1914 onwards and miscellaneous

Établissement de l'Inde (Inde Française)

Return To Catalogue - 1892-1913 issues - France

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

The Indian Settlements of France consisted of five territories in India; Pondichery, Chandarnagar, Karikal, Mahe, and Yanaon (Yanam). Chandarnagar was joined to West Bengal in 1949. In 1954, Indian stamps were introduced, when the last territory returned to India. The French Indian Settlements issued stamps from 1892 to 1954.

French India 1892-1913


1914 Indian god with swan and snake (Brahma)

Value in 'Cents' (thus 'C' and not 'CA')

  1 c grey and black
  2 c lilac and black
  2 c green and lilac (1922)
  3 c brown and black
  4 c orange and black
  5 c green and black
  5 c lilac and black (1922)
  10 c red and black
  10 c green and black (1922)
  15 c violet and black
  20 c red and black
  25 c blue and black
  25 c blue and red (1922)
  30 c blue and black
  30 c red and black (1922)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c c c  
2 c lilac and black c *  
2 c green and lilac * *  
3 c c c  
4 c c c  
5 c green and black * *  
5 c lilac and black * *  
10 c red and black * *  
10 c green and black * *  
15 c * *  
20 c * *  
25 c blue and black R ***  
25 c blue and red *** ***  
30 c blue and black *** ***  
30 c red and black *** ***  
Red cross issue (1915)

The 5 types of overprint, reduced sizes

Surcharged on wrong stamp?

  '+ 5 c' on 10 c red (5 types)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c on 10 c * * Most types: *, one type: ***

These red cross stamps were printed in sheets of 75. Several types exist. The first one appeared in June 1915 with the overprint on top (45000 stamps issued). The second one appeared in November 1915 with the overprint at the bottom of the stamp (40000 stamps issued). A variety known as 'Maltese Cross at the right hand side' was issued in March 1916 at the bottom of the stamp (12000 stamps issued). Another type with a Maltese cross on top and '5' and 'C' below it was issued in June 1916 (unknown how many stamps were issued). Finally an overprint with a cross on top of the stamp and '5 c' at the bottom was issued in Juin 1916 (unknown how many stamps were issued). Two varieties exist: 'e' instead of 'c' and '5' and 'c' only 9 mm instead of 11 mm apart. Towards the end of 1916 another overprint appeared with the cross and '5 c' very close together. Some black overprints (essays of Mahe) seem to exist. This information was obtained from Yves Claude Levern.


  '0,01' and bars on 15 c violet and black (1923)
  '0,02' and bars (blue) on 15 c violet and black (1923)
  '0,05' and bars (red) on 15 c violet and black (1923)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
0,01 on 15 c ** **  
0,02 on 15 c * *  
0,05 on 15 c * *  
Surcharged in new currency (CACHES or FANONS) (1923-1926)

  '1 CACHE' (red) on 1 c grey and black
  '2 CACHES' on 5 c lilac and black
  '3 CACHES' on 3 c brown and black
  '4 CACHES' on 4 c orange and black
  '6 CACHES' on 10 c green and black
  '10 CACHES' and bars on 20 c red and green
  '12 CACHES' on 15 c violet and black
  '15 CACHES' on 20 c red and black
  '18 CACHES' on 30 c red and black
  '1 FANON' and bars on 25 c green and red
  '2 FANONS 9 CACHES' (blue) on 25 c blue and red 

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 cache on 1 c c c  
2 caches on 5 c c c  
3 caches on 3 c c c  
4 caches on 4 c c c  
6 caches on 10 c c c  
10 cashes on 20 c * *  
12 cashes on 15 c * *  
15 cashes on 20 c ** **  
18 cashes on 30 c * *  
1 Faon 25 c * *  
2 Fa 9 c on 25 c ** **  
Value in 'Caches', (thus 'CA' and not 'C' 1929)

  1 ca grey and black
  2 ca lilac and black
  3 ca brown and black
  4 ca orange and black
  6 ca green
  10 ca red and green
  16 ca blue and black
  18 ca red (two shades of red on same stamp)
  20 ca blue and green on blue

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 ca vc c  
2 ca c c  
3 ca c c  
4 ca c c  
6 ca c c  
10 ca c *  
16 ca * *  
18 ca * *  
20 ca * *  

These stamps exist with overprint 'FRANCE LIBRE' (1941) or 'FRANCE LIBRE' and a cross (1943).

