have been reprinted with yellow silk thread. The 1 k is greyish brown in colour.
Reprints of the stamps without silk thread:
The reprints without silk thread are more difficult to distinguish, only the 6 k has a darker green colour than the original. The intervals between two stamps is always larger than in the genuine stamps; for the reprints with silk thread it is 1.5 mm (instead of 0.75 mm), for the reprints without silk thread it is 1.5 to 2.0 mm (instead of 1 to 1.25 mm).

Reprint of the 1 k value

Reprint of the 1 k with silk thread in a block of 6 stamps, reduced size, note the larger margins between two stamps

Reprint of the 3 k orange stamp with red silk thread

I possess this 'reprint' of the 18 k blue imperforate stamp; the embossing only contains the global design in the center, but the smaller details of the animals and the arms are not embossed. Also the vertical "18" in the lower left corner seems to have been 'pasted in' in the printing plate; around it some lines can still be seen. Next to it a perforated 18 k orange stamp made by the same forger. The perforation does not match in the corners. It has a "STUTTGART 28 APR 1857" cancel. I've also seen the blue forgery with this cancel.

Reprints were also made in bogus colors in limited quantities, examples:

1 k brown on lilac reprint 1 k green 6 k olive-green
I've also seen 1 k green on green, 1 k violet on blue, 1 k brown and 1 k violet on green.

According to the 'Neudrucke und ihre Kennzeichen' (Reprints and their characteristics) of Ohrt the reprints in phantasy colors of the 1 k were made either for an Englishman called Faiburn or for Ferdinand Elb from Dresden. These 1 k reprints exist in the colors green, brown and violet. They have no silk thread or a vertical silk thread (original stamps only exist with a horizontal silk thread).

A modern 'reprint' in blue with the value omitted made in 1981 by Gehringer for the Daposta 81 exhibition. The text in the minisheet states that the original printing plates were used. The embossing of the central part is totally missing, instead the arms part is printed in blue.

Minisheet of a blue stamp together with a 1862 postal stationary reprint.


Forgeries, examples:

A very primitive forgery of the 70 k value with bogus "114"(?) cancel. I've seen more of such forgeries, with the same cancel.

Another primitive forgery of a 9 k black(?) forgery. The perforation is very wide and the embossing has been printed in black. Next to it a forgery possibly made by the same forger from India.

Forgery? Heavily embossed.

Peter Winter forgeries of the 70 k stamps (also on envelopes):

3 times 70 K forgeries on envelope

The above envelope is addressed to 'Herren Augusto Kremer & Co Petropolis Provinzia de Rio de Janeiro Brasilien', in the top left corner is written 'Via Antwerpen'. I've also seen it with "STUTTGART Charge" in green and an additional "AACHEN 27 PAID 23 cts." cancel. The stamps and cancels are placed on different spots in the various forged envelopes of this type.


The above forgeries of the 70 k all seem to have the same cancel: a 'piece of cake'-alike cancel (Fächerstempel in German) with inscription "STUTTGART POSTAMT SEP 8". I've also seen Peter Winter forgeries in a block of three pasted on a piece of a letter, all with "ULM 3 JUN. 1873 12-3" cancel in black.

(Forged letter, reduced size, probably a product of Peter Winter)

Peter Winter forgery
(A Peter Winter forgery)

Probably another Winter forgery on envelope

The above forged 70 k stamp on letter has some very special cancels: "STUTTGART Charge" with black lozenges between the two words. The letter is adressed to "Messieurs Pansan et Montgolfier", it further has the written text "Einschreiben". Note, that the same forged letter (same text!) has also been used by Peter Winter to generate a forged letter from Bremen!

Peter Winter even forged a block of six 70 k stamps

I presume that all the other 'products' above have been made by Peter Winter as well.

A picture of what I think should be a genuine "STUTTGART Charge" cancel:

Senf forgery:

I posess this Senf forgery, it always has the overprint "FALSCH." In my opinion, the stars in the four corners are too small.

This appears to be a photo of a 70 k stamp, note that the central part is also coloured with dots. If I'm not mistaken these forgeries were made by the 'Wurttembergischer Philatelisten - Verein Stuttgart' in 1957. They were issued in a sheet with 6 stamps (see later), but there is text on the backside. I've also seen them with a fancancel "STUTTGART II SEP 17", with the "E" of "SEP" inverted.

The next stamps are forgeries of the 18 k value. The upper left hand side of the lower '18' should be somewhat thicker in the genuine stamps. The scroll at the left hand bottom side also should not go as far outwards as in this forgery. I presume these forgeries were made by Fournier, although the cancel "WANGEN 20 10 59" does not appear in 'The Fournier album of philatelic forgeries' (the Serrane guide mentions it as being a Fournier forged cancel).

Fournier 18 k forgery 'proof', actually taken from a Fournier album, with "FAUX" overprint

Offered on a Behr auction as genuine in 2011
Fournier forgeries of the 18 k orange stamp with "TUTTLINGEN 2 APR 1867 3 N 6" cancel. The forgery on the right hand side was offered as genuine on a prestigiuos Internet auction in 2011 for 1000 Euros.....

Cancels that do appear in 'The Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries' are:
"*BLAUBEUDEN* 17 AUG 1853" in a circle with cut-off bottom
"* CANNSTATT 15 JUN 99 *" in a single circle
"OKT 13 10-11 V M.NECKAR F" part of a circular cancel
"STUTTGART 21 NOV 11-12 1861" in a double circle
"KIRCHHEIM 9 OKT 13" part of a circular cancel
"TUTTGART Nr1 17 KT 3" part of a circular cancel
"NIJAGST" part of a circular cancel
"TUTTLINGEN 2 APR 1867 3 N 6" circular cancel (two rings outside and one inner circle)
"ROTH 6? 4? 56" circular cancel (two rings outside and one inner circle)
"STUTTGART 12 4 (1)" in a single circle
"STUTTGART 2 MAR 18??" circular cancel (two rings outside and one inner circle)
"STUTTGART 24 NOV. 1868 3 N 6" circular cancel (two rings outside and one inner circle)
"STUTT POST JU" part of a fancancel

Click here for mor Wurttemberg Fournier Forgeries, including part of the Fournier Album.

(I've been told that this stamp is a forgery, note the bad '8's, it has a Cannstatt cancel but I can't read the date)

This is a genuine 7(!) k rouletted stamp with a railroad cancel, the '7's were changed into '18' to pretent to be a much more valuable 18 k stamp. Furthermore the rouletted parts were cut off. The '18's are very badly drawn in this forgery. Image found at: http://bdph.de/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=23

Another attempt to change a cheap 3 k stamp into a much more valuable 9 k stamp: the '3' have been carfully painted over with a '9'. The left '3' has been 'forgotten' since it was apparently too difficult to create a convincing '9' just under the cancel.

This rare 1 k brown perforated stamp has expert mark "J.SCHL" (Julius Schlesinger) at the back; this expert is known not to be very reliable, it might therefore be a forgery or perforated reprint

('Reprint' sheet with six 70 k stamps, inscription at the bottom reads: 'Zur Erinnerung an die NAPOSTA 81 Stuttgart von SAFE, Schwabische Albumfabrik Reutlingen', I presume this sheet was issued in 1981)

I have also seen this 'reprint sheet' with the following text at the bottom (instead of the text with Naposta above): 'Die 70 Kr. Wurttemberg erschine 1873 und war damals am Aalener Postamt nicht erhaltlich. Heute erhalten Sie diesen Nachdruck mit freundlicher Empfehlung von Briefmarken Bottiger, Aalen'.

Another photographic reproduction of a sheet of six 70 k stamps. The black text on top is different from the previous 'reprint'. Note the vertical alignment of the 'fr.' and 'fl.' of first and second line of the top inscription. The backside of this sheet has inscription "Die 70 Kreuzer-Marke ist der hochste Wert der koniglich wurtt. Postverwaltung 6er Block 70 Kreuzer aus der Staatl. Wurttembergischen Postwertzeichensammlung Stuttgart Wurttembergischer Philatelisten - Verein Stuttgart 1882 75 Jahre 1957". I've also seen it cancelled with a fancancel 'STUTTGART SEP 17' in which the 'E' of 'SEP' is inverted.

Zoom-in of one of the above 70 k forgeries, it can clearly be seen that it has been produced from a photograph.

A mystery item: 3 k black on yellow with nice embossing, but the lettering different from the genuine stamps.

A highly suspicious 18 k yellow stamp

Reprint from a Schneider auction from 1979.

Dealer labels:

Above is shown a label of the firm Hacker & Rau, similar to a 70 k stamp, however with the left '70 KREUZER' replaced by the words 'HACKER & RAU' and the right '70 KREUZER' replaced by 'STUTTGART'. This label has no central embossing. The above label is also mentioned in the Serrane guide.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer