by Evert Klaseboer

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*Cabo Verde
*'Calchi' on Italy
*'Calimno' on Italy
*Cali (No hay estampillas)
*Cameroons, German colony
*Cameroons, French occupation and French colony
*Campeche (Mexico)
*Canada 1851-1867
*Canada 1868-1896
*Canada 1897-1900
*Canada 1900-1920
*Canada Airmail
*Canada Fiscal Stamps
*Canada Miscellaneous
*Canal Maritime de Suez
*Cape Juby
*Cape of Good Hope (South Africa), triangular issues
*Cape of Good Hope, triangular issues, forgeries
*Cape of Good Hope, triangular issues, forgeries of the woodblock issue
*Cape of Good Hope other issues
*Cape of Good Hope cancels
*Cape of Good Hope miscellaneous
*Cape Verde
*Caprera (bogus issue)
*Carion (George); stamp forger
*Caroline Islands
*Casey (Joseph); stamp forger
*Cashmir (India)
*Castellorizo (Castelrosso, Italian occupation)
*Castellorizo (French occupation)
*Castiglione d'Intelvi (Italy)
*Carthagena (Colombia)
*'Caso' on Italy
*Cauca (Colombia)
*Cayman Islands
*'CCCP' (Sowjet Union)
*Central American Steamship Co
*Central Lithuania
*Cesko Slovenska
*Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 1857-1867
*Ceylon 1857-1867, forgeries
*Ceylon 1868-1902
*Ceylon Queen Victoria surcharged stamps
*Ceylon 1903-1920
*Ceylon miscellaneous
*Chamba (India)
*Champion forgeries
*Channel Islands
*Charkhari (India)
*Charki (Aegean Islands)
*Charkov issue (Ukraine)
*Charles van Diemen, Hamburg local
*Chefoo (China)
*Chemnitz (private post Germany)
*Chiapas (Mexico)
*'Chiffre Taxe' and camel (Morocco local issue)
*'Chiffre Taxe' (France Postage Due Stamps)
*Chili 1853-1899
*Chili 1900-1920
*Chili miscellaneous
*Chimarra issue
*China 1878-1893
*China 1894-1897
*China Forgeries of the 1894 issue
*China 1897-1908
*China 1909-1920
*China miscellaneous
*China Local Issues, part 1
*China Local Issues, part 2
*'Chine' on France
*Chinkiang (China)
*Christmas Island
*Chunking (China)
*'C.I.H.S.' or 'C.G.H.S' on German stamps
*City & Suburban Parcel Delivery Bryce (Queensland)
*City Express Messenger
*Clara Rothe stamps
*Clipperton Island
*'C.M.T. on Austria, Rumanian occupation of Galicia
*Coblenz (private post Germany)
*Cochin (India)
*Cocking Parcel Express (South Australia)
*Cocos Islands (or Keeling Islands)
*Cohn (David), stamp reprinter
*Colis Postal (France Railway Parcel Stamps)
*Colln a. E. (private post Germany)
*Coln (private post Germany)
*Colmar (private post Germany)
*Colombia overview
*Colombia 1859-1863
*Colombia 1864-1869
*Colombia 1870-1889
*Colombia 1890-1902
*Colombia 1902 onwards
*Colombia miscellaneous
*Colombia postal stationery and insured letter stamps
*Combe, Green & Co Parcels Express (South Australia)
*Commission fur Retourbriefe (Wurttemberg)
*Comore Islands
*Confederate States of America
*Confederate States Bogus Locals
*Confederate States locals Athens - Greenville
*Confederate States locals Greenwood - Marion
*Confederate States locals Memphis - Nashville
*Confederate States locals New Orleans - Victoria and miscellaneous
*Cook Islands
*Correos Y Telegs
*Correos (with lion, Morocco local)
*'Corfu' on Greece
*'Corfu' on Italy
*'CORREOS 7.1.60. II-III' forged cancels
*'Cos' on Italy
*Costa Rica 1862 issue
*Costa Rica 1883-1920
*Costa Rica miscellaneous
*Cote, E. (Paris stamp printer)
*Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
*Cote Francaise des Somalis
*Courier (private post Germany)
*Craig and Melvin (Canadian stamp dealers)
*Crefeld (private post Germany)
*Crete 1900 issue and overprints
*Crete British office
*Crete 1905 onwards
*Crete miscellaneous
*Cuba On US Stamps
*Cuba 1855-1863 (Spanish Westindies)
*Cuba Postal forgeries of the 1855 issue
*Cuba 1864-1871 (Spanish Westindies)
*Cuba 1873-1879
*Cuba 1880-1890
*Cuba 1899 onwards
*Cuba miscellaneous
*Cucuta (Colombia)
*Cuernavaca (Mexico)
*Mc Culloch & Co Parcel Express (South Australia)
*Cundinamarca (Colombia)
*Curacao, part 1
*Curacao, part 2
*Cyprus 1880-1902
*Cyprus 1903-1920 and miscellaneous
*Czechoslovakia, regular issues
*Czechoslovakia, provisional issues and miscellaneous