Overprinted diagonally 'FRANCE LIBRE'

  2 ca lilac and brown ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)
  3 ca brown and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)
  4 ca orange and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)
  6 ca green ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)
  10 ca red and green ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)
  16 ca blue and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)
  18 ca red
  20 ca blue and green ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)
  '15 CACHES' (black) on 20 c orange and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)
  '18 CACHES' (black) on 30 c red and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)

Overprinted horizontally 'FRANCE LIBRE'
  '2 FANONS 9 CACHES' on 25 c violet and brown

Overprinted 'FRANCE LIBRE' horizontally and cross of Lorraine

  2 ca lilac and brown ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red)
  3 ca brown and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red)
  6 ca green ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in blue)
  16 ca blue and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red)
  18 ca red ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in blue)
  20 ca blue and green ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red or blue)
  '1 cache' (red) on 16 ca bleu and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red)
  '4 caches' (red) on 16 ca blue and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red)
  '10 caches' (red) on 16 ca bleu and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red)
  '15 caches' (red) on 16 ca bleu and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red)
  '1 fa 3 ca' (red) on 16 ca bleu and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red)
  '2 fa 9 ca' (red) on 16 c blue and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red)
  '3 fa 3 ca' (red) on 16 ca blue and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red)
  '18 CACHES' on 30 c red and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in blue)


1914 Kali Temple

Value in 'CENTS' ('C') or 'FRANCS' ('F')

  35 c brown and black
  40 c orange and black
  45 c green and black
  50 c red and black
  50 c blue (1922, two shades of blue on one stamp)
  75 c blue and black
  1 Fr yellow and black
  2 Fr violet and black
  5 Fr blue and black
  5 Fr red and black (1922)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
35 c ** **  
40 c *** ***  
45 c *** ***  
50 c red and black *** ***  
50 c blue *** ***  
75 c *** ***  
1 Fr *** ***  
2 Fr R R  
5 Fr blue and black *** ***  
5 Fr red and black R R  
Surcharged in new currency (CACHES, FANONS or RUPIES) (1923-1926)

  '6 CACHES' (red) on 45 c green and black
  '16 CACHES' and bars on 35 c blue and brown
  '20 CACHES' on 45 c green and red
  '1 FANON 3 CACHES' (blue) on 35 c brown and black
  '1 FANON 6 CACHES' (red) on 40 c orange and black
  '1 FANON 12 CACHES' (blue) on 50 c blue 
  '1 FANON 12 CACHES' (blue) on 75 c blue and black
  '1 FANON 16 CACHES' on 75 c red and green
  '2 FANONS 12 CACHES' and bars on 1 F lilac and brown
  '3 FANONS 3 CACHES' (red) on 1 F yellow and black
  '6 FANONS 6 CACHES' (blue) on 2 F violet and black
  '1 ROUPIE' (red) on 1 F green and blue
  '2 ROUPIES' (red) on 5 F red and black
  '3 ROUPIES' (red) on 2 F grey and violet on green
  '5 ROUPIES' on 5 F red and black 

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
6 caches on 45 c * *  
16 caches on 35 c * *  
20 caches on 45 c * *  
1 F 3 ca on 35 c ** **  
1 F 6 ca on 40 c * *  
1 F 12 ca on 50 c * *  
1 F 12 ca on 75 c ** **  
1 F 16 ca on 75 c ** **  
2 F 12 ca on 1 F ** **  
3 F 3 ca on 1 F *** ***  
6 F 6 ca on 2 F *** ***  
1 R on 1 F *** ***  
2 R on 5 F *** ***  
3 R on 2 F R R  
5 R on 5 F RR RR  
Value in 'Cache', 'FANON' or 'RUPIES'

  12 ca green
  1 Fa green and red
  1 Fa 6 ca red and black
  1 Fa 12 ca blue
  1 Fa 16 ca red and green
  2 Fa 12 ca lilac and brown
  6 Fa 6 ca violet and black
  1 R green and blue
  2 R red and black
  3 R grey and violet
  5 R red and black on green  

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
12 ca c *  
1 Fa * *  
1 Fa 6 ca * *  
1 Fa 12 ca * *  
1 Fa 16 ca * *  
2 Fa 12 ca ** **  
6 Fa 6 ca *** ***  
1 R *** ***  
2 R *** ***  
3 R *** R  
5 R R R  

surcharged (1943)

  '1 cache' (red) on 6 Fa 6 ca violet and black 
  '4 caches' (red) on 6 Fa 6 ca violet and black 
  '10 caches' (red) on 6 Fa 6 ca violet and black 
  '15 caches' (red) on 6 Fa 6 ca violet and black
  '1 fa 3 ca' (red) on 6 Fa 6 ca violet and black 
  '2 fa 9 ca' (red) on 6 Fa 6 ca violet and black 
  '3 fa 3 ca' (red) on 6 Fa 6 ca violet and black  

These stamps exist with overprint 'FRANCE LIBRE' (1941) or 'FRANCE LIBRE' and a cross (1943).

Overprinted diagonally 'FRANCE LIBRE'
  12 ca green ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)
  1 Fa green and red ('FRANCE LIBRE' in blue)
  1 Fa 6 ca red and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)
  1 Fa 12 ca blue ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)
  1 Fa 16 ca red and green ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)
  2 Fa 12 ca lilac and brown ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)
  6 Fa 6 ca violet and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)
  1 R green and blue ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)
  2 R red and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)
  3 R grey and violet ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)
  5 R red and black on green ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)

Overprinted horizontally 'FRANCE LIBRE'

  '1 FANON 3 CACHES' (blue) on 35 c brown and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)

Overprinted 'FRANCE LIBRE' diagonally and cross of Lorraine
  12 ca green ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in blue)
  1 Fa green and red 'FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in blue)
  1 Fa 6 ca red and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red)
  1 Fa 12 ca blue ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red)
  1 Fa 16 ca red and green ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in blue)
  2 Fa 12 ca lilac and brown ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red or blue)
  6 Fa 6 ca violet and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red)
  1 R green and blue ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red)
  2 R red and black ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red)
  3 R grey and violet ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red or blue)
  5 R red and black on green ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red)

Overprinted 'FRANCE LIBRE' diagonally and cross of Lorraine and surcharged
   ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red)

  '1 cache' (red) on 6 Fa 6 ca violet and black  
  '4 caches' (red) on 6 Fa 6 ca violet and black 
  '10 caches' (red) on 6 Fa 6 ca violet and black 
  '15 caches' (red) on 6 Fa 6 ca violet and black 
  '1 fa 3 ca' (red) on 6 Fa 6 ca violet and black 
  '2 fa 9 ca' (red) on 6 Fa 6 ca violet and black 
  '3 fa 3 ca' (red) on 6 Fa 6 ca violet and black 
  '1 ca' (red) on 1 R green and blue 
  '2 ca' (red) on 1 R green and blue
  '4 ca' (red) on 1 R green and blue
  '6 ca' (red) on 2 R red and black
  '10 ca' (red) on 2 R red and black
  '12 ca' (red) on 2 R red and black
  '15 ca' (red) on 3 R grey and violet
  '16 ca' (red) on 3 R grey and violet
  '1 fa 3 ca' (red) on 3 R grey and violet
  '1 fa 6 ca' (red) on 5 R red and black on green
  '1 fa 12 ca' (red) on 5 R red and black on green
  '1 fa 16 ca' (red) on 5 R red and black on green


1931 International Colonial Exhibition, design identical to many other French colonies

Reduced sizes

  10 ca green
  12 ca lilac
  18 ca orange
  1 Fa 12 ca blue


1937 World Exhibition in Paris in 1937, design identical to many other French colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  8 ca violet
  12 ca green
  16 ca red
  20 ca brown
  1 Fa 12 ca red
  2 Fa 12 ca blue

A imperforate minisheet with one stamp 5 Fa lilac exists, with inscription above and below the stamp: 'EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE ARTS ET TECHNIQUES 1937'

Overprinted 'FRANCE LIBRE' horizontally (1941)
  8 ca violet ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red or blue)

Overprinted 'FRANCE LIBRE' diagonally (1941)
  8 ca violet ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red or blue)
  12 ca green ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)
  16 ca red ('FRANCE LIBRE' in blue)
  1 Fa 12 ca red ('FRANCE LIBRE' in blue)
  2 Fa 12 ca blue ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)

Overprinted 'FRANCE LIBRE' diagonally and cross of Lorraine (1943?)
  8 ca violet ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in blue)
  12 ca green ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in blue)
  16 ca red 
  1 Fa 12 ca red ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in blue)
  2 Fa 12 ca blue ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red)


1938 Pierre and Marie Curie, design identical to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  2 fa 12 ca + 20 ca blue


1939 'EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE NEW YORK 1939', design identical to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  1 Fa 12 ca red
  2 Fa 12 ca blue

1941 Overprinted 'FRANCE LIBRE' diagonally
  1 Fa 12 ca red ('FRANCE LIBRE' in blue)
  2 Fa 12 ca blue ('FRANCE LIBRE' in red)

1943? Overprinted 'FRANCE LIBRE' diagonally and cross of Lorraine
  1 Fa 12 ca red ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in blue)
  2 Fa 12 ca blue ('FRANCE LIBRE' and cross in red)


1939 French revolution commemoration, Bastille, design identical to many other French colonies

  18 ca + 10 ca green and black
  1 fa 6 + 12 ca brown and black
  1 fa 12 + 16 ca orange and black
  1 fa 16 + 1 fa 16 lilac and black
  2 fa 12 + 3 fa blue and black


1941 Kali Temple, new design, with portrait of Petain in upper right hand corner

  1 Fa 16 ca red
  4 Fa 4 ca blue

  '+4 FA 4 CA' on 1 Fa 16 ca red
  '20 CA + 2 FA	12 CA' (red) on 4 Fa 4 ca blue


1941 Soldiers (all different design so-called 'DEFENSE DE L'EMPIRE'), similar designs were issued for other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  1 Fa 16 ca + 1 Fa 16 ca red
  2 Fa 12 ca + 5 Fa brown
  4 Fa 4 ca + 1 Fa 16 ca blue


1942 Flower symbols, inscription 'FRANCE LIBRE RF'

  2 ca brown
  3 ca blue
  4 ca green
  6 ca orange
  12 ca black
  16 ca lilac
  20 ca brown
  1 Fa red
  1 Fa 18 ca black
  6 Fa 6 ca blue
  1 R violet
  2 R yellow-brown
  3 R brown
  5 R green


1944 Symbol of France (Marianne) with 'RF' and cross (design identical to many other French colonies)

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  3 fa + 1 R 4 fa brown


1945 Felix Eboue, design identical to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  (?) brown
  (?) green


1948 Indian Gods

  1 ca grey
  2 ca brown
  4 ca violet
  6 ca orange
  8 ca grey
  10 ca green
  12 ca lilac
  15 ca green
  18 ca red
  1 Fa violet
  1 Fa 6 ca red
  1 Fa 15 ca blue
  2 Fa green
  2 Fa 2 ca blue
  2 Fa 12 ca brown
  3 Fa orange
  4 Fa green
  5 Fa violet
  7 Fa 12 ca brown
  1 R 12 Fa black
  1 R 4 Fa 12 ca green


1950 'OEUVRES SOCIALES F.O.M, design identical to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  1 Fa + 10 ca black and blue


1952 Military medal

  1 Fa brown, yellow and green


Postage due stamps

The forger Francois Fournier made forgeries of the French colonies postage due stamps, with cancel 'PONDICHERY 1 FEVR 92 INDE'. If anybody has an image of such a forgery, please contact me!


1924 Postage due stamps of France, surcharged with 'CACHES'

  '6 CACHES' (blue) on 10 c brown
  '12 CACHES' on 25 c red
  '15 CACHES' (red) on 20 c olive
  '1 FANON 6 CACHES' (blue) on 30 c red
  '1 FANON 12 CACHES' (blue) on 50 c violet
  '1 FANON 15 CACHES' on 5 c blue
  '3 FANONS 3 CACHES' (blue) on 1 F lilac on yellow

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
6 ca on 10 c c *  
12 ca on 25 c * *  
15 ca on 20 c * *  
1 Fa 6 ca on 30 c * *  
1 Fa 12 ca on 50 c ** **  
1 Fa 15 ca on 5 c ** **  
3 Fa 3 ca on 1 F *** ***  
Surcharged with bars aswell (1928)

  '4 CACHES' on 20 c violet
  '1 FANON on 30 c orange
  '1 FANON 15 CACHES' (red) on 5 c black
  '3 FANONS' on 1 F green

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
4 ca on 20 c c c  
1 Fa on 30 c * *  
1 Fa 15 ca on 5 c ** **  
3 Fa on 1 F ** **  


1929 Inscription 'INDE FRANCAISE A PERCEVOIR', value in 'CACHES' or 'FANONS'

  4 ca red
  6 ca blue
  12 ca green
  1 Fa brown
  1 Fa 12 ca violet
  1 Fa 16 ca yellow
  3 Fa lilac

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
4 ca c c  
6 ca c c  
12 ca c *  
1 Fa * *  
1 Fa 12 ca * *  
1 Fa 16 ca * *  
3 Fa ** **  



  1 ca violet
  2 ca brown
  6 ca green
  12 ca orange
  1 Fa red
  1 Fa 12 c brown
  2 Fa grey
  2 Fa 12 c red
  5 Fa red
  1 R violet (black?)

Air Mail


  2 Fa + 3 Fa blue and red (Quinzaine)
  2 Fa 12 ca + 5 Fa 20 ca green ('protection de l'enfance')
  3 Fa 8 ca + 1 R 2 Fa brown ('protection de l'enfance')


1942 Plane above waves, inscription 'FRANCE LIBRE RF', design identical to many other French colonies, inscription 'Ets FRANCAIS DANS L'INDE'

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  4 Fa orange
  1 R red
  2 R brown
  4 R black
  8 R blue
  10 R green


1946 Angel over Arc de Triomphe with tanks, design identical to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  4 Fa(?) green


1946 Battle fields, 'DU TCHAD AU RHIN', various designs, identical to many other French Colonies, inscription 'POSTE AERIENNE'

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here.

  2 Fa 12 ca yellow
  5 Fa blue
  7 Fa 12 ca violet
  1 R 2 Fa green
  1 R 4 Fa 12 ca red
  2 R 1 Fa brown


1949 75 anniversary of UPU, inscription 'POSTE AERIENNE', design identical to many other French Colonies

For an image of a similar stamp of another colony, click here

  6 Fa red


1949 Various designs, inscription 'POSTE AERIENNE'

  1 R red and yellow (aeroplane and goddess)
  2 R green and black (wing above temple)
  5 R blue and lilac (bird flying above jungle)


1954 Battle scene on beach '8 NOV 1942 6 JUIN & 13 AOUT 44'

  1 Fa brown and grey

Fiscal stamps


(With inscription 'ETABs FRANC DE L'INDE')

(As French fiscal stamps, but with inscription in 'CACHES')

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer